
The Line of the Fall

Chester Vegner A person who found a glimmer of hope in his hopeless life, was extinguished years later by others, who was saved by the time paradox before he fell into a coma in the hospital after many years of finding revenge. Even though time had changed, he was still seeking revenge. Then he suddenly found himself on a planet no one even knew existed, meters above the ground, about to crash. On this magical planet full of strange half-humanoids, he will make extraordinary friends, overcome the problems that come his way with the power of friendship and friendship, and help those in need for free - I would like to say, but none of this will happen. He will somehow survive on this magical medieval hellhole, using people for his own ends if necessary. He will look for ways to get back to where he came from. Everyone who stands in his way will either move aside or lie bleeding on the ground with a hole in their head. If you are looking for a hero in your story, you are in the wrong place. Because for Chester, being a good guy doesn't pay off. There is only one thing that has sustained him through this whole journey. To be the absolute darkness of those who take away his light, even if they no longer exist.

Sariserpito · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 - Last Day On Earth

Chester wasn't surprised. After seeing the armour, he thought he would wear it himself. What surprised him was that this armour was a state treasure and that a person would gain enough power to be worth an army.And he didn't know where they got his DNA.During his hospitalization, as he lay unconscious and face down on the hospital bed, he had thought about what he might have taken.Some flaws in the armor that were not improved could also lead to his death. At worst, he thought, the gate would get out of control and swallow him.

"I thought there were restrictions on military spending. And doesn't the world consist of a single state? What's with the super armour?"

There was some truth in Chester's words. Lenin confirmed with his facial expressions that he had the same thoughts. The most of the other people in the room were the people involved in the development of the armour, and they had been ordered to build the armour in a short time without being informed about it. In short, no one in the room knew the answer to this question except Ann.Sweat was pouring down Ann's forehead, she knew the answer, but her expression showed that she didn't want to say it.At first, she mumbled something as if she wanted to avoid the question.

But she finally gave up and decided to tell me. She sighed deeply.

"Obviously, since this mine fell as a meteorite, the amount we have is only 29 kilograms. This mine is highly unstable and consumes a lot of energy when it is desired to produce something for a limited time. But we realised that this element made it possible for us to build the antimatter focuser. When we calculated that all 29 kilograms of the 29 kilograms had to be used to create the focuser, it occurred to us that this could be a strong portable fortress, Nail Carpenter made such a proposal to the Assembly of Continents"

Now everything was becoming clear. However, it means that only one piece of this armour can be produced.If there were no more of this substance, it would not be able to have a direction-changing effect in the war. It wasn't necessary anyway.Everyone was living in peace, only a few terrorists were causing trouble left and right, and then they were wiped out within two hours.

"This product is a waste of money. If no more than one could be produced, then it was not supposed to be done. You should have left it in storage and tried to make it serve a different field with experiments.Sometimes, even I question whether there is a need to spend money on weapon development in this world. If there's no other reason for me to stay here, I'm leaving."

Lenin got up from his seat, said something to himself, and left the room with quick steps. Nothing but one word was understood.

"Nonsense bullshit."

Ann stood there with her mouth open. The fact that one of the people who should have done the promotion called his efforts nonsense left him with many mixed emotions such as disappointment and anger. What she hoped for was praise for his and his colleagues' achievements.Ann pulled herself together and tried to hide her surprise.

She explained the technical details of the armour for a while longer.

"Any questions?"

Nobody had anything to say. Everybody was left dumbfounded by the General.And finally, silence filled the room.Chester knew that Lenin had criticised harshly, but he was also right. In a peaceful world without war, it was foolish to waste such a special resource. He also wanted to say something, but now was not the time and place.

"I'll end the meeting here then, Chester, we need you to try on the armour. Follow me."

Chester was following Ann. After a short three-minute walk, they came to a door. Ann opened the door and they went inAnn had brought Chester into a kind of room, or rather a laboratory in the shape of a room. The room was full of various things, measuring instruments, weights, treadmills and other unrelated things.Right in front of Chester stood the armour that would be the cause of all these events and at the same time make him a super soldier.Chester immediately put on the armour. Two seconds later, he heard a sound.A mechanical sound.

The armour was constantly changing shape, trying to find the appropriate range of values for Chester. Suddenly he felt something sticking into his back. It didn't hurt much, but it made him a little angry.

"The armor just stabbed me in the back. What is the meaning of this?"

"The armor will be learning about your Body and supporting it. You should be able to hear it right now."

"What do I need to hear? all I can hear are mechanical clicks...."

Someone was calling out to him.

It sounded like it was coming from inside his head, an artificial sound.

"The armor SGSZ-203 AI Mag is ready for this unit."

"A voice in my head is talking to me."

"This was the artificial intelligence I told you about. Only you can hear it. If you don't want to of course. This increases its functionality in undercover missions. "

"This armor speaks, but where is the artificial intelligence of the armor? If I can learn about his weaknesses about the armor, it will allow me to protect him in possible situations. "

"In fact, it uses your brain as artificial intelligence.

The quantum processor injected into your brain with the help of your spinal cord and took over your unconscious, which you couldn't use. It's easier to use real brains than it is to make a very powerful processor, and..."

Chester easily lifted Ann, holding her by the throat with his left hand. Now all he thought was to strangle this crazy woman once and for all.

"You should know that it's not nice to turn someone into a lab rat especially without warning."

He dropped Ann hard on the ground. She started coughing.

"If there's something I don't know in secret, tell me now. I won't like it if I find out myself later.

I'm sure you won't like it either. "

Chester regained control and calmed down. Actually, he wasn't really angry, but he wanted to use this opportunity to intimidate, to be informed about everything.

Ann was terrified. She did not expect such a reaction. She was out of breath, and after breathing on the ground for a while, she pulled himself together and stood up. She tried to pretend that nothing had happened. The day was not going well at all.

"Since you were the first to try on the armor, most things work in theory, but you have to try them all. So I can make software improvements. The armor will likewise be rearranging itself to keep up with you. First, try lifting that 900-kilogram block of iron. "

Chester approached the iron block. The armor had now made itself very large. He felt like a giant. He started lifting the block.

"It's like I'm lifting a box out of cardboard. It feels pretty light. "

"Mag, send me the performance report."

Ann was examining the data from the tablet in her hand. He had been interested in the tablet for about a minute. Then he turned to Chester.

"The armor will always remain in its most balanced state. In extreme cases, the armour will readjust itself and change its shape as before, in order to do the job that needs to be done to the best of its ability. We are currently testing its limits, so it is quite normal for the armor to change its shape non-stop. "

"In theory, you should be able to lift twelve tons, but according to the tests, you can lift up to ten tons. Keep it in the back of your mind. "

"Now let's try the most interesting part of the Armor, I want you to make me a weapon, Chester."

"First you need to tell me how to do this."

"All right, just imagine a gun in your mind and try to pull it off the focuser on your right arm, Mag will help you"

"When the specified conditions are fulfilled, pull the object produced from the panel."

Chester imagined a Beretta for the sake of simplicity.Suddenly, the panel in his right hand opened and he saw the hologram of the weapon he had imagined. He started pulling her out of there with his hand.His left hand suddenly glowed with red-purple light. That light was blindingly bright. However, since his vision was provided by various cameras and sensors, he was not affected.He was holding a pistol in his hand. The weight, the look, and the feel were the same. He quickly disassembled the pistol.It was perfect. Chester thought he had the power. Now, if he wanted, he could slaughter everyone in this facility and escape, then print anything he needed and seek revenge without being tied to anyone. There was no more point in standing in the army.

He was planning to smuggle the armour after the tests were over.



The armor had suddenly warned him in a menacing voice. It was probably a precaution to prevent such a thing from happening.He wondered why she hadn't stopped her from strangling Ann just now. Perhaps he had already found one of the prototype's weaknesses.Armor cared more about the property of the state than its people. Or because what he was doing was a sudden movement, he didn't have time to stop him.

Ann looked quite happy. After all, she was seeing his hard work paying off.

"For the next tests, Mag, I want you to send me the reports"

"I need to ask you something. Where's Professor Nail?

I thought he would be at this meeting too, but he wasn't there. I noticed it during the meeting, but I couldn't tell because the time wasn't right. "

The happiness on Ann's face suddenly vanished from her face. She had a serious attitude. She looked a little nervous, too.

"After he made the suggestion, he left a file with a bunch of blueprints on how to make the armor and then disappeared. We never heard from him again. "

The situation seemed rather suspicious.He thought that after such a proposal, there were exchanges of ideas and scientific trivia about how the project would be carried out, that a rough plan was made and that this draft was added to and reached its current form.But according to what she said, Nail gave the plans in advance as if he already knew how to do it. Ann had just mentioned a file, but he didn't think she would tell her the contents of the file. If he pushed too hard, he would probably either lie or squeeze Ann's throat again to intimidate her, and then Mag would kill because of "misunderstanding".He gave up trying.Chester, in turn, was going through all the tests. The tests lasted about seven hours. When he came to the end, Ann was going through the experiment report. There was a table.The table showed its maximum limits. It was astonishing.

He thought he was no longer human.

Maximum Speed,Maximum jump height,Maximum fall height that can be withstood,Maximum durability,Minimum and maximum temperature that can be withstoodAnd many others…

He was reading quickly. It had unimaginable limits.They had finished all the tests.

Except one; Portal Master Device

"Now we have one last test left."

Ann pressed a set of combination using the tablet in her hand. A platform rose from the ground.He thought he was going to ask Chester to jump there, but they had done this experiment before.

"Try to get a portal in there.

I want you to pretend with your hand that you're tearing a bag of chips. As you do this, imagine the end of the platform. Mag will help you as usual. "

"Understood. You might want to step back a little. "

Chester found the analogy odd, but he understood it.Ann stepped back a little and Chester started to do as she said.Now a black, purple and red light was emanating from both hands.He had a hard time opening it, but in the end, he had succeeded. The inside of the gate was not visible. It was quite dark inside, his eyes were straining to look at. Instead of entering, Chester threw the gun he had made during the test into the passage. Then a rattle was heard. The gun fell on the platform above. Indeed, the gate was operational.Once again Ann had the expression 'I succeeded' on her face. Seven hours later, after a depressing questioning spree from Chester, this success seemed like medicine to him.When he saw the gun pass through the gate without any trouble, he entered himself afterwards. He was dizzy after entering. His whole perception was confused. He was a little stunned, but he came out safely or in one piece without losing any limbs.Chester was relieved to come out alive. Alive and in one piece.But his happiness did not last long. Suddenly, the lights in the room he was in went out. Immediately afterwards, the siren started to sound. The room was suddenly filled with the siren's flashing red-orange light and deafening sound.

"There seems to be a problem."

Chester had no idea what was going on, but Ann probably knew what the siren was.

"Mag, close the gate quickly! The reactor is releasing energy. You must close the gate before the energy surge reaches here. I don't know how this will affect the gate, but I'm sure it will. We have about 7 seconds! "

He had only half-heard it because of the siren. Ann seemed quite agitated. After entering a series of commands into the computer next to the door, she pulled the handle. Chester didn't know what it was for If what she said was true, She didn't know what was going to happen to him. What could happen to Chester as he stress-tests in an experimental suit of armor? He didn't want to learn answer of this question.

"ERROR. Automatic controls are disabled. Manual handling is active. "

Chester was trying to close the gate the opposite way he'd opened it. But every time he managed to escape from a torn place, in addition to being in a hurry, he always returned to the beginning because of the inexperience of doing it for the first time. He was trying to close a quantum wormhole with his hand

In the end, something shook him. He was probably hit by the energy wave Ann was talking about. He had not succeeded in time. The gate was getting out of control.

The gate had already swallowed his right hand and was pulling it in. Chester was struggling, but the gate was pulling on him much more strongly. He had struggled for a long time. But his struggle was in vain.Eventually the portal swallowed it whole, and soon afterwards it closed, bringing great destruction to the room.

Ann stared in shock.

She took out a broken stick of cigarette from his lab coat and lit it.

"So much for my career. "I'm done"

Not only had they lost one of the few soldiers in the world, but all their years of hard work had disappeared. Nail was supposed to be blamed for all this, but since he had disappeared, the responsibility now rested with Ann.Ann couldn't hold back her tears and began to cry. All this sense of responsibility and failure was overwhelming him.

Chester couldn't see around him in the gate. He could only feel himself drifting in some kind of dark room. The gate was exerting a very strong force on him. He was slowly losing consciousness.

Eventually, Chester fainted. He had now become a helpless and unconscious human being swept across space and time.