
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Storm at sea

Yi Xiaochuan grew up in the hinterland of the Loess Plateau, he has never been to the sea, never seen any large Marine objects, even fish have only seen the ordinary species of adult arm size, this fish can be about the size of a person, now lying on the deck, it appears even larger, and this fish is so large, he looked at it but also a little alarmed.

Unexpectedly, these people do not care, the fish pulled on the boat, and everyone was happy, holding a sharp blade surrounded, chopping on its body, blink of an eye will cut the fish riddled with holes, everyone is holding a fresh and fat fish, into the mouth to chew up, that Duming while eating, while the mouth indistinctly to Yi Xiaochuan way:

"Easy brother! Come and have a taste...It is the most famous sweet fish in the sea, and when eaten raw, it is so delicious that it quenches one's thirst and fills one's stomach."

Yi Xiaochuan still worried, that Guo Xiaoyan and Yi Xiaochuan daily walk quite close, then come to explain, he understood that although the fish is very ferocious, it is the Marine fish can be eaten raw delicacies, if not in the sea, there is no amount of money can not buy.

He looked at the fish on everyone's hands bright red, juicy, fat and smooth, just from the color looks like it will make people's appetite open, but there is a faint smell of strange fragrance coming, can not stand it anymore, also bend down to cut a large piece, put it into the mouth to taste, suddenly full of delicious, when it is really fresh and sweet, fat but not greasy, tender and juicy, the end of the human delicious, and then the index finger moved, And eat as much as they do.

They only eat, after a while, Yi Xiaochuan looked up but suddenly found that the people in a strange extreme golden light, the whole sea into a yellow gold ocean, the water surface has become a lot of sticky, it seems to have become a thick gold soup, looking at, but see the deck, the sail, the rope, the body, all is yellow color, the whole sailing ship is also like gold cast.

The people on the deck are holding fish, or squatting or standing, eating, but they have become a squatting gold statue, but the strange thing is that their action seems not to be affected at all, only to see everyone bow their heads and eat, but not aware of the scene around has become such an amazing image.

Looking further away, I can only see that between heaven and earth as far as the eye can see, the clouds in the sky, the sea water in the distance, and even the birds that fly by inadvertently, etc., have become the color of gold, as if the people with the Great Immortal Fa suddenly painted the whole world with gold.

Yi Xiaochuan was shocked and shouted,

"This... What's the matter with Look at that... We are all golden men." There was great fear in his face.

Listened to his exclamation, suddenly looked around, suddenly sounded a shock price laugh, everyone laughed loudly, even tears, snot are laughing out, that Guo Xiaoyan laughed, while intermittent way:

"Yi Xiaochuan...Ha ha ha...I'm laughing. You haven't seen...Does the sun rise over the sea? ... Ha ha ha, I'm dying of laughter."

'What? It turned out to be a sunrise on the sea, Yi Xiaochuan could not believe his eyes, the world's sunrise on the sea was so amazing, he was very surprised, this sudden golden real is scared him a big jump, can not help but scold: "The world... It's a fucking scary sunrise over the sea."

Suddenly, the whole ship was thrown up heavily, and the people on the deck were caught off guard, and were thrown three meters into the air, and several people who were closer to the side of the ship were thrown into the sea.

The sky darkened for a moment, and the endless clouds rolled in the sky, and the dragon-like lightning roamed back and forth in the clouds, and there was a faint golden light in the clouds as it passed, and in a moment the lightning snaked down from all sides, and pounded the sea, and the deafening thunder echoed through the sea, and the air was filled with an ineffable smell of burning, Immediately pouring rain also came down, the huge rain hit people's heads hurt, eyes can not open.

One second was still watching the sunrise, and the next second they were hit by the rain head pain, the sea climate said to change, but so suddenly.

At this moment, a huge wave came in, the sailboat tilted sharply to the right, almost completely turned over, the deck was perpendicular to the sea, the deck of the ship and everything else on the deck slid to the right, in a disorderly crowd, blocked by the ship's strings, the happy crowd did not have time to react, some of the smiles on their faces have not faded, but have been driven into a corner by the capricious sea, Yi Xiaochuan was at the bottom of the starboard side, with four large buckets full of water on his body.

He had just been thrown into the air by a tremendous force, and had fallen back onto the deck, where the deck was tilting so far that his body rolled like a football.

He was caught by the side of the deck, and without any time to react, he was pressed against him by four large casks that followed him, and his bones seemed to break under the weight, and the water in the cask continued to pour out through the cracks in the cask, soaking him all over.

This bucket is full of fresh water, a few days ago into the sea, the captain ordered Yi Xiaochuan and others in the river, in order to drink on the way, although there are many water resources in the sea, but all are salt water, people can not directly eat.

Yi Xiaochuan was very anxious and trying to get out, but the four buckets he was carrying were really heavy, and his hands did not move when he pushed them. Suddenly he heard a faint cry for help in the great wave.

Looking out through the glistening water flowing between the buckets, he saw a rigging line hanging down from the mastheads, swinging back and forth in the great tsunami, swinging to the left and to the right.

The end of the rope was actually holding a person, with the rope flying back and forth at both ends of the ship, it was like swinging a huge swing, but how wonderful the swing was, at this time, each swing was a narrow escape, each swing was a collapse of the heart.

Yi Xiaochuan was surprised, I don't know how this man got there. The line, one of the most important mainlines in the raising of the sails, hung down from the mast-head and appeared to be extremely long, when at the end the man's face was blue, his eyes were closed for support, his lips were closed, he seemed to be almost unconscious, and it was clear that the cry for help had not come from him...

Looking down again, there was still a person under him, the man's hands each holding the two ankles above a person, the weak cry for help is intermittently issued from the population, then look carefully, the above one is the first mate Du Ming, the next one is the second mate Li Er.

Must be just a sudden change of life, two people were thrown into the air, the boat turned over and they dumped out, Du Ming life and death crisis in the desire to survive nature is extremely strong, hands grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab grab mate Du Ming two ankles.

Two people so dangerous and dangerous hanging on the rope, clinging to things in their hands, dare not relax, they grew up in the sea, although the water is very fine, but also know that in such a situation once fell into the sea, there are ten lives are not enough to die.

Now the storm was more violent, and the sailboat, now to the left, now to the right, swung more violently, and under the pull of the long lines, the two men sometimes swung to the left, flew out extremely far, reached a very high point, high above the masthead, dropped down, swung to the right, and so dangerously flew back and forth over the sea, swinging wildly.

At this moment of life and death, the physical strength of the two people is consumed at an amazing speed every minute, and the Duming above is bearing the weight of the two people, the situation is particularly steep, and will not support at any time.