
The Line of the Fall

Chester Vegner A person who found a glimmer of hope in his hopeless life, was extinguished years later by others, who was saved by the time paradox before he fell into a coma in the hospital after many years of finding revenge. Even though time had changed, he was still seeking revenge. Then he suddenly found himself on a planet no one even knew existed, meters above the ground, about to crash. On this magical planet full of strange half-humanoids, he will make extraordinary friends, overcome the problems that come his way with the power of friendship and friendship, and help those in need for free - I would like to say, but none of this will happen. He will somehow survive on this magical medieval hellhole, using people for his own ends if necessary. He will look for ways to get back to where he came from. Everyone who stands in his way will either move aside or lie bleeding on the ground with a hole in their head. If you are looking for a hero in your story, you are in the wrong place. Because for Chester, being a good guy doesn't pay off. There is only one thing that has sustained him through this whole journey. To be the absolute darkness of those who take away his light, even if they no longer exist.

Sariserpito · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 - Freefall to the New World

Chester woke up after a while.

He suddenly saw himself in the sky, forty meters above the ground.

It was falling right in the center of a settlement. He took a quick look around. The tallest thing around it was a bell tower. He knew if he didn't do something soon, they'd have to scrape his body out of the ground. But he could not move and orientate himself in the air.


Chester's vision suddenly darkened.It was as if he was looking outwards from far away, through a dark tunnel. He had also lost control of his body for some unknown reason. The armour seemed to take over his body, telling him to wait in a corner. He was waiting desperately. His body immediately made a grappling hook and fired it towards the belfry, which he sped past. At such a height and speed, even the most experienced soldier would have missed his shot, but somehow he managed to attach his hooked rope to the left column of the bell tower close to him. His shot was perfect. Chester was now preparing to hit into the tower instead of crashing to the ground. Just when he thought he had more chances to live, made another unexpected move, grazed the right wall of the bell tower and started to rise again. As soon as he was at the same height as the bell tower, he let go of the hook and leapt towards the plain under the bell. He was saved. And what's even more marvelous is that he did it by landing on two feet. He felt like an acrobat. Suddenly, his vision returned to normal and a voice began to echo in his head.


Immediately after hearing the voice, Chester fell to his knees. All his joints were in pain, he felt as if a mob had beaten him to death and then stabbed him on top of it. For some unknown reason, the stone floor on which he was standing was covered in blood. He was in so much pain that he did not know how serious the source of the bleeding could be. If it was a serious injury, he had to stop it somehow. If it was a minor injury, he could make something up and make it right.

"A capillary in your left arm has split in two. But don't worry, I reattached your severed vein and then I made a small hole in your left arm to drain the blood trapped between your vein and your skin. Then I safely evacuated the extra blood.The haemorrhage is around 600 ml."

This voice was quite different from the AI in the facility. She also called him as if she were his military buddy and took over his body for a short time.He was angry after this unauthorized act. But at the same time, he knew that if he hadn't been captured in midair by the armor, he wouldn't have been able to pull off such an acrobatic and life-saving maneuver. He preferred to sulk instead of getting angry. Although she said he lost a small amount of blood, almost a unit of blood was gone from his body.

Chester was trying to make sense of his situation. He was out of breath. Each time, the words came out of his mouth in stutters.

"I don't know how did you possessed me, nothing like this had ever been mentioned before at the facility. And you didn't talk like that before."

"I am also aware that I speak differently, but this warping in space and time has also affected my systems.Fortunately i have only have minor problems like this. As for how I acquired it, another feature of this armor is to take its place in extremely dangerous or difficult situations that are too much for the user to handle. I guess Professor Ann didn't want to tell you because it was a trial. This system has 2 different protocols

'Edge of Darkness'

'Peak of Darkness'

I'll intervene alongside your actions on the edge of darkness,You still have some control over your body. You might think that I can change the direction of your leg, which is about to enter the pit, without you noticing.Even though I have my limits to not hurt you, it seems to be a rather painful experience.Because of this, one of the veins in his arm was severed throughout. It was only because I took control. "

He thought that the reason it was called the edge of darkness was due to visual impairment. He had thought that he would probably be blind at the peak of darkness.Despite the negative factors Chester loved this system that could be used in emergencies.After all it was better to have a few broken parts and internal bleeding in various parts than to die.

He asked another question, out of breath.

"And the other protocol, Peak of Darkness, how does it work?"

"Unlike Edge of Darkness, there is no limit to your body in this protocol. You get into a situation where you can hurt yourself, but you don't feel pain. In war, all unnecessary organs become completely inoperable. Each fiber of the muscles is working at full efficiency. This gives you,mean me super speed and power. The control of hormones passes to me. Your partial control is being taken away by me.There are a few other features, but i cannot read right now. I won't know what it is until I try.

Prolonged use of the protocol can cause permanent damage, or better - worse - it can kill you. I'll have to correct that mistake. "

Chester actually liked this new way of speaking more.

He found it quite interesting.

"Finally, navigation systems show that we are no longer in the world. Let me answer before you ask the question. I have already checked *five times that my systems are not damaged. We're definitely on another planet. Gravity seems to be less here, something like 0.837. There may be toxic gases or harmful pathogens in the atmosphere, so I advise you not to remove the helmet without analyzing it. Even now, you are breathing with the help of a filter. Frankly, I have no idea how much this filter protects you."

Chester wanted to lie on the floor, but Mag had just said something interesting.

Another planet.

Eventually, he recovered and managed to lean against the column on his right and stand up. It hurt everywhere.He was in pain even when he was on the ground, but now that he was standing, the pain he felt was doubled.He was amazed by what he saw. The buildings in the town looked as if they were from the Middle Ages.Armored people or humanoid creatures walking the streets with swords, wooden wagons pulled by small scaly dinosaurs instead of horses, people walking around in white and blue robes, wearing huge hats, holding flashy sticks that look like they were made of wood in one hand, groups of people holding a book in the other hand, and other strange looking freaks...

"Where the fuck am i ?, what is this ridiculous place?"

"It seems like we're in a fantasy world. Just like in the books. I should take a look at the archive. I think what we should be looking for are fantastic carnage -fairy tale- books. "

Chester had noticed when the armor said it. It was quite similar to the world of different spells and creatures that he had always seen and read about in films and books. It was now possible to see things from some book legends and fairy tales.If anyone else had been in Chester's situation and tried to explain it to him, they would have told him he had too much imagination and then dismissed him.At the moment, he had no knowledge of this world and he did not want to wander down there without information. Since the information in the books consisted of fairy tales, it was difficult to trust their accuracy, and the wrong information could lead to his death.They might think he was crazy and chase him away because a seemingly right action was wrong, or a giant might throw him aside after chewing him like gum in the middle of the street. Fortunately, he had not yet seen a giant roaming the street. But that didn't mean he wouldn't see it.

Right now, for Chester, knowledge was power.

He knew that a little observation would be in his favor. He looked around a little at first. The whole city was surrounded by huge walls. Even the bell tower on which it stood, which was about the height of a 4-storey building, was not even half as tall as the huge city walls.Right in front of it was a huge palace built on a hill. If this was a kingdom, the king probably lived in the huge palace opposite.To his right was a flood of people. It was probably a marketplace, and he could have gone there later to get information. His left side was quite calm. But the houses were more of a luxury. It was likely to be a neighborhood of wealthy people. Eventually, he looked back. Surrounded by a huge wall, this city had a gateway. Other than that, he couldn't see anything interesting, he would have to go down for more.

"Can you memorise the roads from here"?

"Before you say it, I've already memorized everything I can see from here, but we have a problem. I guess this bell tower doesn't have stairs."

Chester thought there was a stairwell under the bell, but as Mag said, there was no staircase in the structure he was standing on.But above all else, the first thing he needed to do was to rest. Chester was feeling incredibly tired, losing consciousness periodically.He lay down again and leaned his head against the red coloured wooden column.He looked in the place of the sun. He thought it was early morning, but when he left the world, it was already past 1 am.

After some rest, he would need to gather information.

"I need to get some rest, so watch my back. And, if possible, prevent me from sleeping for more than four hours."

At least they were at the top of a bell tower, it was certain that they would not attract too much attention and would not be disturbed.

"Alright, while you rest, I will make some improvements to the system and accelerate the healing in your body. And by the time you wake up, I'll have corrected my awkward speech. "

"Keep talking like that. Much better than talking to a tin can. "

It didn't mean much to Chester, but he didn't know how long he was going to be in this place.Although he had nerves of steel and an unbreakable will, he had to maintain his sanity. Chester was a cool-headed man, but he was overwhelmed by the seriousness of the situation.No matter how colossal Chester's crash landing on another planet might have been, he could have left the same way he came.He was trying to be optimistic.Chester was falling asleep, wondering what to do. He couldn't stand it any longer and eventually fell into a deep sleep. Now he had to rest a little and think about what he should do when he woke up again.

He was seeing the nightmare he had seen for years again.As they were calmly walking hand in hand along the flowery pavements, he suddenly turned around and found himself looking at Nesrin's lifeless body on the sofa.

"Why didn't you save me?"

Chester was talking tearfully.

"I'm sorry. For not being there for you.

I am sorry. Please forgive me."

The couch he was on was suddenly engulfed in flames. She called out to Chester in screams

"You forgot me while I waited in agony for you to come. You left me and went away."

The fires were raging. He was lost in the fires with screams. Suddenly he fell into a deep void.

Wake up!

You have to wake up!

You have to get up and fight.

You must take my revenge, until your flesh is torn from the bone...

"Chester, you've been asleep for four hours. It's time to wake up. "

Chester woke up at Mag's words and lifted his head from the column he was leaning against.He still felt dizzy, but at least he didn't feel like he was in double vision or blind drunk.Even though he couldn't see the scar on his arm, he could feel it.The cut was almost closed.Chester was recovering at an incredible rate. Once again, he was surprised at what the armor could do. He was trying to decide what his next move would be.

"We have a language and alphabet problem.

I don't understand anything the people on the street say, and I try to make out the meaning of the words on the signboard I have been looking at for hours.

As soon as I finished adjustments, I opened the language analysis, but I couldn't catch enough words and phrases to help us. We need information, otherwise I don't think we can live in this city for a very long time."

Mag was right. It was almost impossible for him to learn about this place when he could not even speak to and understand them. But before solving this problem, he wanted to ask how he got here.

"How the hell did we manage to get to this place billions of light years away that nobody even knows about?"

"You're missing an important point, Chester. Whatever you think, I think similar things. I'm not smarter or dumber than you.

I am someone who has the best calculator and an endless library at my disposal. I am you. More precisely, I am a reflection of all the voices within. I speak as much as the sum total of compassion, cruelty, courage, logic and many other emotions. Whichever is stronger, you say it. I change my formula according to the situation and talk according to that. But if you ask me for my opinion, the main reason we came here was because the wormhole was out of control due to the huge energy surge released during the test."

While we were talking about the wormhole, Chester had an idea.

"Can you send me back using the Antimatter Focuser?"

Chester had just come up with the idea. He felt like an idiot. But at least there was a glimmer of hope. Perhaps this ridiculous adventure would end before it began.At least that's what he hoped for.

Maybe he shouldn't have.

"That's a ridiculous idea.

We're on another planet. If it were to work in space and time, we could already go to other planets with this idea. Normally, coordinates on Earth were used to open the gate. But since we have come to a new world, we do not have those coordinates. That's why I can only open gates to places you can see. I could have tried to enter data that had been entered haphazardly as a result of an error in the system during the energy surge, but the data was erased from my memory as it affected my systems as it passed through the gate.Although it does not seem to indicate that we are very lucky to come here anyway, we are very lucky.

As soon as you passed through the first gate, I took over while you were fainting. I want you to know we've been pulled through this wormhole twice more, 20 seconds apart."

Chester was suprised.

Mag was saying that he was bouncing like a tennis ball from one corner of space to the other without his knowledge.

"On our first voyage, we hurtled through the deep void of space for twenty seconds, then dropped us on a planet with lava storms and 9G gravity. Fortunately, we were only a meter above the ground. We were lucky to get out of there."

"Finally, we were dropped down from the orbit of a planet."

Chester got up from the ground with a grimace.

"And that becomes this planet."

"Fortunately, I was able to adjust the angle of fall and after adjusting the armour to maximise friction and slow us down, we were able to free fall through the right intact atmosphere. We're pretty lucky. "

"Even though you say how lucky we are, what happened to us does not happen to an unfortunate person. Lucky... my ass. "

Chester now had to find another way. He wanted to find his way back to his own world as soon as possible and find the murderer he had been looking for all these years and bring him to justice. He had already lost everything he could lose.

"By the way, Mag, you'll only open this protocol when I say so. I don't want to go through a painful experience like this again against my will. But you are authorized to use this protocol without my authorization for any emergency that exceeds my response time."

"Anyway, is there a reason for your name? Why is your name Mag, when there are so many names? "

"As a matter of fact, the exact equivalent of my name, General Augmentation Module, in short GAM but since it was difficult to read and ugly, Professor Ann changed my name to Mag."

Mag added after a short delay.

"I am 54.33% more cute with this name. "

"It doesn't really make much difference. Anyway, it's time for us to go down. "

Chester looked down the tower, down the street just below.

He wanted to come down from this high tower, but at least he didn't have to free-fall like he came here, little relieved. Chester made a rope with his hands, and after tying a firm knot in both columns, he swung the free rope downwards.The rope did not touch the ground, but there was a gap of at most one meter between the ground and it. It was level enough to land. Chester began to descend cautiously.

The bell tower was in a street that could not be crowded, and for this reason, Chester did not attract attention as he came down from the tower. But two people looking at him caught his eye. One of them looked like a man with blue hair, and the other looked like a girl with short, green hair, dressed in a dress similar to a veil. Thinking that there might be an inn or a restaurant in the vicinity, he saw the sign hanging on the wall of the building on their right, hanging from the wooden board at the door level. There were inscriptions under a bed picture on the sign. He couldn't read the inscription on the sign because it was far away. Those two people were making different hand gestures. They were probably angry with Chester, but he couldn't see exactly what they were doing because he was far away. Chester ignored them and managed to get down.The two people who were yelling at him as he was coming down from the tower started to walk towards him quickly and shouted at him until they got very close. Then, when they saw the armor he was wearing, they were a little frightened, said something unintelligible and walked away.

Chester could guess the reason for their fear. The armor took its balanced form as the wormhole sucked him in, not knowing where to go. In its optimum state, the armor appeared to be made of gray, smooth metal, with three black parallel ridges on the chest. His armour was curved. It looked as if it was intended to deflect the incoming shots instead of stopping it. His helmet, on the other hand, resembled a strong and quite solid castle, but his face looked more like a metal wall. Anyone a mile away in this medieval place could tell it was quite a different kind of armor. Thanks to technology, there was no need for balistic glass. Anybody could look at Chester and not know who he was. Chester thought it would be a nuisance for him to go around like this, but this armor was able to comfortably frighten the two people who approached him. Being a scary person was quite useful right now.He could have prevented marauders and thieves from following him, and made those looking for trouble think twice.

"We could use a library."

"It seems unlikely. After all, we are in a medieval environment. It's very difficult to reproduce it by hand without a tool like a printing press, so if you think of an 'ordinary' medieval period, it's probably only found in palaces and important places of research. if there is such a thing as black -fucking- magic, that's different."

"However, being in crowded environments can improve my language analysis. At best, I can learn the language in two days. By the way, I managed to analyze the atmosphere. Oxygen is 4 percent richer in this world and an element that does not appear in the elemental table makes up 11.23 percent of the atmosphere. It doesn't look toxic, and I couldn't analyze what the element was. Whatever this element is, it exists and does not exist. "

"What do you mean?"

"The element has mass, but in certain cases it disappears. This is a groundbreaking development! But other than that, it doesn't seem to have any features. It's not something that interacts with the body, so I am ninety-five percent sure it's not toxic for mammals. For harmful organisms, they are almost the same as those in our world, but very primitive."

"I should add that your body is an impenetrable wall for these microorganisms. Even your open wounds won't get infected because you're struggling with their grandchildren, who are mutated by antibiotics and various medications. But don't trust yourself too much. "

Chester hadn't listened much. He was busy thinking about what his next move would be. But as far as he understood, he would never get sick and he would be able to remove the suffocating helmet on his head. But for now, it was a better option not to show his face. If he got into trouble, he could change his armour, but not his face. He cleared his mind of unnecessary things and decided what he should do now.

"Then let's move on to the marketplace. But first I need a gun. "

"According to your current situation, my suggestion would be a pistol that you can use one-handed and is not too heavy and easy to conceal. As I saw on the street, some people walk around with plate armor.They may be made of an unknown element. 9mm is not recommended. Maybe .45 caliber with piercing round can solve your problems."

"That's not what I meant by the gun. The moment I fire a gun in a place like this, all hell breaks loose. Besides, killing people is not something I want to do right now.

But that doesn't mean I won't. "

Chester turned on his focuser and made sure no one was around. He didn't want to use it after everything he had been through, but he had no other choice.

"Here we go."

He stretched out his hand to the panel and imagined an image of what he wanted.He pulled out the hologram with his left hand.

What he was holding was a lightning gun.

Unlike the stun gun, this weapon was invented to suppress riots in the pre-Paradox period.It worked with a high-pressure gas and high-voltage capsules attached to the side of the pistol.This weapon, which made as much noise as an air rifle, could hold up to fifty capsules at a time in a structure as small as a pistol magazine.It was similar to an air rifle, but the capsules it fired opened in the air in a hooked structure and exposed the victim to a high dose of electricity after being impaled not too deeply.However, these tubes disturbed the balance of the weapon and made it difficult to carry and aim. It required a high-pressure tube and voltage capsule to use.However, since the difficulty of carrying and shooting was not important for Chester, he chose this non-lethal weapon. It would make little noise and neutralize it quickly.There would be no shortage of ammunition.

What he needed now was something with stopping power.

He placed his pistol in the holster made by the armor and put his hand on the antimatter focuser again.

This time Chester pulled out a plasma-powered sword.

Although plasma cutting was widely used in industry after the paradox, it was an invention that came out in wartime.In its simplest form, this knife was made of a thin tube pipe and could be adjusted electrically. The knife only had a frame. Empty in the middle, this knife was quite popular because it emitted a blue light, hiding the heat emitted by the plasma until it was not in contact.The energy cell in the handle can be used for a maximum of 8 hours without interruption, and in case of damage, this tool, which has always been used in fear because it ends with the user saying goodbye to his arm, was shelved afterwards.However, it had become an indispensable tool of the rescue teams due to its structure that cuts the place it touched instantly without using force.Medics used it more than soldiers. Even at the lowest temperature setting, it instantly fused the wound in contact with the skin.

Chester had now created a sword variation of it, a better version with Mag's help. It was now much more reliable and was now running with a cooled red core rather than the old one.

When close-range intervention was unavoidable, this sword could be considered the most powerful weapon on the planet. Everyone he examined in the bell tower had swords, shields, arrows and bows. The magicians were the troublesome part of the job, but he didn't need any extra tools. In the worst case, he could pull out a pistol from his focuser and shoot it, send electric capsules with a lightning bolt to his death, and try to split it in half by running straight at it. Chester put the sword in his waist sheath and looked up at the sky. The sun was almost in the middle. It was about eight hours before it got dark, according to Chester. But Mag hadn't been able to calculate it yet. The planet being different from Earth, it was impossible to know without a clue how many hours the days would last. At the end of the day, he was going to tell Chester how many hours it had taken.

They set out for the marketplace.