
Chapter 4

12:25 AM ... It was the current time while the moon was high in the sky weakly illuminating the surrounding streets, the muted sounds of cars on the road and some people walking on the roads could be heard faintly, it was quite normal that although it was midnight many people still remained in the streets

Whether for fun or others to do unconventional jobs, whatever their reasons, everyone had their own motives and a clear example would be a shadow which was flying over the roofs of some houses silently while his body was covered in a dark suit

If someone who knew Naruto saw this scene would surely exclaim in amazement, it was because this person who skipped the roofs agilely was dressed in the classic ANBU suit that Uchiha Itachi used in his childhood along with the same weasel mask

Suddenly the shadow stopped while his eyes were fixed on the distance, this person then uttered some rather strange words

"System, scan the environment and give me a detail of the current situation"

Obviously this person was Yukio who had sneaked out of his room at midnight while he had decided to try his luck tonight


[Full Scan ... Eight enemies have been found around, three lower-class demons, five middle-class demons, and one upper-class demon ... The user is advised to fight against those lower-class demons, their position is. ..]

The system gave a calculation and some advice, Yukio nodded as he listened while these actions of his were dangerous, but if he was going to live in this world for a while he had to strengthen himself now or never would, although it seemed quite curious to hear that there was a high-class demon around but decided to ignore it while focusing his gaze towards the direction where those of lesser rank were

"Open the state"



Name: Yukio Fujiwara

Bloodline: Human

Species: Human

Title: Apostle of Suna (☼)

Level: 15

OP Currency: 400


STR - 35

DEX - 35

INT - 15

Mind - 15

Points saved: 2

Energy - ∞

- / -


His condition was shown while his new attributes were before his sight, he had chosen to strengthen his physical body, his dex increased his attack speed, career and even his reflexes had increased enormously, in addition, his strength was incomparable he had previously tried hitting a nearby wall and was surprised when his fist even managed to break it like hot tofu

In addition he also came prepared, he had spent a total of eight hundred OP coins buying some useful skills for this moment, he had bought Fire Style Jutsus it did not take long to master them, although it was only 80% of the domain still should not be underestimated, also had bought the famous skill of Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, his domain was around 50% and 36%

"I think it's time" Yukio whispered and quickly moved from his place disappearing


At this time a woman was running agitatedly while her clothes were somewhat torn and dirty due to her clumsy falls, her feet were barefoot while she was sobbing due to the pain she felt in her poor feet, even so she did not stop running because she knew that once he stopped then his life would be over

It was only a few minutes ago when she was at work as a waitress in a nearby restaurant, she had stayed late because today she had to close so she could only sigh bitterly and accept the orders of her boss, but who would think that this would happen to her now ... was she going to die?

That man had appeared so suddenly ... Oh no, calling him a man was a little, monster? Yes, it was better to call him a monster because his body was so giant and his arms were shaped like knives

"KAKAKA Run away ?! Yes, do it! I like the fun first!" A creepy laugh was heard along the way while she kept running, her only hopes were to reach the main street where many people should still be walking

Yes, as long as she gets there then she can save herself ... Yes, she was encouraged with that while accelerating her steps

Unfortunately, things didn't always work as some expect, when she was running and her hope was right in front of her eyes something unthinkable happened, a creepy woman appeared in front of her and stabbed her right in her stomach

She was dumbfounded and her eyes were facing the main street which was so close, she could even faintly hear the noise of the cars passing by, but she knew it all ended

His body felt cold and his body turned back when he now fell on the floor watching the starry sky, regrets came to his mind as he thought of his beloved daughter

Maybe this is my destiny? She came to think like that

But while she thought about it and watched the stars, she also listened weakly to the conversation that this man and the woman who had stabbed her with the knife had.

"Damn, did you really have to intrude? This is my prey don't interfere!"

"Your prey?" The demon woman scoffed before laughing "You can't call her your prey when I enter my territory, you also almost let her go to the main street, do you know what was happening? The Demons that make patrols could realize the situation, don't forget that right now there are those so-called 'Exorcists' visiting this city! "

The man remained silent and his gaze frowned, although what the woman said in front of him was true but then he simply decided to ignore it "Anyway, this is my prey, I will take it now as, for you, it is better that you get out of my way "

"As you want! But you kill her right now or you won't leave here!" The demon woman obviously did not want this idiot in front of her by mistake to let her escape, although there was no security of the woman lying on the floor surviving her previous attack it was better to make sure


The man responded and raised his sword-shaped hand, from the beginning to the end he enjoyed killing people who would cry and beg for his life, therefore noticing that this woman lying on the floor was on the verge of death he decided to kill her and look for another victim to conclude his night

But in the eyes of the woman whose life was weakening, she looked at the man's actions and she wanted to scream but her words rather sounded like grunts due to her weak strength, she could only see how that 'blade' was heading towards her heart while her eyes were completely open




The blade was only centimeters from her chest but it never came ... There was complete silence in the surroundings, it was at that moment that the head of the demon man had detached from his body

The demon woman was petrified before the scene, just a second ago that idiot was about to kill the human woman but now ... Did they cut his head? How? Who? At what time?

With those thoughts running through her head she immediately retreated back and watched her surroundings, it was at that moment that she noticed that mysteriously a small boy was standing next to the human woman

"You ..." The demon woman wanted to ask who this person was, but at that moment she could weakly hear that mysterious person was saying something to the woman on the floor


"Hold on a little, I'm going to help you now," Yukio said gently while not hesitating he bought a Medical Art, instantly his left palm was wrapped in a green light which he placed on the woman's abdomen

Although her actions were strange, the human woman felt that her wound was healing and that was strange, but she observed the person who helped her, she wanted to thank her but ended up fainting

Yukio observed that everything was ready and looked strangely at this woman before shaking her head, then looked at the demon woman while a smile appeared under her mask

"Are you a Demon?"

"Are you an Exorcist?" She did not answer and instead asked something that Yukio thought was strange but again looking at the woman lying on the floor he had a new understanding of the situation now

"Temporary Alteration ..." Yukio whispered his new understanding because he could see that this would actually be a big problem later, instead the demon woman was tense because she realized that this strange person in front of her was preparing to attack her

"Wait ... What if?"


Before she could finish speaking she realized that Yukio had suddenly disappeared from her place, that made her quickly raise her knife to cover herself


A sharp metallic sound sounded as a Kunai crashed into the knife, Yukio frowned and then moved again at high speed

The demon woman was not left behind either, both were soon involved in a battle while the metallic sound resonated in the environment, this woman was a middle-class demon!

But there was something that was noticeable, Yukio had the advantage in strength, the demon woman backed away at every moment while her face showed some concern, in just these physical exchanges she could tell that this person was strong!

Soon they had both distanced themselves while they looked at each other cautiously, it was at that moment that the demon woman suddenly threw her knife at Yukio, he immediately dodged it and it was when he heard that she was shouting something

"Cursed Exorcist dies!" She suddenly took off the top of her clothes showing her breasts, although they were quite beautiful to appreciate except that ...

"Shit!" Yukio now realized why this woman seemed so fucking familiar, she was the demon woman who appeared in chapter three of the main DXD canon

From the demon woman's nipples, several yellow lights were immediately fired that hit the ground turning it into a disaster, Yukio quickly dodged all even so a part of his vest had to be sacrificed, it was sad because the whole set cost around one hundred coins OP

"Don't move damn Exorcist, today you will die!" The demon woman began to laugh as she accelerated her attacks, she was so annoying that Yukio thought, it was at that moment that he took out five kunais and threw

The demon woman immediately dodged them and smiled mockingly "Is that all? Are you so hurt that your aim was damaged? AHAHA"

While, Yukio actually had some wounds on his body, but his aim failed? Ah! What an idiot this woman was, Yukio smiled as he quickly made several seals with his hands and then roared

"Element of Fire: Jutsu Dance of Mystical Fog !!" Yukio's body swelled a little before expelling a large amount of fog that spread around the demon woman, she was surprised by this ability but noticing that she didn't do any damage just ignored it while mocking

"Did you expect to hurt me with this? Truly idiot! What did you think gas could do to me something? ... Gas?" She laughed but at the end of her sentence she suddenly stopped while watching Yukio take the human woman in her arms before disappearing

Although she couldn't see the expression on Yukio's face due to the mask, she could feel that something was wrong and quickly observed her surroundings just when she noticed that one of those strange black 'knives' was rolled up with some kind of paper

"N-no!" She felt something ominous but it was too late, those papers suddenly ignited and exploded, besides the gas around her caused everything to swell making it a true living hell

"A-Ahhh! N-no! Help... Help me! ... A ..." His screams became even weaker as time went by, Yukio stared at her while his thoughts traveled to his brain

He had killed two people, although they were demons and killed people still considered murder, but he clenched his fist and did not stop

"Do you expect me to feel mercy for you? How many people have not begged their lives before your hands? I am not a righteous but not an idiot ..." Yukio said weakly before disappearing from the place while running with the human woman in his arms

The sounds of alerts were ringing in his head at that time

[Congratulations on killing a Low-Class Demon, you've received '100' OP Coins!]

[Congratulations on killing a Middle-Class Demon, you've received '500' OP Coins!]

[Congratulations you have leveled up 16! ]

[Congratulations you have leveled up 17! ]

[Congratulations on killing your first enemy 'Middle-Class', you have been rewarded with a 'Mysterious Box'

"That is good..."


At this time on the roof of a building, you could notice the figure of a short person who was sitting while rubbing his shoulders

"It's really tiring ... But it's very beneficial if I have to say it" Yukio chuckled as he looked at the fruit of his hard work


Name: Yukio Fujiwara

Bloodline: Human

Species: Human

Title: Apostle of Suna (☼)

Level: 21

OP Currency: 1,300


STR - 35

DEX - 35

INT - 21

Mind - 21

Points saved: 20

Energy - ∞

- / -


After having taken care of that two demons he had been attacking others of lower rank, his battles had become even easier due to his rapid mastery of the battle experience learned, although he could not call himself an expert at least he was not below of some people

"Although it is certainly pleasant, I undoubtedly exposed myself a bit, therefore, it would be better to retire for a while, although I still do not have enough strength to show myself in this world, the problem is that if I retire then I will not be able to level up quickly ... What should I do then? "

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a movement behind him and turned only to notice how the human woman was now sitting staring at him, from the beginning to the end he had been taking her with him to heal her properly, it was not because he fell in love or something stupid if not because this woman ...

"Are you all right now?"

Because Yukio was not using his mask now, the human woman could now stare at him and notice that it was a child, she did not know what to think because her savior was a child ... A child who apparently had almost the same old than her daughter

"I ... Yes, I'm fine but ..." She observed her abdomen and noticed that there was no visible injury to the knife, then observed Yukio before smiling with some confusion "Thank you?"

"You're welcome, but you should leave now that you're well."

"Hmm ..." She nodded and got up slowly, her clothes were somewhat shattered so she felt strange to know that she would walk the streets was at that moment when something fell on her "Eh?"

"Use it for now, it should cover you enough"

She smiled, but she also felt strange ... 'Why does this boy have women's clothes with him? Rather, why would he bring a dress with him? Uh ... Is it my size? ... '

She couldn't help looking furtively at Yukio who was just turning her back, she dressed and was about to leave before stopping

"...What is your name?"

"Isn't it rude to ask someone's name without showing up first?"

"But I'm older than you ..." She made a grimace with his lips with, but in the end, she introduced herself "Meme ... Meme Towa is my name"

"Yukio ... That's enough"

Although Yukio did not give her full name, Meme smiled before leaving, this was already enough for her, she was happy and confused at the same time with today's events but did not want to disturb this boy


Yukio woke up this morning and went down to the ground floor of his house right in the dining room when his mother saw him she smiled affectionately

"Did you sleep well?" Ms. Fujiwara smiled as she placed a plate with toast and jam on the table gesturing for Yukio to sit down

"I guess so, and my father?"

"Your father had to leave early to resolve some issues, you should be careful when leaving class, some things happened at dawn" Mrs. Fujiwara sounded somewhat worried

Yukio smiled and inflated his chest "You can trust me, there is no one better than me to escape danger!"

"Pff" Mrs. Fujiwara had to laugh at the silly things she did and she ruffled her hair affectionately "Come on boy, instead of escaping you should say that you would act boldly in the situation"

"So what do you prefer? Take care or throw me into danger with courage?"

"I prefer you not to hurt yourself while acting as a great strong man" Ms. Fujiwara laughed before turning her back to continue cleaning the dirty dishes

Yukio felt very hot inside his heart, although he was previously an orphan and only had his sister, now having parents was something wonderful

{In the early hours of today an accident has occurred in the vicinity of XXX, an explosion was present and it has been declared that a house had a gas leak around, it has been confirmed that there have been no victims involved, in other news .. .}

Yukio who heard the news from the TV, nodded as he ate, he already had an idea that the government could possibly hide the event last night since he met Meme Towa yesterday realized that this world had something very different to what he previously imagined ... After all, Meme Towa shouldn't exist in this world!

While thinking about it, a system announcement surprised him quite

[It has been confirmed that twenty presences have been found in the surrounding area]

"Enemies?" Yukio quickly became alarmed but once again he was surprised

[Apparently, they are 'Researchers' who came to try to discover what happened before, be sure that all your information has been hidden and your presence is deleted from the places you visited ... There are no failures]

Yukio sighed with relief at the words of the System, he was not prepared to be able to defend himself against powerful enemies, yet he took note of not acting very flashy for a while

Ring ~ Ring ~

At that moment the house phone rang, Yukio looked curiously at the phone while his mother answered him, she spoke a few sentences before she hung up and looked at him

"Something wrong?"

"Uh, not much, but what if you go out with me today? I will notify the school that you will not attend today"

Yukio nodded and went to his room to change his clothes, it was at that moment that he remembered the 'Mysterious Box' he had received and had not yet opened

"System, now open the 'Mysterious Box'"


[Executing Order ....!]

Ding! Ding!

[You have received 'Great Dango Pillow'!]

[You have received 'Mera Mera no Mi'!]
