


"Andyou didn't see it Important to ask for permission?" shawn asked

"Like I said I'm sorry sir....." I was saying when he cut me off yelling

"Don't you dare say sorry to me ,your line wasn't connecting and you were needed at the office "

"Needed on a Friday night on Saturdays

What was so important? Huh " I yelled back at him.

"Well if you must know there was another kill but this time at the high school in this area, guess what none survived except does who didn't attend school that day " Zeke said glaring at me

What's his fucking problem. I'm definitely trying to hold my self in and prevent my self from stabbing this office pin on his ass . Whimp! But something is wrong here

"Wait!! I thought the killer doesn't operate during the day ?" I asked

"So we thought this is what happens when the person in charge of the case let her guard down " shawn barked at me

"Oh please how many times do I tell you it was urgent!!" I yelled

Ok now I'm doing a lot of yelling