
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Saving the Elder Unicorn

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were in a forest sitting beneath a meat apple tree eating meat apples. David said, "The yellow one is roast beef. It's real good."

Ashley said, "I will stick to the green which is steak. I have to admit it's not bad." A baby unicorn with a small golden horn slowly walked up to David and the others. "Oh how cute. It's a baby unicorn." Ashley got down or her knees and started petting it.

"Do you want a meat apple little guy" David asked as he held out his meat apple to the baby unicorn. The baby unicorn stiffed it and took a bite. "aww." Sara and and Ken both sat by the unicorn and started petting it. As the petting continued an full grown unicorn galloped from the trees and reared up on it's hind legs and stomped on the ground. David and the others quickly moved back as the unicorn neighed angerly. The baby unicorn walked up to the adult and nuzzled it's head. The adult unicorn nudged the baby back into the woods.

"Mother unicorns are very protective of their young" Foxy explained.

Ashley said, "They are so beautiful. I would love to ride one."

Foxy said, "Unicorns aren't for riding. They are proud creatures."

"I heard one over here" A man's voice shouted. A group of nine big burly wizards came running up from behind David and the others. The biggest of the wizards stopped in front of David and asked, "Hey kid did you see a unicorn nearby?"

David looked at the big man and looked at the others then asked, "Why do you want to know?"

The biggest wizard said, "Let me introduce myself. My name is James and these eight others guys are my men. We provide a community service by distributing unicorn horns to other wizards and witches. The kind that likes to spend big money if you know what I mean."

Foxy said, "That is illegal."

David said, "You guy are just poachers."

"Watch it kid" James said and shoved David backwards with one hand. Shadow grabbed James's wrist and flipped him over his back.

Shadow said, "Don't start something that we will have to end."

"Hey boss are you alright" One of the hunters asked James.

James got up and said, "Of course I'm alright. I was just caught off guard. Lets teach these guys a lesson men." The hunters raised their wands.

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, and Ashley raised their wands over their heads and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!" With a burst of multicolor lights of fire, light, darkness, blue light, white light, and pink light David and the others were now in their sorcerer's robes.

James said, "They look powerful men. We will use our combined attack." James raised his wand high above his head and the rest of the big wizards raised their wands at his and red beams of light were absorbed by James's wand. He took at step forward and exclaimed, "Red multiple arrows strike!" A bunch of red energies in the shape of arrows shot out of his wand.

David exclaimed, "Magical flame-thrower!" A stream of fire blasted from his red wand.

Shadow exclaimed, "Shadow blaster!" A swirling beam of black and gold light shot out of his black wand.

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!" A strong pump of water burst out of his blue wand.

Sara exclaimed, "White feathers attack!" A gust of wind combined with razor sharp white feathers blew out of her white wand.

Ashley exclaimed, "Rose petal!" Pink rose petals blew out of her wand without wind.

The legendary sorcerers attacks ran through the red arrows and hit James and the other wizards throwing them across the forest ground. Seeing them laying on the ground moaning and struggling to sit up David said, "I hope you guys learned your lesson."

Ken said, "We should get some authorities here." Suddenly their were loud neighing sounds off in the distance.

Foxy said, "They sound like unicorns. They must be in trouble."

"Let's go" David said and they all ran towards the source of the sounds.

After running through the forest they found that Fang and a pack of werewolves were surrounding a small herd of unicorns. In a threatening tone Fang asked the unicorns, "Where is the elder unicorn?"

David yelled, "Hey Fang! I thought your fight was with us."

Fang turned to face David and the others and said, "My fight is with you and part of that fight is stopping you all from getting your magical animal spirits."

Shadow said, "You're too late. You can't stop us with the powers we already have."

Fang said, "We'll see about that. Werewolves attack!" The pack of werewolves ran at David and the others.

Sara turned to Ashley and said, "Lets blow the werewolves away from the unicorns together."


Sara exclaimed, "White feathers attack!"

Ashley exclaimed, "Roses petals!" When the two attack combined their was a beautiful whirlwind of rose petals and feathers that picked up the five werewolves and with a waved of their wands the beautiful whirlwind threw the five werewolves against the trees away from the unicorns. The werewolves got up and limped away back into the forest.

"It's you and me now Fang" Shadow said. "I want to show you how much stronger I gotten and hit you back for all the times in the castle of darkness.

Fang said, "You always been a gluttony for punishment."

Shadow raised his wand up and exclaimed, "Magical animal spirit evolution!" Shadow was surrounded by a swirl of light and darkness and when it disappeared standing there was Arma. A suit of armor that was half black and half gold with the symbol of the yin-yang in black and gold on the front and a broad gold sword with a black handle raised in hands.

Fang said, "So you have your magical animal spirit huh. Show me what you got."

Arma raised his sword back about to attack but then stopped. He said, "The wise one does not attack first. I will fight only to defend."

Fang said, "Look how you changed. Fine then I'll go. Wolf bite attack!" With a large flick of his wand a dark energy wolf jaw filled with fangs chomped straight at Arma.

Arma exclaimed, "Sword of light and darkness! " The blade of his sword glowed half in gold and half in darkest black. Fang's attack clamped its jaw around Arma's sword. Arma raised his sword and slashed the air. The dark energy jaw was vaporized and a slash of golden energy and dark energy tore through the air and headed straight at Fang. Fang held up his wand and a dark force-field surrounded his front but when Arma's attack hit the dark force-field it shattered and Fang fell backwards. Arma pointed his sword at Fang and said, "You lost." Fang swirled his wand and he disappeared in black smoke. With no threat around everyone transform back into their normal clothes.

David said, "Way to go Shadow. That was awesome. You really hit it up with the whole wisdom thing. I guess that Arma really taught you something."

Shadow shrugged and said, "We get stronger as we grow."


David and the others were asleep in their sleeping bags beneath a full moon. Ashley sat up from her sleeping bag and got out of it with her eyes closed. Without making a sound she stood up and walked away. While sleepwalking she wonder further and further away from the others while they were still fast asleep.

"Are you sure this is the pond" one of the burly wizards asked James.

"It must be" James said. "It is the only pond in the forest that is perfectly round and the full moon reflects from the pond. It's all here as it is in the legends. Now pipe down and don't question me."

Ashley walked up to the pond and woke up. She looked around startled. "Where am I? Hello."

From behind trees James said to the other unicorn hunting wizards, "It looks like are luck has just turned around. It's one of them kids all alone and a girl. They say that unicorns are protectors of fair maidens. Let's go put that damsel in distress."

James and the other wizards came out from behind the trees and confronted Ashley. When she it was the hunters from earlier in the day her eyes widen in panic and she screamed at the top of her lungs. James said, "You have some lungs on you girl."

"Did you bring me here?"

"No, you brought yourself here sweetheart."

Ashley whipped out her pink wand from thin air, raised it and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!" A pink light as well as pink light in the shape of rose petals surrounded her. When the pink lights disappeared she was standing their in a pink sparkling robe. She pointed her wand at James and said, "Just back off and I hope you are done hunting unicorns."

"We won't and we're not" James said. "Now if I remember you have some fight in you. Lets take her down men!"

James and the other wizards raised their wands and shouted, "Red arrow strike!" Beams of red light in the shape of arrows shot at Ashley.

Ashley exclaimed, "Rose petals!" Pink light shaped like rose petals blew out of her wand and formed a wall protecting her. The red arrows hit the wall of rose petals but could not break through. Ashley exclaimed, "Dizzy pollen!" Little purple fuzzy balls swirled out from her pink wand and blew into James and the others. They became very dizzy from the attack and loss their balance and they all fell. Ashley ran pasted James and then the other hunters but once she went by the one furthest in the back that wizard came to his senses and tackled her legs knocking her down.

"I got her" The wizard shouted.

"Get off" Ashley yelled trying to kick the wizard off. She poked the wizard on the forehead with her wand and pink sparks flew out. The wizard yelled and let her go. Ashley and the wizards all got up from the ground and stood up.

James said, "You can't escape us. We are going to use you as bait to capture the elder unicorn. Its horn is sure to be the most valuable."

Silently behind James and the others a unicorn appeared out of thin air standing on the water of the pond. She had the whitest hair and a beautiful golden horn and had the bluest eyes. She silently galloped across the pond without rippling the water and galloped around James and the others wizards and stood in front of Ashley facing the hunters. The unicorn stated in a beautiful, delicate, and yet powerful voice, "I am Uniqueen! You will not harm this fair maiden. Begone hunters of my kind.

James said, "We finally found you. Come on men!" He raised his wand in the air and the other hunters pointed their wand at his wand and gave their red energy to James's wand. "Giant red arrow strike! A giant red arrow of energy formed in front of James from hit wand and was let loose.

Uniqueen exclaimed, "Unicorn horn shine!" A beam of gold light shot from her wand and collided with the giant red arrow. With a whoosh of air both attacks cancelled each other out. "Unicorn rope!" Uniqueen tossed her head and a golden light circled James and the other wizards and tied them together. Uniqeen turned to Ashley and asked, "Do you swear that you will hold gentleness and kindness to be your greatest values?"

Ashley stared at Uniqueen in aw and then said, "Yes I swear."

"Then I pass my powers onto you. Use them well according to their nature." Uniqueen transformed into sparkling starlight and went within Ashley.

"Hey Ashley are you okay" David shouted as he and the others ran up to her.

Ashley smiled and said, "I'm doing great. I'll tell you guys all about it but first these guys" (She pointed her thumb and James and the other hunters) need to go to jail."

Foxy said, "Not to worry. All David has to do is send up a red flare and the authorities will be on their way." David pointed his wand in the air and a red flare shot out and lit the night sky in red.

David said, "Okay now while we wait tell us what went on here Ashley." Ashley smiled. Her pearly white teeth glistened in the light.