
Chapter 3

Since that time seven years had passed quickly, Yukio had changed a lot since then either mentally or physically, although at first he did not want to establish a relationship with these 'parents', in the end, he became fond of them

Apparently her mother, Naoki Himura, now known as Mrs. Fujiwara was a very intelligent woman besides she was an excellent businesswoman who had an interior design company, although Yukio was always amazed by the beautiful decoration of this house where He lived, so it turned out to be his mother who had done it that way

As for his father, Yoichi Fujiwara was a businessman who had five companies related to jewelry and the film industry, but that was only on the surface since his true background was a Clan ranked as the second most powerful in Japan and of course his Clan was involved with the mafia being his father the Great Chief

While his new life was obviously full of luxuries, even so none of these luxuries attracted Yukio's attention, after all his attention he focused on getting stronger

Even so during these seven years he was not inactive, apart from training his body physically he also managed to enroll in a school, his parents were always somewhat curious about why his son would choose to want to be in a low category school but they loved him very much and decided to fulfill your wishes

It was thanks to that that Yukio was able to find what he was looking for, Issei and Irina ... Apparently Yukio was a year older than them, therefore both were still six years old which meant that it was still a year before Irina left

That gave him enough time to establish a friendship with both of them, but leaving that aside right now in a classroom where a beautiful teacher was teaching the classes, you could notice Yukio sitting behind his desk while looking towards the board with concentration

But the truth is that he was watching a pop-up window in front of his eyes


Name: Yukio Fujiwara

Bloodline: Human

Species: Human

Title: Apostle of Suna (☼)

Level: 15

OP Currency: 1,200


STR - 15

DEX - 15

INT - 15

Mind - 15

Points saved: 42

Energy - ∞

- / -


A hint that hinted at a smile appeared on Yukio's lips, he had been training his body physically since he was a child along with his 'Control Chakra' his body was really far superior to any human even at this young age, although his attribute points they were still low but he was deciding where to place his points carefully

Also a while ago he had reviewed the store and was somewhat surprised and equally excited when he could tell that in the system store there were countless skills and other things of different series

It was because of that that he had made a great decision to train and it was also because of that that he leveled up until now, although the system also gave him some silly missions for which he gained some experience and levels

Although he was still weak, he was taking his first steps to fulfill his part of the deal and return to his sister ... That was his dream

"Yukio-Senpai?" At that moment a beautiful voice broke Yukio's thoughts, he knew the owner of that voice and directed his gaze with a kind smile

"Is something wrong? Irina-chan?"

Irina who had heard the 'Chan' could not help making a face but also had a blush on her cheeks, it was truly impossible that it did not happen after all Yukio was considered the most handsome boy in the whole school

After all Yukio had taken all the physical features of his mother, he had a short dark black hair combined with very attractive and deep gray eyes, besides having a strong charisma and not forgetting his kind side many girls wanted him as his idol

"D-leave that ... Anyway, why are you so spaced? Classes are over, will you come home with us or will you just go this time?"

Yukio thought about it a bit and ended up accepting, he had made friends with her very quickly, on the one hand, because he had started the conversation and another because Irina at this age was quite introverted, as for Issei ... Well, although they knew each other they weren't very friends anyway, they just spoke a few words or they would go home together

Soon the three of them left school, the three chatted animatedly while they walked without worrying about other things, it was typical of children

"Mm, Yukio-Senpai?"

Irina turned her gaze to Yukio who had stopped walking and was looking in a certain direction, she was curious to know what her friend was seeing but before she could even say another word she felt that someone was taking her right hand

"Y-Yukio-Senpai ?!"

Yes, it was Yukio who took her hand and smiled quietly "It's nothing, come on or it will be too late" When he finished speaking he took her gently by the hand

Irina was really confused and embarrassed watching her hands together "... Okay"

In the end she just said those two words, instead, Issei looked at both of them as she laughed causing Irina to feel more embarrassed, while the three of them went in the distance you could see a man with a muscular body casually out of an alley

It was not a strange scene, it's just that if someone entered the alley then they would realize that inside was the body of a dead woman whose throat had been cut


Yukio had come home and locked himself in his room while a sigh escaped his lips, since he had obtained complete 'Chakra Control' there was something new in his senses, although he did not know how to explain it in detail and once he came to think that it was about 'Sensor Type', but it's not like that ...

It's more like calling it 'Sense of Presence' or 'Magical Perception', the fact is that he could feel the presences around him and just when he was with Irina and Issei he could feel that one of the near presences had weakened until disappear

There were only two options for this ... Or that person used some trick to hide or had just died, Yukio thought the second option was the most logical

"So that means ... Wandering demons ..." Yes, that conclusion instinctively reached his brain, why?

It was because, with the presence of the person who died he had felt some kind of dark and harmful presence, it was quite obvious that a human could not radiate something like that

"System, how far is my strength compared to the people of this world?"


[The System has ordered a series of data and the different ranges of forces will now be displayed ... Low Class Demons (Level: 15) / Middle Class Demons (Level: 25-30) / High Class Demons (Level: 30-50) / Demons of the Supreme Class (Level: 50-80) / Transcendental (Level: 80-100)]

Several columnar columns that showed different titles and levels were placed just in front of Yukio caused his eyes to stare at that pop-up window after all this was destined to be useful for his life in this world

While he had realized something now, his level was only at the same level as that of a lower-class demon, but a confident smile appeared on his face.

"Really? Although my level is only fifteen, I still haven't placed my points, what would happen if I faced an enemy of equal level and I placed my points in speed? Wouldn't that make me even more superior than my enemy?" Yukio wasn't an idiot, although he didn't have much RPG before at least he knew that even five extra points were really deadly or so he thought

In addition, the most extraordinary thing in this world was not things like 'optional attributes', that is, even if he was only level fifteen if he raised his points wisely, he could be compared to those at a higher level.

"System tell me how much experience each death of these enemies would give"


[Full Compilation ... Low Class Demon (100) - Middle Class Demon (500) - High Class Demon (1,000) - Supreme Class Demon (5,000) - Transcendental (10,000)]

Yukio felt really stunned when he looked at the number of points highlighted by those 'Transcendental', there was also a certain curiosity towards those people who had that kind of power, but it wasn't time for that because he had a plan in mind when a smile appeared on her lips

"System, when can I use my second unique ability?" He was obviously talking about 'Fictitious Summoning', just by imagining it, his heart raced


[24:05:36 | It is the estimated time]

Just hearing those words made Yukio smile and a bright light in his eyes as he rose from his bed with a dazzling smile "System, open the store right now!"