
The life-story of a cactus!

Here i am, chilling on my spot, at the usual desert, when I sudently realise that... I'm a freaking cactus! ///2 chapters a week, one on Wednesday and one on Sunday Hello everyone. I have big plans for my book's plot but there are also things I have yet to plan. I'm planning to come up with names, skills and even certain minor events as I write . As such, feel free to give me your input on things you'd like me to change and/or add to the book☺️. Thanks for reading, Dnhelo.

DNHELO · Fantasy
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50 Chs

8- Once a pun a time skip

< young wind root growth > (lvl 15) [MAX]

[Extended description]

*ability to grow 'young','wind' and 'normal' - type roots at a rate of 163.84 cm per hour.


< young wind root manipulation > (lvl 15) [MAX]

[Extended description]

*ability to manipulate 'young', 'wind' and 'normal' - type roots at a rate of 163 840 cm per hour (0.16 km /h) .

It was to be expected, given that I've been in this desert for half a year , but I've finally reached level max with my root skills.

My other skills also leveled up but none reached max level like this two.

If this skills leveling didn't slow down after level 10 It would probably only take about two months for them to reach lvl max.

That is, if I had time to focus on the skills but unfortunately my 'parent' didn't want to make things easy for me.

Everything was working perfectly until I aproched 50% parasitism.

By that point he noticed that there is another entity in his body, something, which to be honest, I already expected to happen.

To begin with the reason he didn't notice me before was because his aura was filling my body, masking my existence.

Once I reached 50% of parasitism, there just wouldnt be enough aura in his body to hid my own.

Just because I expected it, didn't mean, it wasn't an annoyance though.

If I still had all of his aura inside my body by the time he noticed me, I'd end up his slave.

So I had stopped my parasitism at 49% beforehand.

Then I "blitzkrieg-ed" his aura out off my body and rushed mine at him trying to parasite him as much as I can before he realized what happened.

He only started trying to push me out of his body, when I hit 52%, which kind of made my advances slow down.

In the beginning all he did was use his aura against me, needless to say, it didn't work.

Because of my aura skills, my aura was able to compete with his, and because I took over 52% of his body added with my human soul, our aura amount wasn't that different.

After that, he tried to using his roots to surround my body and crush me.

Unfortunately for my 'parent', unlike him that can only think with instincts I was smart... That and I could grow flying roots.

So I grew a ton of 'wind' type roots beneath my body and floated it above the grown, to a place where he couldn't reach.

That's also why my root skills leveled up so much.

I guess using the 'wind' part of my roots all the time kind of made them level up. Who would have guessed?

By 87% survival instinct kicked in and he came up with a genius idea, genius for a plant that is.

He grew spikes facing the roots I had grown inside of him and then destroyed those spikes.

Rinse and repeat until he could destroy said root...

I honestly, didn't know what to do.

My roots were to slow to dodge the instant-created spikes and If I drew my body closer to his in order to shorten the distance so that I can grow more roots...

He would hit me with his spikes...and NOT the instant ones, mind you!

No! Its the large, pointy and hard-type spikes he has been growing ever since last month, when he first noticed me.

As such I came to the conclusion that there were two possible choices I could take.

One, I could destroy my roots and then fly somewhere and be independent.

Now that I can grow upward if I were to fly to the sky, I could absorb water from the clouds and use the nutrients from the sun.

I wouldn't have to worry about the environment either.

That's because during the last half a year I noticed that there isnt that much of a climate change over the months.

It's either that or years are longer in this world.

My second idea is to use my own spikes and shot them at his using my 'wind' magic.

Unlike him I've been strengthening my spikes using orchids ever since I evolved, four months ago.

This too is because of my human intellect.

Humans have the ability to prepare for the future and plan their actions ahead of time, something other living beings on earth can't do.

That's why, unlike him, I've been preparing to fight if there was ever a need to.

As such even if for some unknown reason my 'parent' didn't notice me after 50% parasitism, I'd still take precautions against him.

That's why my spikes were harder than his instant ones, and if I shot them at his, they would break his, hopefully giving me enough time to fully parasite him.

The issue is that my spikes would inevitably run out, and by that point would I would only have instant ones, but my skill level is lower than his of that I am sure...

So my instant created one's would definitely be weaker than his and unable to break them.

And I can't just do both things, because if I did the second then I wouldn't have strong enough spikes to protect me on my journey to somewhere new.

And if I did the first, there wouldn't be a point in doing the second.