
The Line of the Fall

Chester Vegner A person who found a glimmer of hope in his hopeless life, was extinguished years later by others, who was saved by the time paradox before he fell into a coma in the hospital after many years of finding revenge. Even though time had changed, he was still seeking revenge. Then he suddenly found himself on a planet no one even knew existed, meters above the ground, about to crash. On this magical planet full of strange half-humanoids, he will make extraordinary friends, overcome the problems that come his way with the power of friendship and friendship, and help those in need for free - I would like to say, but none of this will happen. He will somehow survive on this magical medieval hellhole, using people for his own ends if necessary. He will look for ways to get back to where he came from. Everyone who stands in his way will either move aside or lie bleeding on the ground with a hole in their head. If you are looking for a hero in your story, you are in the wrong place. Because for Chester, being a good guy doesn't pay off. There is only one thing that has sustained him through this whole journey. To be the absolute darkness of those who take away his light, even if they no longer exist.

Sariserpito · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2 - Engineering Prodigy

As Chester made his way through the corridors, he looked around as much as possible, trying to get an idea, trying to guess what was going to happen to him. Scientists, engineers and service wagons in aprons were running around in the corridor.Since the parts of the rooms facing the corridor were made of glass, Chester could easily observe.

And in almost every room everyone was working hard on observations and experiments. What caught his attention in the corridor was that the corridor was quite wide, with armed turrets and cameras lining the walls as you went along. In fact, there were hardly any ornaments in the corridor. If they were to be considered ornaments, the most common ones were directional signs and emergency lights.

The idea that it was a spiral structure was not actually given to him, but Medh managed to inform him with hand signals, unbeknownst to the other soldiers, and gave him small tips.

"First spiral civilian, second spiral military, third spiral core reactor"

That's exactly what Medh said. He didn't expect to see anything interesting in the first spiral. But he had seen four pairs of handcuffed and handcuffed people pass from one corridor to another, accompanied by soldiers.They looked as if they had committed a crime in the Middle Ages and were walking step by step towards their executioners. They were probably test subjects. He wanted to ask who the chained people were, and if they were not guilty of any crime, he didn't want to save them from their situation anyway. He didn't care.Another checkpoint appeared at the end of the first spiral. There were not as many security measures as the first checkpoint, but the gate was like a hangar entrance, imposing and wide.

The soldiers turned to Chester, and one of them;

"The second level will accompany you from now on."

After saying these words, they saluted and the soldier on Chester's right took his entry card from the left pocket of his waistcoat and inserted it into the card slot in the door. The huge door in front of them was slowly opening.

When the door opened, the first thing that caught the eye was the dress of the soldiers.All the soldiers they had seen so far were dressed in grey and the senior ones had yellow armbands. These were almost completely black, with a red skull on their body armour. The skulls of those of higher rank were depicted in a more gruesome manner. Horns rose from their skulls according to their rank. It was difficult for Chester to say more than he had only seen three of them so far.

He found this system of ranking childish. The head of design clearly had some fun ideas.

After the soldiers met them at the gate, they started to move forward. Compared to the other helix, this one had black walls and yellow lines along the walls, leading to the corridors. There were still white coats and engineers in the corridors, but they moved in a more serious manner, walking swiftly rather than rushing around. After travelling down the corridor for a while, Ann Hedge appeared before him. With her long red hair, rectangular glasses covering her blue eyes and a classic lab coat, she was stunning in her beauty. But it was obvious that she was having some sleep problems at the moment. Chester hadn't asked himself yet, but the way she walked with his left hand on his forehead, as if he was suffering from bags under his eyes and a splitting headache, told about him.

Ann came closer and held out her hand

"Welcome to the facility, Colonel."

Chester extended his hand slowly and they shook hands

"Thank you, Professor. You look pretty tired, are you all right? What should I base your fatigue to?"

He didn't care how tired Ann was.

His purpose was to shed light on things such as the reason for being brought here, to be able to defend himself a little thanks to the preliminary information he caught with these sweet words if something goes wrong, to create a trump card.

But Ann was acting cold. She was approaching at a distance.

"The approximate deadline for the project was three years, but we have recently received instructions to accelerate this project. We had about three weeks to complete the project. We worked day and night, made various adjustments and today we have finished it with the finishing touches. And you're as scary as they say you are. I can clearly say that my insomnia is none of your concern."

Chester realised he understood his purpose. He had started this strange chain of events one zero behind. If sweet words were not going to work, then Chester would not have to participate in these games of words.

"Why did you call me here, what do you want from me?"

His voice sounded more serious than what they had just said. That was Chester's real voice.

"I can't give you any information right now. Soon you will be given the information you need. Let's continue from here. "

Ann turned around and started walking down the aisle. Chester followed.

But Chester was dying to get himself out of this situation. The sooner he left here, the sooner he could get back to work.

Killing anyone who comes his way, beating to death anyone he thinks might be useful to him, and then extorting information from them. During his years in the military, he had not found the slightest clue about the cult.

The corridors had turned into a military camp, resembling a garrison rather than a laboratory. Chester grasped the situation because, after all, they were now progressing to the second tier.There were no more windows in the rooms, instead the armored walls rose from the corridor to the ceiling.He hoped that this highly perverse military nonsense would end.They had come to the front of a room. The door of the room, unlike the others, was a little heavier, with black and yellow stripes and green dashed lines around it. It had an interesting design.

But the more interesting thing is;

There was a card reader placed next to the door to open a door, a fingerprint reader next to it, and a retinal scanner on top of it. On the other doors, there was only one card reader. Even a ten-year-old could easily see that this was a more important room. After some effort, Ann had lifted all the locks.

"This way, please."

When Chester entered the room, there was a U-shaped table in front of him and a strange-looking armor in a tank in the middle of the table.

In fact, it resembled a black wetsuit rather than armor, but the dark blue lines branching all over made it different from this analogy. It was an obscure costume.

Various people were sitting around the table. Chester glanced quickly.

He knew only one of them:

General Lenin

Chester, who had once been his subordinate before he became a general, respected him.Later, when he wanted a quiet life and became more interested in desk work than the front line, Chester left the general with a petition and set out to seek his revenge on the front lines.This was one of the fastest ways for him to get a rank.Ten people were sitting around the table. It was certain that various important people were sitting around this table

Chester sat down at the u-shaped table with his back to the door.

"General Lenin, it's quite surprising to see you here. I thought such meetings were exciting and dangerous for you. "

Chester had always found it amusing to mock the general, and at every opportunity he had not neglected to amuse himself by annoying the general. He was literally messing with it.

"I hear you're a colonel now because of your active service. You haven't changed at all, you're still stupid enough to make fun of your superiors, you're too talented to die on the front lines. "

Lenin did not like Chester either, but he was a talented soldier capable of performing any desired task. That's why he couldn't make any complaints to her. He had also helped him in a situation where he could not ask anyone for help, in short, he owed him.The atmosphere was quite tense. Lenin and Chester were staring at each other. No, they seemed to be fighting with their eyes rather than staring.

Fortunately, a bald, spectacled professor to the left of Chester intervened in.

"These behaviors do not suit you gentlemen. We're all on the same side. Now that everyone is here, you can start the session."

Ann nodded in agreement

"Thank you, Professor Henz.

First, let me introduce the new military prototype armor. 

Name SGSZ-203

Approximately 421 billion Brackets have been spent on this armor (bracket BIC currency)

The part that distinguishes this armour from other armours is that it uses a mineral from space. This substance is not included in our element table and is more durable and rigid than anything else in the world. It was so hard and durable that he could get eleven from a test that was evaluated out of ten.

As for the properties of the mine we found,

The most amazing thing about this substance is that it can behave like any element. It can also change their chemistry by manipulating the atoms next to it, thus increasing their quantity. However, the atoms it changes reduce its stability according to the type of matter. In short, there will be a time difference between the substances made by using air and the substance made of stone. Leaving this aside, you can only make a rifle using air. But this behaviour deteriorates after a while, as I just mentioned. For about four hours, you can do things that can be grasped by hand. For armor, this period is theoretically unlimited. If the object made contact with the armor, its duration is also unlimited. Unless the core runs out, of course. "

Ann took a look at the documents she had prepared and then continued

"The armour also has an active defence system. If objects approaching it at a lethal speed and power, the armor creates a high-voltage line and significantly weakens the severity of the approaching projectile by intervening before the moment of contact with the user. Due to its frequency threshold, it can only block things like bullets and shrapnel. Anything made of metal to be precise. Unfortunately, it does not provide protection against close quarter weapons like knife or some blunt objects..."

As Ann continued to explain her technicalities for a while longer, Chester was lost in thought.

Ann's words were groundbreaking. It could provide an armor that could do anything, unlimited ammunition and weapons production. It was armor that could stand up to a small state. But he also had a significant problem.How and from what did it get its energy? The answer to this question would probably be the red core, but the amount was important.

Chester finally caught a small gap in the presentation and asked.

"I ask assuming the armor works with a red core. What's the amount on it, twenty grams or eighty?"

"A kilogram of armour is spread over the body. It's in the blue lines you see "

This was a huge amount.

If the enemy succeeded in striking the armor with an energy weapon, it would most likely wipe a continent off the face of the earth. Or there were many other risk factors, such as the terrorists taking him over. In short, the armour was now doing more harm than good.

Lenin filled the room with his loud voice.

"Are you crazy! Do you realize how dangerous a kilogram is? The death of the person using the armor in battle means wiping two-fifths of the world's population off the map! "

Ann replied, keeping her calm. She seemed to expect such a reaction.

"It poses no danger, General. We were able to process the core into a semi-passive form. Since the core is cold it does not emit heat and does not interact with outer energy. We have successfully completed the tests with our engineers. "

Chester intervened.

"But the armor itself is still a prototype."

Ann remained silent for a while. Chester was right, no matter how magnificent the armor was, it was an armor in development that had its shortcomings.If something went wrong, the consequences couldn't be undone.

After a short time, she continued his speech.

"The armor has an AI with a combat support system. This AI provides support in a variety of areas such as target prediction, strategy management, communication."

Having an auxiliary intelligence on the battlefield could increase the potential of the soldier There was also a strange panel on the right arm of the Armor.

"You said armor has AI, but you didn't say how AI works. There's a panel on his right arm. You didn't mention what it was for. "

Ann had a smile on her face.

It was clear that the answer to his question was a marvel of engineering that they had worked hard to achieve.

"What's on the right arm of the armor is a piece we call the Antimatter Focuser. Thanks to this, you can create a passage between two previously determined places.

Atom manipulation is also carried out through this console. Things like troops and weapons can be transferred through this passage.

Ultimately, you can call it teleportation.

But since it can be opened in a size that can fit two people at most side by side, the vehicle cannot be passed. Maybe a motorcycle or bicycle can fit. Further tests are needed.

As for the armour artificial intelligence, it uses a system that is a mix between a classical supercomputer and a quantum computer.

In addition, the archive of everything that has happened in the world is also in his memory. Can provide a tactical advantage during bargaining with that knowledge. "

General Lenin was enthusiastic about this prototype, but he couldn't understand why Chester was here. All he could think of was that the armor would be given to him, like a piece of bone given to a faithful dog, and then expectations would be demanded of him. Or Governor Delta personally ordered. But everyone in the military knew that Chester was a rather unstable and sadistic soldier.

But no one dared to ask him if he was looking for someone who was not in this world. Because Chester was not only highly unpredictable, but it took a lot of courage to face his temper.

"I assume I don't need to remind you again how dangerous it is if the armor falls into the hands of the enemies.

In addition to the armor, we also provide a means of escape for terrorists to instantly relocate. "

"General, it is impossible for these things you have said to be true. The armour can only be used by predefined individuals. If a DNA mismatch is detected, the armour kills the wearer. But armour can only hold one person's DNA at a time.

"Currently, the person identified in the Armor is you, Chester."