
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Pegasus the Flying Dream Horse

Werefang was standing in the forest talking to himself. "I need to come up with a plan. I'm not strong enough to defeat the legendary sorcerers all by myself."

"That finally dawned on you didn't it" Doom said in her natural sultry voice as she walked toward Werefang from behind. Doom, one of the legendary sorcerers of darkness was wearing a tight dark green robe.

"What are you doing here" Werefang asked.

"Well that's a fine way to talk to a lady. I'm here because Marick doesn't have faith that you can destroy the legendary sorcerers darling. In fact he think I should take your place and quite frankly I agree. He said this will be your last chance and to help he came up with a plan. One I already began for you. I found the place where the magical animal spirit of a legendary sorcerer lived in spirit form. I poison the poor thing with dark magic forcing it to remain in corporeal form and remain powerless. What you have to do is let the legendary sorcerers see you throw this winged horse into the cave of hopelessness. Marick is sure the legendary sorcerer will follow to save it. Now knowing how dumb you are I will remind you not to go down there yourself. You are also not to fight with the legendary sorcerers unless they manage to escape the cave. Now for the last thing, Marick wants to up your evolution to make sure you can catch the flying horse and overpower it.

Doom whipped out her wand waved it over her hand and a black box magically appeared. She held it towards Werefang and opened it. Dark energy shot out of the black box and went into him. Werefang roared with pain and with the sound of breaking bones he began to get bigger.


David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were walking in the forest. Sara said, "Hey guys here's a conversation starter, after we beat Marick what are your hopes and dreams for the future?"

Ashley said, "Well it is my fathers dream that I take over the families company. I do like the idea of running my own business and making lots of money."

Ken said, "I want to study and work with quantum computers. I want to try my hardest to advance technology.

"Cool dream Ken" David said. "It sounds right up your alley. Yours to Ashley."

Sara said, "Well I would like to play soccer for as long as I can then coach my own soccer team."

Shadow said, "I'm not one to talk about hopes and dreams but I always just wanted to be the strongest and be powerful although lately I kind of have been dreaming of opening my own wizard dueling dojo and being a personal trainer in both body and magic."

"That's so awesome Shadow" David said. "As for me I think I would like to work to help others. Maybe working at a youth center."

Their was sound of a horse neighing in distress from the sky. David and the others looked up and saw a white winged horse flying away from the strangest sight David had ever seen. It was Werefang or least half of him. The other half was that of a black dragon with black wings, and a black tail. Werefang was hunch over on all fours with his hands now as paws and his hind legs that of the dragon. The new Werefang flew on top of Pegasus and carried it away.

Shadow said, "That was Werefang. He must have gotten power from Marick."

Foxy said, "That was Pegasus. One of the magical animal spirits of the legendary sorcerers."

"Come on guy lets do it" David shouted.

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, and Ashley grabbed their wands and exclaimed, "Sorcerer spirit evolution!" When the lights from their wands disappeared they were now stand in their sorcerer robes.

David exclaimed, "Magical animal spirit evolution!" A swirled out of his red wand and surrounded him and he transformed into Dragontame, the 20 foot tall red dragon with an orange belly and golden fangs.

Dragontame said, "I'll follow them from the sky and make sure we don't lose sight of them." He flapped his wings once for lift off and flew following Werefang and Pegasus.

Up ahead from below where Werefang was carrying Pegasus was a pit cave.

Werefang hovered over it and began tearing at Pegasus's wings with his claws and teeth. Pegasus neighed loudly in pain. Werefang then threw Pegasus downwards and exclaimed, "Howling blaster!" A force of energy shot out of Werefang's mouth and hit Pegasus from below forcing it down the pit cave.

Dragontame yelled, "No! I'm stopping you right now Werefang."

Werefang said, "As much as I would like to rip you apart right here and right now I have my orders. You can chase me or you can go down their in the cave and save Pegasus. Your choice hero." He turned and flew away. Dragontame flew down to the Shadow and the others who were running and not far behind.

Dragontame said, "Werefang threw Pegasus down that really steep cave."

Sara said, "We have to go and save it."

Foxy sniffed the air and said, "It's a trap. That cave is a dark spot on it's own."

"Whatever it is we can handle it" Dragontame said.

"We can't climb down it safely so you are going to have to fly us all down Dragontame" Shadow explained.

Dragontame laid down and said, "Everyone on." Shadow climbed up on Dragontame and then helped pull Ken up and he sat behind him. Sara climbed up and sat behind Ken and she lend Ashley a hand helping her up. Sitting on the back of Dragontame was Foxy who leapt up on him in a single bound. "Hold on guys the flying might be a little hard with all of you on me." He walked over to the shaft of the cave pit in and jumped down. He flapped his wings again and again to slow their descent into the cave. When they landed safely on the on the bottom of the shaft Dragontame laid down and waited for them all to climb down him before transforming back into David with his red and gold robe.

David stretched his back and said, "Wow that was hard. To get us back up I'm going to need to make more than one trip."

Ashley said, "It's cold and dark down here."

"This is a powerful dark spot" Foxy said. "We will need to be very careful."

David flicked his wand and a flame was lit on it's tip. "Hey guys I see Pegasus in that room down the tunnel. It looks hurt, its not moving."

"Lets go" Sara said. David and the others rushed through the short tunnel into the larger cavern. When they ran into the cavern they ran up to the unmoving Pegasus who was lying on the ground. Sara was the one to touch Pegasus. She asked, "Pegasus can you move?"

Shadow said in a tired yet panicked voice, "We have to get out of here now!" They all fell to their knees and then on their side.

Foxy said, "The dark magic here is putting us to sleep. We have to break out of it." He passed out and so did everyone else.

David was a grown adult was in a room sitting behind a desk looking at a paper. Their was a knock on the door and a woman in regular clothes in the non magic world came in. She said, "David, I afraid I have some bad news. The kid you were helping have ended up in jail for selling drugs."

David stood up and said, "Thank you for telling me. I'm going to go to him right away."

In the cave David twitched and kept on dreaming.

Adult David entered the visiting room of the juvenile detention facility and sat across from a sixteen year old boy. David asked, "How are you doing Ben?"

"Does it really matter" Ben asked with sigh.

David said in a compassionate voice, "It does but tell me did you really sell drugs?"

Ben said, "I just selling a little on the side. I want to have a cell phone like the rest of the kids in my school. My family can't afford cell phones.

David said, "You can't get money by selling drugs. Drugs are bad. They are addictive and bad for your health and you'll get into a lot of trouble by doing it."

"Whatever, I don't care" Ben said with a miserable expression. "Now that I'm in juvie I'm not your problem anymore. I'm someone else's."

"Is their anything I can do for you?"

"Just butt out of my life" Ben said as he looked away. "My life is over anyhow."

"You know if you tell them who your supplier is they will go easy on you."

"I'm not coming back so just stay out of my life."

A police officer came in the room and said, "Visiting time is over." David had leave and left sadly. He left the building and crouched down.

He said to himself, "I really dropped the ball with him. I should have done something else."

A dark blob like shadow rose up from the ground and put a hand on David's head and said, "You failed to help him. You are a failure. You are not good enough to help others. Don't even try, you will do more harm than good." A dark aura washed over dream adult David as he fell into despair.

Adult Shadow was in a dojo with other wizards. The wizards were on one side of the room and on the other were targets. The wizards aimed their wands at the targets. Shadow said, "Okay everyone take aim and emerge yourself in your magic. Become one with your magic and then release the it." The wizards fired at the targets and hit them.

The doors to the dojo opened and a wizard even bigger than adult Shadow entered. The wizard said, "Hey Shadow, your not worthy of this dojo, I am. I'm stronger and more powerful than you!

Shadow whipped out his wand and said, "Prove it."

The wizard raised his wand shouted, "Dragon breath!" A giant red spray of energy blasted out of his wand.

Shadow shouted, "Shadow blaster!" A swirl of light and darkness shot out of his wand and combated the wizard's attack. The wizard's attack then overpowered Shadow's and threw him against the wall of the dojo.

The wizard approached Shadow and said, "These are my students now." The other wizards went behind the big wizard.

A dark blob shadow rose from the floor and put a hand on Shadow's head and said, "You lost the dual. You are not the strongest. What students would want to follow you?" A dark aura surrounded adult Shadow.

Adult Ken was the last student in the college classroom. He walked up to the teacher and the teacher gave him his test paper. Ken saw the "F" and the teacher said, "I'm sorry Ken but you failed. You failed the test and you failed this class. You will not be graduating.

"No" Ken said struck devastation. He fell on his and put his head in his arms. The blob shadow rose from the floor and touched adult Ken's head.

"You will never get your dream job" It said. "Despair."

An older teenage Sara was playing soccer in a tournament. She was kicking the ball down the field and was about to kick the ball into the net when a player from the other team slid and kicked her ankle. Their was a loud snap and Sara fell to the ground clutching at her broken ankle. A doctor suddenly appeared and looked at her ankle and said, "I'm sorry young lady from this injury you will never recover. You can never play soccer again.

Sara sobbed, "No."

The dark blob shadow rose from the ground and placed a hand on her head and said, "Your dreams and hopes for yourself is over." A dark aura surrounded older teenage Sara.

Adult Ashley was in a business meeting with in a big meeting room on a high floor with the windows that looked over the street and houses below. Ashley looked stress and said to the people in the meeting room, "I'm afraid I have no choice but to declare bankruptcy."

A man stood up and shouted, "You ruined us. The board hereby fires you." Ashley put her head down on the table in grief.

The dark shadow blob rose up and touched adult Ashley and said, "You lost the respect of your fellow business men and you ruined your father's company. You disappointed him." A dark aura appeared around adult Ashley.

Foxy was in front of the castle of darkness and he was all alone except for the robes of David and the others that were laying on the ground around Foxy. "No." Foxy said in despair.

The dark blob shadow rose up placed a shadowy hand on Foxy and said, "You failed." A dark aura over took him.

In the cave Pegasus as well as David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were trapped in their own nightmares of hopelessness.