
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Rescue sb.

One huge wave after another was billowing back and forth under their feet, issuing a deafening roar, licking their bodies greedily, as if a bloodthirsty beast had opened its mouth, waiting for them to fall.

Yi Xiaochuan had the heart to save people, suffering from being pressed by four large barrels and unable to move, just as the sailboat fell to the other side, the barrel rolled to the opposite side like a rolling gourd, and the following Yi Xiaochuan exposed, he was light, followed by rollover, also rolled to the opposite side, quickly supported by four limbs, finally stabilized the body, got up and stumbled to the two people ran, He ran for a few steps, suddenly a huge wave jumped on the deck, he was not prepared, was knocked to the ground.

The foaming water pushed him forward, and when it touched the side of the boat, it rolled back and forth, so that he was constantly moving back and forth in the boat, and his hands were scratching and dancing in the water, trying to hold on to something to steady his body, but he could not do it.

A larger wave came on board again, pushing Yi Xiaochuan even more violently into the boat, Yi Xiaochuan drank a belly full of water.

He had choked several times, and his lungs were about to burst, when the water rushed forward with such great speed that the current was so strong that he knew that if he did not grasp something early this time, he would rush over the side of the ship with the water and fall into the sea.

Seeing the passage of the cabin, at this critical moment, both hands caught the door frame, the violent sea rushed his feet off the ground, the body sideways, he clenched his teeth, almost even the strength of milk made out, so as not to be washed into the sea.

At this time, the sailboat was swinging violently from side to side, and the waist-deep water was rushing in and out of the boat, so that he did not dare to let go, and through this time, he could see the state of the boat.

Captain Du Laosan, holding an iron ring on the side of the ship in one hand and a barrel in the other hand, desperately scooped the water on board the ship to the sea.

Eyes red and eyes full of grief and anger, his mouth twisted and twisted as though he was cursing the awful weather to himself, but the cursing was covered up by the roar of the waves and Yi Xiaochuan could not hear it.

The sailor Wu Xiao clung to the bottom of the mast, and the sea rushed frantically back and forth, like a fierce animal that kept rushing at him, so that he screamed and cried in his voice; The helmsman Cui Jie, his eyes wide with rage, gripped the helm with both hands, his face flushed; Sailors Guo Yan, Guo Xiaoyan father and son on the other side of the cabin, they are holding on to the window frame, in the upper mast ladder is a fierce argument; And the first mate and second mate on the sail line, at this time has been unaware of life and death, grasping things in the hand only by survival instinct, and the mouth no longer makes a sound, which can be seen to the brink of collapse.

Yi Xiaochuan heart is very anxious, really want to rush up to Guo Xiaoyan, Guo Yan father and son two people severely beat up, this critical moment, of course, is to save the urgent, this moment is arguing about what, he from the side around the side, at this time also do not theory with them, the two people live next to a push, will climb to the mast.

That Guo Yan can not be divided, a push him away, dead hold the ladder entrance, prevent Yi Xiaochuan climbing the mast. Yi Xiaochuan furious: "This person is also vicious, don't go to save yourself, but hold the channel to stop others to save." I wanted to attack immediately.

That Guo Xiaoyan also shouted in the deafening waves: "Don't go to save people, it will be too late."

Guo Yan heard this, can not help but say forehand and backhand two big slaps, hit Guo Xiaoyan cheek high swollen, with a voice almost roaring anger: "This also use you say more, less worry about this, should not be tube, go up is the situation of a near-death life."

He looked at Guo Xiaoyan and Yi Xiaochuan, a face of extreme anger, and shouted: "You are still young, there is still a good time in the future... Don't nobody take it from me."

Then he turned and climbed up, leaving the two stunned.

The violent sea water constantly shocks Yi Xiaochuan and Guo Xiaoyan's body, beating their bones and bones to break, two people are still unaware, as if this body is not their own general, since Guo Yan on the mast at that moment, their two hearts will follow up.

Yi Xiaochuan heart sour quite bad, this is such a sinister world, there is also such a sacrifice of human things, this period of time, he has seen too many people sinister, at the moment for the first time to feel the warmth of the world.

Guo Yan along the violent shaking of the mast continued to climb up, climbing higher and higher, huge waves, wind, pouring rain, dragon like huge lightning, deafening thunder, all show the incomparable power of nature, that Guo Yan on it is as small as ants, shaking, as if at any time to be swallowed by this shocking image, the following two people's hearts are in the throat.

He reached the top, slowly released his hand, and slowly walked along the crossbar of the mast, his hands stretched out to both sides to maintain his balance, and the wind, rain, thunder, lightning, and tsunami became more powerful and emitted more amazing forces, and the situation was so dangerous that any unexpected shake might make him fall.

He reached the end of the ship unharmed, grabbed the rope, returned to the way he had come, and slid slowly down the mast, which he held in his hand, that he was going down in some way, that it was getting shorter in some way, that by the time he was halfway up the mast, the ropes were cut in some way, and that the two men were not swaying about the ship at the end as they had done before.

Yi Xiaochuan and Guo Xiaoyan looked at the opportunity, they will seize the rescue down, saw Du Ming and Li er already dead, the reason is still holding the rope has not fallen, purely because of the instinct to survive, two people dare not delay, the first mate, second mate into the cabin safe place, and busy out to help others.

This rescue of the two people on the brink of despair, the hearts of the ship, although the wind and waves are as big as before, but in the eyes of the people seem to be much smaller, slow to find a variety of containers in the ship, the sea water on the deck to scoop out. Many people are powerful, every second there are a few buckets of water were thrown out, the less water in the boat, the more it can not hinder, the resistance of the people to do things is much smaller, they can give full rescue, coupled with the wind and waves at this time is slowly smaller, the disaster will be seen to pass.

Everyone began to breathe a sigh of relief at this time, the sea air said change, sudden, fortunately before the sail did not rise, otherwise the fruit is unimaginable.

This afternoon, Captain Du Lao SAN with all the losses, in addition to the loss of 30 barrels of water on the deck, the stern of the board loose, broke a big hole, nothing else, no wonder when the ship suddenly appeared so much sea water.

The weather was calm, the hole was still above sea level, it was not flooded, it could easily be repaired, and the loss of the thirty barrels of water was not considered a matter of urgency, since there was still plenty of fresh water in the hold; Second, there are a few days of travel along the coast to the north, along the port is very many, then supplies are.

As for the personnel, there are no casualties, can be described as the misfortune of the lucky, the first mate, the second mate rescued, some headache fever, think is caused by high altitude wind plus nervous, has taken medicine to sleep early.

Since then, the wind has been calm for several days, and they have sailed safely north, but Guo Yan has been ill since he saved the two people, and he has become more and more sick after ten days.

Yi Xiaochuan sleeps next door to Guo father and son, and can always hear Guo Yan's cough coming through the wall at night, coughing all night long.

Wan material king is extremely understanding of the world plants, it is also quite through medicine, but the ship is not everything, together with the situation of medicinal materials on the ship, opened a few medicine prescriptions, let Guo Xiaoyan fried, to Guo Yan, even drink for a few days, three times a day, but also did not improve.

Captain Du respects him to sacrifice himself for others, he is not allowed to work with illness, asked the chef to stew chicken, fish and other supplements to its tonic, the first mate, the second mate to repay the grace of saving lives, the daily service after the saddle.

Yi Xiaochuan since also grateful to him that day to stop their own adventure, leisure will also go to visit, serve some.

Although everyone on the ship is the bottom of the society, they are kindhearted people, know Guo Yan a few days ago, and know that the recent body discomfort, are empty to visit concerns.

However, his illness has not improved, coughing all day and all night, during the day if the sun is better, Guo Xiaoyan will help him on the deck, sitting in the chair in the sun, his cheeks will soon be a sick red, until more than half a month, Guo Yan's disease situation has improved.