
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Mr. Wan

Although the room is small, it is also clean and tidy, bed is covered, can wash supplies, it is everything.

As he lay in bed, a warm feeling arose in his heart, which was not experienced in the wild, no matter how comfortable he slept in the wild, it was difficult to really settle in his heart, because this is not a place to stay after all, where will go tomorrow, I am afraid that he can not completely ignore in his heart, so he lost the feeling of home.

But here, his heart is greatly at ease, because he knows that he will live here for a long time, and he does not have to worry about the future of tomorrow, nor do he have to worry about where the next meal will land, just like a rootless duckweed suddenly takes root in a place, which is the feeling of home.

He had never lost before, he did not know what he had, and now he had lost it again, and this feeling was precious.

However, the reality does not allow him to enjoy quietly, after a while, suddenly "creak" a sound, the door was opened, Yi Xiaochuan was startled, looking at the door, it is the white beard old man standing at the door.

But he did not enter, but closed his eyes and stretched his neck, his nose wrinkled, his nostrils slightly open, as if he were sniffing something hard.

He was secretly wondering, this old man opened the door and did not enter, I do not know what he was hearing.

Yi Xiaochuan smiled and said,"I'm going to Bagua Gate, and you're on my way, so you can do some work on the ship, but when I get to my destination, how about we end the employment relationship?"

Du Lao SAN smiled and said,"No problem, young man, you want to learn kung fu at the Gate of Eight trigrams?" Yi Xiaochuan smiled and refused to confirm or deny.

Just then, a white-bearded old man carrying a huge bundle went on deck, and I do not know what it contained, from which a strange smell wafted out. The burden was so great that he was carrying it on his back, and he was dressed in a grey cloth, which was clean, faded and white in places, and his face was red, and the wrinkles of age were deep in his face, and he looked very amiable.

He looked at the two men and asked Du, tentatively:

"Are you the captain?"

I heard you could use some help here. I'm here to apply.

"Du Lao SAN asked,"Old man, you have reached the age of needing people to take care of you, how can you still come out to make a living? What do you do?"

The old man put the bundle aside, excitedly stretched out his hands, and said to the captain:

"I can do a lot of things, medical skills, acupuncture, cooking..."

He went on and on, in case the captain wouldn't take him.

Yi Xiaochuan smiled on his face and gently walked away to see the sunrise on the deck, he knew that the ship was so short of people, the captain would certainly leave him.

At this time, the rising sun, the red giant golden wheel will be soft light sprinkled to the world, the river waves, reflecting a bit of dazzling gold, reflected on the deck, sail, people face are ripbling with gold light, everywhere shining gold halo, Yi Xiaochuan heart rose a great joy, I can not think of the world's river sunrise is such a magnificent scenery.

What about the sunrise over the sea? It must be ten thousand times more beautiful than here, and the thought that he would soon go to the blue sea to enjoy such a view filled his mind.

So long immersed in this exotic scenery can not be self-dial.

I do not know how long it was before he turned around, and indeed saw the captain walking towards the barn with the old man with the white beard, presumably to arrange accommodation for him, followed by a monk in a black robe, presumably another recruit.

"Ha ha! The old man with white beard suddenly shouted,"I smelled this smell from the deck just now, and I thought there was something wrong with my nose, but it seems not... Yup! There's definitely something very interesting here. What is it? Oh my goodness! I can't remember... No, let me sniff it and see what it is.

" After saying this, he closed his eyes, stretched his neck forward, shook his head back and forth, and his nostrils opened and closed, making a loud breathing sound.

He smelled for a moment, as if he had caught some smell, and with a look of surprise and joy, he slowly followed the smell into the room.

Yi Xiaochuan see this person move strange, can not help but also suck two noses, but nothing smell.

I saw that the old man sometimes left smell, sometimes right smell, constantly pursuing the scent of the trail, while walking in, with a husky and rapid voice:

"This scent is so fragrant, it must have a good source, but what is it?"

Oh my goodness! I've smelled it before, I can't be wrong, bad, bad, really can't remember."

Stretched out his hand to scratch his head, and appeared to be extremely dazed, but he refused to open his eyes, and the more he smelled the deeper into the room, the closer he was to Yi Xiaochuan.

Yi Xiaochuan was lying on the bed at this time, see the old man stretched his neck, bent down to close his eyes, about to bury his face in his chest, this scene is very strange, have to shrink to the bed, did not expect that an old face immediately followed. Yi Xiaochuan heart can not help but a joy, whispered:

"Do you want to eat milk?" But I didn't!"

After waiting for a long time, the man still will smell the smell of his chest, frowning carefully distinguish, but partial and refused to open his eyes, Yi Xiaochuan really could not help it, gently asked:

"What is the situation?" The old man with white beard was startled and said,"Hey! There's someone in the room?"

Yi Xiaochuan smiled:"Of course someone, if you are willing to open your eyes would have seen me."

The old man with the white beard said,"I don't bother to open my eyes. The nose is actually more useful than the eyes."

Yi Xiaochuan laughed again:

"Although the nose is very useful, but the eyes are also indispensable, both are very important, God gives you a pair of eyes, why do you so despise it?"

The old man said disdainfully,

"Although the eyes are useful, they are no better than the nose."

I can see you here with my eyes, but I know nothing of your past, and with my nose! Well, that's a lot.

You slept out in the open last night, you had grilled fish this morning, but you didn't finish it, and you had a few in your pocket, and you just got some sun, didn't you? ... Besides, I know you have this on you."

The last sentence just finished, the old man with white beard very quickly reached out his hand in Yi Xiaochuan's chest, grabbed the three-leaf Zhi out, and then opened his eyes, smiled and looked at Yi Xiaochuan, followed by a look at the things in his hands, suddenly realized:

"Oh!" No wonder I didn't smell it. I had never seen it before, but I had read a description of its smell in a book.

Indeed, I was worried for a long time, and thought I was old and useless, and my memory was failing."

He seemed pleased at the return of his memory, and his face was pleased, but then he wondered,

"No, this thing is supposed to be useful at the root, but useless at the branches, so what are you doing with it?" Is the root also in you?"

Then he shook his head:

"No, I would have smelled it."

Wancai King said,"The root of this thing is very magical, but you are holding useless branches and leaves, why is this?"

Yi Xiaochuan then briefly explained how to pick up something in the mountains, and said that many kung fu masters had started two vicious fights because of Sanyezhi, and then asked:

"Mr. Wan, everyone is salivating for this Sanyezhi, but what is the use of this thing, I do not understand, I would like to ask you to teach me something?"