
The life-story of a cactus!

Here i am, chilling on my spot, at the usual desert, when I sudently realise that... I'm a freaking cactus! ///2 chapters a week, one on Wednesday and one on Sunday Hello everyone. I have big plans for my book's plot but there are also things I have yet to plan. I'm planning to come up with names, skills and even certain minor events as I write . As such, feel free to give me your input on things you'd like me to change and/or add to the book☺️. Thanks for reading, Dnhelo.

DNHELO · Fantasy
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50 Chs

28- 'Cherry' me on by commenting!

The door was tightly closed but it still had a few cracks in it.

'My attack probably caused this cracks.'

This cracks started from the outside of the door and grew towards the center.

This is typical in cracks made by differences in air pressure. This is due to the fact that the sides of the door prevents the air inside from connecting to the air outside.

While the center of the door does the same, the sides are where the wall ends and the door starts which make it more prone to breaking.

'It's not fully cracked so I can't pass my dust through.'

'This will require a little bit of thinking....

Good think my skill is still in effect so I don't need to.'

I prepare myself to shoot a round at the door when my senses pick up on something...



... one of my Dust-tractive trap, adults roots filled with poison and covered by dust clouds, as just gone off... The other was cut down.

This ang a lot of bells starting from, how can someone enter into my island without me realizing, all the way to....did that guy just CUT a poisonous gas?

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-(enemy flashback ) -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

*shhh* *bang*

A boat dockingvon island was heard.

"Listen chieftain, my magic will only last for 20 minutes and once the cactus realizes we are here it'll be as good as useless..."

"I know...let's hurry up before that monster kill any more of our people."

As they walked from the chore the first elder couldn't help but say:

"The environment has changed... Hasn't it shaman?"

"Yes, this land was nearly barren last time I checked ... Now it's filled with sand clouds and roots."

"... Let's be cautious there might be traps like the ones in the river."

"hmmm, at least now we know the being has at least three elements."

At this the chieftain asked :

"Can you feel the mana in the surroundings? "

"Yes, while brute and simple in thecnique it's amount is more than enough to make up for it, so it's not hard to feel it."

"I see, what's the elements?"

"Either sand, wind and poison."

"How can you be sure it's not earth, gravity or curse?"

"As I mentioned the user's way of handling the mana is sub-par, higher elements need a level of fitness even i don't possess much less this plant. "

"What abo-"


"*cough** cough*My throat!* cough*"

"EVERYONE IN POSITION! We are being attacked!"

"Right behind you *cough*."

"I-It came from underneath!"

Look beneath them they saw a root jutting out of the ground filled with poison.

"The dust was covering the root! Look at the ground while walking!"

"On it!"

*slash *

*Thump *

"Are you OK shaman? You were clearly poisoned."

"I'm not ok. In fact like I'm dying but... There's nothing we can due about this at the moments so let's just move on."


"He is right first elder... There's nothing we can do, we are not going back."

"... Ok"

What they did not notice was a small white flower growing on top of the white scales of the shaman.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-(MC POV) -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Spread skills, unlike my other skills I can't consciously use them nkr do I unlock them based on my selected evolution.

Untill now I've unlocked only one and it's called 'flower creation'.

It's description is simply :"Flowers are both female and male. As such a cactus can reproduce alone."

So at first someone would be mislead into thinking all it does is allow me to create flowers that can help me reproduce...

But that though would be mistaken. In fact I CAN'T create flowers contrary to what the skill name otherwise says... At least not on purpose.

What this skill does is make it so that everything which possesses aura and comes into any form of contact with my aura, magic, roots etc... Will grow a flower.

In itself the flower is inoffensive, all it'll do is wait for the host to be far enough away from me and the... Well 'spread'.

I presume it turns into a fruit and then spreads the seeds... 'Presume' being because I've never used this skill before.

All the info I have on it was given to me by master wren, he said this kind of skills are a part of what separates a adult plant from a young one and that he is proud of me for reaching so far....

So I assume it's like the 'birds and the bees' talk that my parents used to have with me... Which, now that I think about it, is not the kind of talk I want with my Master....

Regardless, this flower would normally be useless.... But that is normally.

Right now this guy is not only not going away from me and my aura but instead is coming closer.

This means flowers whose roots spread inside of my enemy and are otherwise empty of any of my aura... Will become a very good target for parasitism.

Even more so if I manage to plant a few more all over his body... There might be a change for me to do so thing I always wanted to.

Instead of sucking all nutrients out of my enemy I want to try and inject my aura through his aura channels....

And see if I can control him like one of my roots.