


"Vampires tend to burn when in contact with silver" mum answered my unasked question

MK kissed the knife and run it on Luis exposed face and his face start to burn as he let out a loud scream.

"Oh we just started " MK said smirking.

"What do you fucking want from me !!!!" Luis yelled from the pain

"We told you already who is the fucking killer ?" Mk asked again.

"I know nothing " Luis said scrunching his face in pain

"What do you mean you know nothing fuck you are driving me insane !" MK yelled .

Alright I think it's time for me to continue , I have q few tricks up my sleeve.

"Let me take it from here" I said smirking as I place my hands on MKs shoulder cause i know he is beyond pissed.

"Uh Uh Yvonne hope the tools we have are all made of silver ? " I asked

"Yes sure, what's up " she replied

"Ohh I wanna have fun, pass me a silver knife " I ordered as Yvonne placed the knife on My palm.