
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Dreams were Born to come True

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were in their sorcerer robes and asleep in the cave of hopelessness with the magical animal spirit Pegasus trapped in their own nightmares. In Pegasus's sleep it unfolded its wings and covered Sara who head was resting on Pegasus. Pegasus entered Sara's nightmare.

Older teenage Sara was sitting on a hospital bed with her foot in a cast. A dark aura was around her and she couldn't see that Pegasus was there in the room with her. Sara said, "I'll never be able to play soccer again. My dreams are shattered."

Pegasus said, "Dream are not made of glass that can be shattered. Dreams are like clouds. They rise to the sky and at times they fall but they always rise again. Even if one dream fails you can only dream another."

Older teenage Sara said to herself, "I could still coach one day. My life is over it's just moving in a different direction." The dark aura around disappeared.

Sara woke up from her nightmare in the cave of hopelessness and lifted her head off a Pegasus and sat up. She turned to Pegasus who she saw was awoke and said, "I'm glad were both awake now. Can you help my friends?"

Pegasus said, "I will lend you my power to enter dreams. Inspire them to hope." Sara sat down next to David and placed her hand on him.

Adult David was covered in a dark aura in his office at the youth center. Sara spoke to David and said, "You are meant to help people David. Don't give. Even if you can't save everyone their is always someone you can save."

David said to himself, "I won't give up on him and I won't give up on myself." The dark aura around adult David disappeared and he saw Sara.

David woke up in the cave and Sara asked, "Are you okay David?"

David said, "Yeah. It was just a bad dream." He looked around and saw the others asleep. "We got to wake them up."

Sara said, "I'm on it." She went over and sat down besides Shadow and placed a hand on him.

Adult Shadow was covered in a dark aura outside of his dojo. Sara looked at the dojo then walked to Shadow and said, "It's not about being the strongest or the best fighter. What matter is your what teach. People will follow your message."

Shadow said to himself, "I'll teach my students that strength without goodness is weakness of self." The dark aura around adult Shadow disappeared.

Shadow woke up in the cave with David and Sara next to him. Shadow said, "I'm good now. Lets help the others. Sara walked over to Ken and placed a hand on him.

Adult Ken was in a classroom all my himself with a dark aura around him. Sara said, "Ken you are the smartest guy I know. If first you don't succeed try and try again."

Ken said to himself, "I won't give up on my dreams. I know what I want to do and I know I can do it. I refuse to give up." The dark aura disappeared.

Ken woke up in the cave and took a deep breath. "That was an awful nightmare."

Sara said, "I'm glad your back Ken.

"Way to go little buddy" David said to Ken.

Sara went over to Ashley and placed a hand on her.

Adult Ashley was in the meeting room siting in her chair alone with the dark aura around her. Sara came over to her and said, "Business and making money is complicated. Sometimes you lose a lot but you'll never lose what truly matters. You still got your smarts and your drive to go for what you want. Don't give up and remember what's most important."

Ashley said to herself, "I can get through this. I'll try again. I'm wise with my money like my father taught me so I'll be okay. Besides their is more to life than having a big business and a lot of money. My father always just wanted me to be happy and my friends taught me that their is more important things than money. Money isn't everything." The dark aura broke.

Ashley awoke and found herself back in the cave. "I can't wait to get out of here."

Sara said, "I just need to wake up Foxy." She went over and touched Foxy.

Foxy was covered in a dark aura in front of the castle of darkness next to the rip and scattered robes of the legendary sorcerers. Sara knelt down to Foxy and said, "Foxy. We won't lose. We will never give up and neither will you. Good will win."

Foxy said to himself, "The legendary sorcerers have always prevailed through history and that won't change now." The dark aura faded.

Foxy woke up and found himself back in the cave of hopelessness. He looked at saw David and the others standing next to him. Foxy asked, "Is everyone alright now?"

David said, "We are all good to go. Specially the go part I think I can say for everyone."

Sara walked up to Pegasus and asked, "Are you my magical animal spirit? I remember even having dreams of you when I was younger."

Pegasus looked over everyone and said, "All of you were born to be the legendary sorcerers." He looked directly at Sara and said, "I was able to contact you from the world in which you grew up in. We have always been connected. Now I am free from this mortal world and I pass my power along to you." Pegasus shone with a white light that covered itself and Sara and when the white light passed Pegasus was gone.

Sara turned to face the others and said, "Now I have the power of my magical animal spirit within me."

"Way to go Sara" David said.

Ashley asked, "Can we please get out of here now?"

Sara said, "Lets go." David and the others left the cavern, through the short tunnel, and enter the main room with the entrance of the pit cave.

David said, "I'm going to need some help getting everyone out of here."

"I can help with that." Sara raised her wand and exclaimed, "Magical animal spirit evolution!" In a bright white light Sara transformed into Pegasus.

Pegasus said, "This may sound a little weird but who wants to ride me?"

Ashley said, "I do. You are a flying horse after all."

David raised his wand and exclaimed, "Magical animal spirit evolution!" David was covered in golden fire and then transformed into Dragontame.

Dragontame asked, "Who wants to ride on this fire breathing dragon?" Shadow walked up to him and jumped on his back while Ashley climbed up of Pegasus.

Ken said, "Huuuuhhhhh."

"Come on" Shadow shouted. Ken ran up to Dragontame and Shadow lend him a hand helping him up. Foxy jumped on Pegasus behind Ashley.

Dragontame said, "Alright. Everyone hold on." Both he and Pegasus flapped their wings and flew out of the pit cave into the sunlight of the forest and landed. Everyone jumped off their ride but before they could say much Werefang who was now half black dragon flew from over the trees and hovered in front of the legendary sorcerers.

Werefang said, "I'm almost glad you made it out of their because I personally wanted to be the one to end you all."

"You and want army" Dragontame shouted." Werefang howled and from the forest werewolves ran out to confront Dragontame and the others.

Werefang said, "This is how many werewolves I can control now. Werewolves!" The werewolves growled and barked.

Dragontame said, "Take care of the werewolves guys. I'll go get Werefang."

"I'll help you" Pegasus said.

Shadow said, "Come on Ashley. Lets bring out the big wands."

Shadow and Ashley raised their wands and exclaimed, "Magical animal spirit evolution!" In a swirl of black and gold light Shadow transformed into Arma and in a white light with a golden hue Ashley transformed in Uniqueen.

Werefang shouted, "Attack!" The werewolves charged forward and Dragontame and Pegasus flew into the air to meet Werefang.

Dragontame exclaimed, "This is were it ends. Golden flames!" Gold color fire erupted out of his mouth.

Wererfang exclaimed, "Howling blaster!" A force of sonic energy echoed out of his mouth and collide with the golden fire. The impact battled each other out and ended with a force of energy that spread outward pushing Dragontame, Pegasus, and Werefang backwards.

Pegasus then flew forward and exclaimed, "White feathers swift!" Sharp white feathers quickly shot out of her open wings and attacked Werefang which caused many tiny scratches and cuts.

After a loud growl Werefang fought back and exclaimed, "Howling blaster!" The force of the energy from his attack hit Pegasus and knocked her down on the ground. Dragontame yelled and flew at Werefang ramming into him and they started wrestling with each other while trapped in an embrace.

Dragontame shouted at Pegasus, "Pegasus help the others then come back!"

At the time Dragontame and Pegasus were fighting with Werefang Arma said, "Lets kick these wolves butts." Arma raised his sword and charged at the werewolves. As one werewolf jumped at him he swung his sword and slammed the werewolf on the ground. One werewolf clamped its jaw on his wrist that held the gold broad blade sword while another werewolf held his ankle in its mouth. While the two werewolves were holding onto Arma with their fangs another two jumped at him knocking him down on his back.

Ken pointed his blue wand at the werewolf biting Arma's wrist and exclaimed, "Water blaster!" The water that blasted out of Ken's wand hit the werewolf and threw it away from Arma.

Arma exclaimed, "Sword of light and darkness!" He swung his sword around throwing off the two werewolves on top of himself and finished swinging his sword by hitting the one that was biting his ankle.

As a pack of five werewolves were running at Uniqueen she exclaimed, "Unicorn rope!" a golden rope of energy came out of her golden horn and lassoed in front of herself and then expanded around the charging werewolves and contracted tying the five of them together. "Now to send you off. Unicorn horn shine!" A golden energy beam of light hit the werewolves that were bound together by the gold energy rope and they were sent flying back deeper into the forest.

Werewolves were quick to start attack Arma and he fought them with sword, fist, and kicks.

Five werewolves raced at Ken. He exclaimed, "Water blaster!" Using his wand like a hose he blasted water by moving the point of his wand to each werewolf. The water attack of Ken's stopped the them in their tracks but when the water ran out the they continued at him as he fell backwards in panic and screamed.

Pegasus flew to Ken and exclaimed, "Stars of dreams!" Five white balls of energy formed a circle in from of herself and each one shot at one of the five werewolves that were running at Ken. Pegasus's attack hit and threw the werewolves backwards and hit the trees of the forest hard.

Ken stood back up and said, "Thanks Pegasus."

"I got your back."

Dragontame continued to wrestle and hold onto Werefang. Werefang tried to bite Dragontame in the face as they were wrestling but Dragontame opened his jaws and was trying to bite back. They were at a stalemate until Dragontame used all his strength to throw the both of them down from the air into the ground. As they broke apart Dragontame backed away and exclaimed, "Now guys lets finish him! Golden flames!" Gold like fire erupted out of his mouth.

Arma exclaimed, "Sword of light and darkness!" His sword glowed half in black and half in gold energy and he brought his sword downwards and the black and gold energy sliced threw the air.

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!" A strong blast of water burst out of his wand.

Pegasus exclaimed, "Stars of dreams!" Five balls of white energy formed in front of herself and shot outward together.

Uniqueen exclaimed, "Golden horn shine! A golden beam of energized light shot of of her horn.

All five attacks were aimed and went straight at Werefang. Werefang exclaimed, "Howling blaster!" The power of his attack hit the attacks of the legendary sorcerers but was easily overpowered and the full power of the legendary sorcerers hit Werefang at full blast and their was a great explosion. Dark energy ripped apart Werefang and he was no more.

Everyone transformed back to their normal selves. David said, "Alright we did it. We beaten him for good."

Shadow said, "Yeah we did. His reign of terrorizing people is over."

Foxy said, "I knew you would win. Nothing can bring down the legendary sorcerers. Hip hip..."

David and the others shouted together, "Hooray!"