
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Going on board to work

Yi Xiaochuan asked the direction of the bagua gate, headed east for half a month, all the way hungry, picking wild fruits or playing some game to satisfy his hunger, at night he sought some cave or farm wheatgrass crenel, into the rest, due to a long time failed to encounter the river wash, the whole person became filthy, the face was black as coal, the dirt on the clothes was a large chunk, By the sun during the day, it became a bright shiny shell, almost like armor, and long hair tangled over the head, like a homeless person.

This line of half a month, this day went to a small town, met several small thugs on the street, the dozen people see him as an outsider, but also a homeless, which will put him in the eyes.

They are used to making trouble and seeking revenge, and when they see such a soft persimmon, they can not resist? Immediately came forward to provoke, a dozen people surrounded him, to push and drink abuse.

Yi Xiaochuan know each other deliberately find fault, alone in a strange place encounter this matter, but it is not a small trouble, when really called every day should not, called the ground is not working.

He spoke well of each other, smiled and apologized (God knows where he offended the other side), and the other side saw him so, knowing that this person was afraid of things, even less daring and powerless, and the only bit of caution in his heart was gone, and immediately greeted him with fists and feet.

Although Yi Xiaochuan fought back, how could he reach the other side, he was knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye, and the soles of his fists and feet rained on his body, so he had to protect his head and face with his arms, and his body shrank into a mass, suffering silently.

The men kicked and beat him for a long time before they dispersed laughing.

Although he was not seriously injured in this beating, his body was covered with fist marks, and for a moment he could not stand up, and his eyes were swollen as if he had been stung by a bee.

Some kind people saw him lying on the road, filthy, with blood on his face, thinking that he was a beggar, and put some copper plates in front of him.

He lay dizzy until the sun was about to go down before he woke up, and used the dozen copper plates to buy a few white steamed buns to satisfy his hunger.

Then to the east, through the town, was blocked by a big river, riverside people, boats bustling, was actually a lively non-Kawagawa wharf, saw everyone busy in the dock, sailboats constantly up and down, carrying sacks, boxes and other items, think is in the loading and unloading of goods.

It was almost dark now, and in the distance there were boats and boats coming in and out of the river. It was really busy. Yi Xiaochuan in this world for the first time to see everyone do their jobs, orderly work lively scene.

Looks like the town grew because of the pier. The river is about three or four miles wide, the water is very clear, there are many fat fish, on the other side of the river is a lush forest.

Yi Xiaochuan in the river fishing bath, fire cooking, busy after, it has been all dark, then fell asleep, the next day just at dawn, they were on the dock of the noisy sound woke up, looked up, the original people have begun to work, immediately dressed to find a job again.

The clothes he had washed last night were now dry, he was neatly dressed, and he washed his face again, looking much more lively, and no one could believe that he was a homeless tramp.

As he turned around the pier, he was trying to ask a captain if he needed any more hands, when he suddenly found a crowd of people around the northeast corner of the pier, all with long necks stretched out, looking at the wall in front of him.

What is on the wall, but it is blocked by the back of these dozens of people, Yi Xiaochuan can not see.

He approached to see that it was a notice board, seems to have posted what important news, curious under the crowd squeezed into a look, not by great joy, the original is the dock posted a job announcement, recruitment of porters, helmsman, sailors and other work, the bottom line with the location of the application: dock No. 7 ship deck.

He thought anyway to the door, it is better to go up and ask what is the situation, in the distance still do not feel, at the moment approached to watch, Yi Xiaochuan only feel that the ship is surprisingly large, and strong, is a good ship that can ride the wind and waves, sailing out to sea.

The captain, named Du Lao SAN, saw that there was no one left in a good ship, and he was worried about himself. He was afraid that he could not recruit anyone today.

Suddenly, Yi Xiaochuan stepped onto the deck, and with joy in his heart, he greeted him and said, "Young man, what job do you need?"

Yi Xiaochuan said:

"porters, sailors can, you work here how pay?"

Du Lao three looks a happy, said:"Young man! What do you say to this?

Thirty coppers a month for the porters and forty coppers a month for the sailors, and the porters only use them when the ship is near the dock, and the sailors only use them when the ship is on the move, so that the working hours are just so different, that you could do both, and earn seventy coppers a month."

Yi Xiaochuan said,

"Yes, but I just heard them say that the ship is about to leave and won't come back for a long time, where is it going and how long is it going to be?"

The captain's face was full of joy, for fear of offending Yi Xiaochuan, and he said,

"This river five hundred miles to the east is the East Sea, and three days later we will go down the river and enter this sea, and then march northwest across the whole continent and across the 'Sea of the world' to transport grain to the distant Western empire."

What do you say, young man, how would you like to go with me to the endless Sea of the world and have a great sailing adventure? It's a place full of amazing creatures, amazing countries, and things you can't even imagine. It's the perfect place for a young man like you who wants to explore the world."

Yi Xiaochuan followed the pile of people to apply, the ship that needed to recruit workers was extremely prominent in the many ships, because there were a lot of people standing on the deck, they were listening to a figure who looked like a captain in front of them, and there were a lot of people who were walking from the drawbridge to the deck, it seemed that they were people who needed work. There are many people looking for work, Yi Xiaochuan heart can not help but some worry, do not know how many hands the captain needs, he can be selected.

He counted from left to right, and the boat was exactly seventh, no wonder it was number seven.

The captain did not know what to say, and the people who had been quietly listening dispersed with a bang, broke out into discontent protests, and walked to the shore, as if the captain put forward what the people were difficult to accept, even don't work.

When he got closer, he heard someone say faintly:

"Only thirty coppers a month? It's only a fool to go out on a ship."

"Yes! Everyone has a wife and children to support, and can't leave for a long time."

"Money is not enough to say, but let everyone go to the 'sea of the world' with you, that is... Oomph! Don't you want me to die?"

Yi Xiaochuan this group has gone to the suspension bridge, a heard to go to the field, are feeling difficult to accept, stopped shaking his head, talk to each other, even the ship does not go, directly beat a retreat, an instant to go only Yi Xiaochuan a person.

Yi Xiaochuan also went down with the ship, the captain had arranged a room for him, was to live with the old man with a white beard, once he came to the cabin, he saw the old man in the distant corridor with the captain, the first mate, the second mate chatting hot, did not think that the old man in such a short time with the people on the ship, Yi Xiaochuan smiled and shook his head, back to his room.