
The life-story of a cactus!

Here i am, chilling on my spot, at the usual desert, when I sudently realise that... I'm a freaking cactus! ///2 chapters a week, one on Wednesday and one on Sunday Hello everyone. I have big plans for my book's plot but there are also things I have yet to plan. I'm planning to come up with names, skills and even certain minor events as I write . As such, feel free to give me your input on things you'd like me to change and/or add to the book☺️. Thanks for reading, Dnhelo.

DNHELO · Fantasy
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50 Chs

20- Need for 'spread'!

First plan or 'logistic plan' as i'll call it from now on is growing my base of operations through my roots.

At the moment teen multi-elemental root growth is lvl 9 and teen multi-elemental root manipulation lvl 10.

Due to me focusing on my magic training and rushing in order to evolve I haven't been paying my roots enough attention.

This.... Is quite embarrassing honestly given that I'm a plant.

That's why even though I supposedly have a max reach of 105 KM I'm not even close to it.

Damn, not mentioning 105 km, my radius is barelly even 10km and most of my roots are young ones!

Do I really need 105 km though? This place can't be bigger than 50....

I'll just grow it, and if I feel like I unlocked an evolution I'll stop.

At the speed my teen roots are growing it would take me eons to reach 105km so I'll need to level my skills up.

At Max level my root growth would be around 1 638,4 cm per hour or 0.016 km per hour, my max size would also increase to 165 km but that just means it would take me 10 312 hours to reach.

10 312 hours is the same as 429 days not much more than a year.

If I where to stop at 50 km on the other hand it would only take about 130 days

(A. N. math: 165 km : 0.016 km/h = 10 312 h

10 322 h : 24 hours a day = 429 days)

That's in theory, in practice it would take me a little less time because I can grow my teen roots and my young ones at the same time and I already some of the distance grown.

I've noticed that there's only 3 moments where my skills level up quickly, the first is when they are low level.

All of my skills leveled up quite quickly before they reach level 5 or so, afterwards they stagnated unless I consciously tried to level them up.

Tiny heat resistance, tiny wind resistance, poison resistance and sand-pressure resistance are good exemple of this.

Even though they are all max level none has evolved yet because I've not been in any situation that required more than a 'tiny' level of protection.

The second is when they are in use for long periods of time... Constantly.

That's how my young roots evolved into teen roots or how my water absorption is leveling up.

The third way is to use my skills in creative ways, Spike creation for example reached lvl 14 even though I've had it for less time then my roots.

Spike-zooka and spike-saw helped but the biggest contribution was from my aura.

My roots and spikes leveled up considerably faster when I coursed aura through them so I assume that's the best way to train them.

My logistic plan can be done almost automatically just be growing my roots and spreading aura through them.

At most I'll have to deal with the people living in the other island or something.

My more 'Fun plan' on the other hand... Is a little more manual.

<Spike missile> (lvl 0)

[Extended description]]

*The faster the spikes, the harder they get

*The the further they fly, the heavier they get.

It's due to this skill... While it's not in the skill description, I feel like I can turn off and on just one of the effect if I feel like it.

If for example I don't want my spikes to grow heavier but I'd still like for them to grow harder, I can do it.

Yes, the impact will be weaker but their reach will increase.

This skill is particularly good for defense using my instant spikes.

If I cut my spikes while they are growing and activate the skill, these spikes will both be considered a projectile due to not being connected to me.

And still retain their instantaneous growth speed wich will, due to the skill, make them hard as hell.

I tried it and for the first second while they were growing, none of my attack even left a mark on them.

But that's not what I'll be using this skill for.

Instead I'll be using it for something else....poison magic.

I've tried running my posion true my body but all that happened is the poison mana melting through my body.

While I don't get poisoned due to my skill, the mana acidic properties still affect me.

The spider didn't have to worry about this because it had a poison sack where it kept the poison when not in use and a chitin armor resistant to the acid.

I have neither of those. So I decedied to just pump my poison mana into my spikes because I can always make more of them.

But... My hard spikes take to long to make, and I can't just shoot them all over the place when I'm not even sure they'll reach the river.

I'm going to use the fact that the 'spike missile' skill makes my spikes hard enough to hold said poison.

In conclusion, I'll be keeping my poison mana inside of my old and hard spikes and send it into the new ones mid flight.

That way I can make 'hazardous spike missiles' without sacrificing my old spikes.

This all depends on my spike missile skill level and my poison mana manipulation of course.

So I'll be training those two, and given that the skill need so much speed I'll probably need to train my wind mana manipulation.

Not to mention finding some way to pinpoint the fish from this distance..... I'll probably try to use Sand mana manipulation for that.

God, I'll just be training all my Magic's all over again won't I?