
Chapter 2

It had been a week since the birth of Yukio in this new world, he was currently in his room lying inside his crib while he was looking at the ceiling

"This is boring ... How long is this going to take?"

Yukio felt really bored, the life of a baby was really humiliating and degrading, not only that ... It was really strange when his mother fed him, although his mother was absolutely beautiful that was not really acceptable for him ...

Have you imagined sucking the nipple of the person who gave them life? No doubt it would create a strange feeling within you, that is how Yukio felt

But ignoring these things, he was waiting for a certain 'useless' thing to make his act of apparition, and well ... Just now it just happened

[Integration Phase: 100% - do you want to integrate the system now?]

"...Just do it"

[Executing Order: Integration - 78%]

[... 89%]

[... 100%]

A series of numbers suddenly came from that voice in his head, until then a warning full of festive mood and a female crunchy voice echoed within Yukio's mind

[Welcome to the Universal System !!]

"Universal System? ... Didn't I just ask for a classic system?" Yukio felt somewhat confused, although previously he had asked for three wishes, his first wish was to receive a unique ability, the Domain Advance chose, although he wanted to obtain Instant Domain since it would make him an absolute existence but that woman said that something of that level it was impossible to even for it

Even so 'Advanced Domain' was an excellent skill, he could quickly master any skill, either self-taught or visually seen by it, it was certainly something terrifying

The second wish was to ask for another unique ability, 'Fictitious Summoning', although his name was not very striking, his function was absolutely pleasant ... Why?

It was because he could Summon any Fictional character of any series, the best thing was that any character he invoked would be absolutely tied to his life, that is to say he had his full loyalty, even so he had to at least expect to reach the age of six or seven years until then since it was sealed

And last but not least ... A system, he just wanted an RPG that could give him a clear idea of ​​his power, but apparently he did not receive the latter

[Due to the limitation and laws of Heaven, The Suna Deity had to apply changes in her desire, even though I contain all the functions desired by the user ... Apart from my store, you can find many contents that will be known to you]

Yukio frowned a moment before just sighing, at least his first two important skills had been granted without problems while thinking about what he thought of something




Name: Yukio Fujiwara

Bloodline: Human

Species: Human

Title: Apostle of Suna (☼)

Level 1

OP Currency: 0


STR - 1

DEX - 1

INT - 1

Mind - 1

Energy - ∞

- / -


Yukio looked at the pop-up window that appeared before his retinas and couldn't help but be a little surprised, it was quite strange and magical at the same time, although his heart was already prepared for this even so it tickled because after all this It was every man's dream

"Oh?" Suddenly his gaze was fixed on 'Energy' and the symbol '∞' "Why does my Energy claim to be Infinite? Is it something good or bad?"


[Your body was re-created from the stars of this world by the goddess Suna, no matter what world you are in while there is only one star, your body will always be covered with all kinds of energies ...]

While it sounded pretty amazing it was also dangerous in a way, instantly a concern came to Yukio but the system seemed to notice and quickly explained

[Although your body is covered with Energy, the system is in charge of masking your presence, unless you want it or release a certain amount of that energy nobody can notice]

"Uh ... Having said it before" Yukio felt more relaxed then, but still, he was surprised that his body was created by the stars of this world was so strange and magical ... But once again something made him feel curious " System, tell me something ... What world am I in? "

[You are in world 745, classification - Level 7, this world is based on an era where civilization is very similar to your old world, although there are certain hidden beings who have created different factions]

Factions ... Modern civilization ... Yukio took a deep breath that anyone would misunderstand as a yawn of a tired baby "Tell me something ... Are there demons and angels here?"

[There are also Fallen Angels, you should know this world as 'High School DXD']

In his mind, Yukio felt very astonished, but then he felt like laughing at his situation, previously that woman had told him that this world presented problems due to a temporary alteration created by some past incident, although they did not explain the incident in detail could get an idea

While 'High School DXD' always had some mysteries, for example ... How could there be only the races shown only in the series? Wasn't it supposed that if there were Nekekomatas like they never showed any other kind of beast-man? Apart from the wolf, there was no talk of similar ones and that was weird ...

Also ... Where had the wonderful power 'Destruction' come from? ... While there was something that Yukio always thought and it was that that power was really OP only that in the series they never openly portrayed it

But leaving that aside, he smiled because this world was well known to Yukio, as a young man it was natural that he would certainly read some manga or watch some series.

[User, in your inventory, is a 'Mysterious Box', do you want to open it?]

At that moment the voice of the system rang again and Yukio came out of his thoughts, at first he got confused but then nodded it was normal for the system to give him a welcome gift to this world

"Of course, open it right now" He responded with some expectations and excitement, he was already very lively because he knew this world and had some ideas on how he could solve the problems presented!

[Executing Orders: Open 'Mysterious Box']

A notification came before several beeps sounded in Yukio's mind when he was surprised at the following events

Ding! Ding!

[Congratulations to the User, you are awarded 500 OP Coins !!]

[Congratulations to the User, he has been granted 'Chakra Control']

[Congratulations to the User, he has been awarded the 'Gunbai' of the character 'Uchiha Madara']