
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Fang Grows New Fangs

Fang, one of the legendary sorcerers of darkness was searching within a dark spot of the forest. With dark spots beings places with unusually high level of dark magic, Fang knew to be careful. In a clearing surrounded by trees was a large pack of werewolves sleeping around a huge werewolf that was twice as big as the others. When Fang approached them with his wand drawn out the werewolves became alerted and woke up. The werewolves got up and growled and some barked at Fang. Fang waved his wand and said, "Obey." The big werewolf stood up and growled with menace. "I knew it. You're the one. My magical animal spirit. The alpha of all werewolves. Come to me. Let us be as one."

The alpha werewolf barked then two of the werewolves rushed at Fang. He pointed his wand at one of them and exclaimed, "Wolf bite attack!" A black jaw of energy formed from his wand and bit the one werewolf in the chest below the head as it was running on all fours and took the it down. When the other werewolf jumped at Fang he fell backwards voluntarily and kicked it's stomach with both feet throwing the werewolf a couple yards away behind him. Fang jumped back up and asked, "Who next?" The other werewolves growled and then the alpha growled louder and the other werewolves cleared the way.

The alpha werewolf let out howl that formed a burst of energy that vibrated the air and shot at Fang. Fang quickly exclaimed, "Wolf bite attack! From his wand a jaw of black energy struck out towards the alpha but the power of the alpha's howl wiped out Fang's attack and hit him throwing him down. The alpha werewolf leaped at Fang and landed on top of him. As the alpha was about to bite his neck but he grabbed the alpha by the throat with both hands. Fang struggled to hold off the alpha as the alpha got closer to his perceived prey. Fang shifted the it's head before the it bit his throat and shifted it's head to his shoulder as it sank it's teeth into Fang. As the alpha werewolf's fangs sank into Fang the alpha began to merge with him. Their bodies connected by skin then muscle then bone and they became one.

Where there were two there now was one. In their place was a wolfman Fang who was hairy all over his body and he no longer needed a robe. His face was no wolf like with a snout, pointed ears, and fangs coming out of his mouth and sharp claws instead of fingernails and toenails. "I am Werefang" He yelled then howled. He turned to the werewolves who were showing their submission and said, "We are going to find our prey and tear them apart."

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were in a clearing in the forest eating meat apples. David said, "You know what it just dawned on me that vegetarians would be able to eat meat apples because they are grown rather then hunted."

Sara laughed and asked, " You just realized that now?" David laughed sheepishly.

Ken took his last bite out of a blue meat apple and said, "That was nice. I'm full now. One is enough for me. How about you David?"

David being almost down his second meat apple said, "I could probably eat half of a third but I think I'll stop at this one. It looks like Shadow is going to eat a third."

Shadow took a bite out of his third meat apple which was a red one and said "Fuel for my muscles."

David said, "Yeah, you workout like crazy." He swallowed his last bite out of his meat apple and burped.

"Manners" Ashley said. "That's disgusting."

"Sorry Ashley" David replied.

Shadow chuckled a little and said, "For what? That was barely a burp."

"Oh yeah" asked David. He belched. "How was that?"

Shadow said, "Not bad. Check this." Shadow belched louder then David.

"Nice one" David said. Howls began to sound throughout the forest. David and the others stood up quickly. "Werewolves. Come on guys."

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, and Ashley exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!" Werefang and a pack of werewolves ran into the clearing where David and others were and they stood facing each other.

Shadow said, "So Fang you got your magical animal spirit. Good. You'll be more of a challenge now."

Werefang said, "The name is Werefang now. It will be just me against the five of you. I want to tell the limits of my skills and new power."

Shadow exclaimed, "Have it your way. Shadow blaster! From Shadow's wand came a swirl of light and dark energy that blasted at Werefang but he ran and jumped up high avoiding the attack and landing in front of Shadow taking him down to the ground with a swipe of his claws.

David exclaimed, "Oh no you don't. Magical flamethrower!" Werefang high jumped before David's attack of fire could reach him.

Sara pointed her white wand at Werefang in the air and exclaimed, "White feathers attack!" The gust of wind and sharp white feathers hit and blew him yards away where he landed on his feet.

Ashley exclaimed, "Rose petals!" Pink glowing rose petals blew out of her wand and widen its attack at Werefang so he dodge it.

Werefang exclaimed, "Howling blaster!" A blast of energy that came from his mouth scattered the rose petals away and threw back David and the others.

David said, "He's strong. Lets kick this up a notch guys."

David, Shadow, and Ashley exclaimed, "Magical animal spirit evolution!" David transformed into Dragontame, Shadow transformed in Arma, and Ashley transformed into Uniqueen.

Dragontame flew up in the air and exclaimed, "Golden flames!" Gold fire erupted out of his mouth.

Werefang exclaimed, "Howling blaster!" The force of energy from his attack pinpointed at Draontame's attack and when they collided both attacks were spread outward and cancelled each other out.

Arma exclaimed, "My turn. Sword of light and darkness!" The blade of Arma's gold sword glowed half in black and half in gold and he swung the broad blade horizontally and the sharp light and dark energy slashed through the air. Werefang jumped and dodged the attack before it could hit him and Arma's attack ended up cutting down a couple of trees.

Uniqueen exclaimed, "Unicorn rope!" A golden light attached to her horn went straight to Werefang and wrapped itself around his ankle. She threw her head to the side which caused the golden rope of light to fling him crashing to the ground. The rope disappeared and before Werefang could gat up Uniqueen exclaimed, "Unicorn horn shine!" A blast of golden light shot out of her horn and hit Werefang which hurt him.

Werefang got up and shouted, "Attack!" The werewolves charged.

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!" From his blue wand came cannon shot of water that threw back and knocked down one of the charging werewolves.

Drgaontame exclaimed, "Golden flames!" His golden color fire hit three of the werewolves and knocked them out.

Arma exclaimed, "Sword of light and darkness!"

Sara exclaimed, "White feathers attack!" Arma's attack slashed the remaining charging werewolves and Sara's attack blew them backwards crashing onto the ground.

Werefang said, "Wait until next time. I was just getting warmed up." He turned and dashed quickly into the forest.

Dragontame said, "Lets get him."

"Don't bother" Arma said. "He's to fast." Dragontame landed and everyone transformed back.

David said, "He keeps getting away."

"So did Ratso but we got him in the end" Shadow replied.

"You're right."

"Am I ever wrong?"

David smiled and said, "We'll get him next time, right guys?"

"Right" Everyone chimed in together.