
The Legend of Vin Serpent

A cockroach fights a fierce battle against destiny. He is transported to another world where it clings desperately to life, hoping to see another day. In this new and challenging environment, he faces unimaginable dangers while struggling for survival. Amidst these challenges, the bug demonstrates its courage by advancing through unknown lands, revealing not only the physical struggle but also the mental one.

El_Creador · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Dream of a Prisonar

It was a big dark room. I was on the ground and could move a muscle. My whole body was paralyzed and all kind of thoughts were going through my head. What are they going to do with me? Am i still in the castle? Who was that man? What he meant by a dog? Why can't i move? What have they done to me?

Hours go by and i was still unable to move. So to pass time i start to count. I remember counting up to 25200 before falling asleep when i woke up i was able to move my upper-half. I had a metal insignia in my hand. The insignia had the emblem of house snake. It was a snake making a circle, the snake head was eating his own tail. I was wearing tunic that looked like two pieces of linen sewn up the sides and ascross the top, with holes left for head and arms. Seemed like they were made of low quality fabric and had holes in them. I tore a piece of my clothes then pit the insignia in it and tied it with my tunic. This way i could have the insignia with me all the time.

It was pitch black so i started crowling towards the wall to see if there was a door somewhere for me to get out. I thought it was a empty room but it was filled with insects and it had a snake too. Now i was scared became i had Entomophobia (fear of insects). Somehow i manage to find the door it was huge and it felt like it was made of matel. There was a another door but very small, like those door made for pets, at the bottom. Both door could only be opened and closed from the outside.

I stayed in front of the door and my fear of insects didn't let me sleep.

After some time i was able to move my lower body as well but i didn't know what to do with the insects. I was so scared that i even forgot about the snake. After panicking for a bit i heard footsteps and thought they have come here to save me but all they did was open the small door and gave me bread and some water in a cup.

I yelled: Save me. Please. I'm afraid of the insects. Please. Help me. I don't belong here. Help.

But no one responded so i gave up. The bread was hard as a rock and half eaten and the water was bitter. Everyday someone used to come and give me food for 2 times and take the cups. Everyday i used to beg to them to get me out of here. I thought of different ways to get out of here like not giving the cup back so he o she had to come in and it would give me a chance to get out but when i start doing that i stop getting food so i had to give back the cup.

After some time i became frustrated of this situation and started treating my Entomophobia, using somethings called exposure therapy. I learned it on Earth but i didn't had the courage to do it back then. I had to gradualy exposure myself to insects to desensitize my fear of them and and it will help me quiet my body's automatic fear reaction. It was hard at first but after some time i got the hang of it.

I don't know how much time had it been since i was trapped here but my eyes had adapted to the darkness. It was strange but i could see as clear in the dark as i used to in the sunlight. I had cured my entomophobia. I even started to traing my body with the time i had. Doing exercises i learned in my previous life, like sit ups, push ups etc.

Now the only thing left to take care off was the snake. For some reason it hadn't attached me yet. I couldn't find it in the room either. I searched the entire sell and found a passage which i had no idea where led. I hadn't forgotten about the bottle of stranger liquid and the necklace that Claire had given me. The necklace was blue and had a flower in the center. I remember Claire words that these gifts will answer all my questions. I didn't think muck of the necklace and put it inside my shirt but i drank the liquid from the bottle. It had a disgusting taste. After drinking the liquid i fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

I was in a foggy world and Claire was in front of me. I looked at her and started crying. She ran towards me and hugged me.

Claire: Its ok. Don't cry. You just drank the memory liquid. Its a potion that allow one to put some of their memories. But you can also put your consciousness in it.

Vin was composing himself.

Claire: If you're here that means i'm definitely dead.

Vin: Yes! You are. But you said that i will find answers to my questions here.

Claire: Questions you say. I don't know about that i can only show you memories that the original Claire planted here.

Vin: Memories.

Claire: Yes. Memories. Shell we start.

Vin: Sure.

The fog disappear and it was like i was seeing things from Claire point of view. She's meating with someone. He a blonde man with blue eyes. He's very tall and has a scar on his left eye. Dressed in dark red with black clock and was sitting on a brown wooden chair. He was quite young and was accompanied by 2 females who were both in their thirties and both were black with curly hairs, blue eyes and they were wearing a lot of jewelry. On of them was dressed in green and the other in blue. Both of them were gorgeous. They had pink lips like they had put lipstick on them and their skin seem as smooth as a marshmallow. They were sitting along the man. It was a huge room with big brown curtains. It seemed like Claire was kneeling before them to show her respect because they were nobility.

Claire: I caretaker of the Snake family present herself.

She looked nervous.

Man: Yeah, yeah we heard you were taking care of someone who is he or she.

Claire: I can't disclose that information.

First woman: As a member of the Noble family i comand you to tell me.

Claire: All the caretakers are ordered by the head to not tell the name of the child we take care.

Second woman: Fine, then answer this how long have you been taking care of the child.

Claire: Its been 10 years.

Second woman: How many children are in that castle.

Claire: 4 childrens.

Man: I want you to kill them kids for me.

Claire was shocked and took her time replaying. So the blonde man lost his cool.

Man: Woman! Answer can you kill them?

Claire: I can't do that.

The man got frustrated.

Man: Fine if you won't do it i would do it myself.

Claire nervously.

Claire: Why you want to kill the child.

Frist woman: All we want is to get rid of all the obstacle in our childrens way to the throne.

Claire: How can the child be an obstacle.

Man: Well he is not for now but he will be in the future. We tortured the sage who did the trail of swords and he has told us everything. So all 4 of these kids in that castle needed to die.

Claire: Please, they are just children's.

Man: And so what.

Claire was about to cry but he muster up some courage to say this.

Claire: I will do it. Please, if they had to die let me do it.

First woman: Didn't you say you are not gonna do it.

Claire hesitantly said.

Claire: If i let you kill them, they would die a brutal death. I want them to die without any pain.

Man: Fine as long as you do it i'm happy.

Claire left the room but hid in a corner to hear their conversation. There were no guards outside so it was easy for her to hide.

Man: I don't trust her, we should send someone after her.

After hearing this Claire panicked and began running through the corridor but hit a black man, he was the same man from Red Castle who sent me here. She fall to the ground.

Claire: I'm really sorry Captain Danzif.

He helps her to stand up.

Danzif: Be careful dear, next time you might get hurt.

Claire: Thank you and i will be.

She started running again and the fog reappear.

Claire: Now you know who wanted to kill you and the name of the person who send you here.

Vin: Who were they.

Claire: All i know is that they are a part of your family.

Knowing the faces of Claire murderers excitement started building up inside me. I couldn't wait till the day i get to kill them.

Claire: Now we should move to another memory.

I was confused because i got answers to all my questions. I thought she was going to tell me what being a dog meant but i had my doubts if she even knew about it and i was right she didn't.

The fog disappears again and i can see through Claire eyes again. She was in front of a mirror. She holding me sleeping. I think i'm 2 years old.

Claire: Young master if you are seeing this then i hope you have grown to be a great man. Now i want you to remember how as a kid you always used to get sick. You thought it was some kind of desease but it wasn't a desease it was me. I was afraid people will try to kill you using poision si I started poisoning you little by little to build your poision resistence. I 'm sorry if i hurt you but it was all for your sake.

The memory end their and the fog reappeared. I was confused.

Why didn't she asked me before doing that? I thought to myself.

Suddenly a earthquake came and i knew it was the end of this dream i ran towards Claire and hugged her. Goodbye.