
The life-story of a cactus!

Here i am, chilling on my spot, at the usual desert, when I sudently realise that... I'm a freaking cactus! ///2 chapters a week, one on Wednesday and one on Sunday Hello everyone. I have big plans for my book's plot but there are also things I have yet to plan. I'm planning to come up with names, skills and even certain minor events as I write . As such, feel free to give me your input on things you'd like me to change and/or add to the book☺️. Thanks for reading, Dnhelo.

DNHELO · Fantasy
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50 Chs

39- Hard wood pays off

(A. N. So tomorrow I'll definitely update that status page! And also create that spell page I've said I'd do... Waaaaay back!)

Probably seeing me contemplating Ashtar decided to leave, he did say something to me before he left though.

"Hey! You've just reached a great point in your life.... Adulthood! You've ground to conquer a good chunk of dirt... Or air on you case

Not to mention that you fought a few battles against a variety of enemies, be those battles strategic, parasitic or just a straight up brawl.

Do you know what that mean? "

'that I'm a... Bad person? Cactus?'

Obviously I didn't say that.

"I don't know"

"It means that you don't have to worry about losing your potential with time."


"...thats... Hard to explain.

Let's see.... Hmmmm.... Alright, I got it!"

After saying that he made a lit jump while adjusting his wing by his sides and raising his chest and head.

"Listen! Do you know the lifespan of the most common superior species in this world, a human?"

"70~80 years?"

"What? No! It's so... Much less!"

"Oh.. Makes sense."

Of course humans wouldn't live past their 40s in a world filled with monsters and from what I could get little to no resources other than salt and sand.

Even humans back on earth only reached that stage due to modern medicins, and that only in advanced countries, some still have a expectancy of 50 or less.

"*sigh* of course you'd think that, you're living next to a particularly well situated lizard-kin village, not to mention you saw a old shaman that probably lived for more than 60 years.

Listen, while it's true that some being that are particularly good at handling mana can live for hundreds of years, even humans.

They are exceptions, usually humans live only up to 40 years! "

" I understand you point, but can I ask you something? "

" Depends... Is it dumb? "

'is it?'

The dumbness of a question depends on a lot of things... The knowledge of the orator and the listener, the context where the question is ask-

" Your overthinking again. Just *sigh* ask the damned question so that I can go back to explain and leave."

"What does the human life span have to do with me?"


... AHHHHH!"

'So you CAN have strong emotional discharges!'

"*sigh * So... As I was saying... Again.

Think about a human life cicle:

1-4 years they can learn a lot of things VERY FAST

4-10 years they can learn a lot of things FAST

10-19 years they have developed a taste for a specific are and can no longer lean as quickly.

This is the point they become adults... As you can see there are a lot of similarities. "

Indeed, 1-4 must be pup, 4-10 must be small, 10-19 must be medium.

" From then on thing change, while from 1 to 19 they are in a race against time, before they lose their 'growing talent'....

Once they become and adult they don't have to worry so much anymore."

"Are you saying adults don't have talent? I belive that to be incorrect."

"And you'd be right to belive so! Adult still have a lot of talent! Just look at me!"

Saying that, he promptly showed of his feathers while rising his chest even more than before.

"*cough **cough * Anyway..

19 all the way their death, humans are considered adults. It can change depending on the country but 19 is the most common.

But, as you probably alredy guessed, it's not like every adult is the same age, so:

19-25 years old, most are still trying to find their path in life, but have most likely selected a dream career and/or just dream in general.

25-40 years old, they lived, they had kids and they most likely are going to day any time now, be it by a monster or a desiese they can't afford to pay the church to heal.

This are also adults, yet unlike a 19 years old, this guy's are alredy responsable members of society."

So... 10-19 = medium, from then on until 25 its big, and from 25 to 40 Huge.

" What about TITANIC? "

" Hmmmm.... Can I ask you something? "

" How many TITANIC beings like me do you think exist in this world? At the moment, not counting the ones that died in the past."

"This world is big, and evolving is kind of easy honestly soooo..... 50.000?"


"Excuse me?"

"There are only 9 of us."


"There are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, tch, even going as far as to say millions that have reached 'huge' in my last 40.000 years of living.

Yet only 9 of us became TITANIC, why?

Caus eto reach TITANIC is to go beyond evolution, to become THE BEST organic being on the planet... Or at least a contender for that."

" Wow"

"Wow indeed!

Remember those humans, I said that can live past hundreds of years? That the titanic equivalent for them, and they all where monster on their own right.

.... I'm not counting the church priests of course. Those guys are older Than me."

"Didn't you say there are 12 of them?"

"Yeah, why do you think we are losing ground? And once I pass away the situation will only worsen.

But thats not what matters. As I was saying.... For the third time.

Since you will forever be an adult even if you reach titanic, you don't have to worry so much about potential.

This would only be a problem if you hadn't unlocked any magic or defined your path with specializations.... But that isn't your case.

So instead just work hard and upgrade/level up your skills, once your ready I'll come back and teach you how to evolve. "

*flap* *flap*

Saying that Ashtar flew away....

.... Guess it's back to training.... I hope he doesn't send me to some trap again.