
The Legend of Vin Serpent

A cockroach fights a fierce battle against destiny. He is transported to another world where it clings desperately to life, hoping to see another day. In this new and challenging environment, he faces unimaginable dangers while struggling for survival. Amidst these challenges, the bug demonstrates its courage by advancing through unknown lands, revealing not only the physical struggle but also the mental one.

El_Creador · Fantasy
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11 Chs


She also told me the work thay my family does. Turns out Snake is a noble family that does mercenary work for the Kingdom. We have the second largest territory among all the noble families so we also do a lot of farming and since we are a noble family we don't pay taxes. We are also a family of assassins but no one outside the family know about it. They take orphans and turn them into mindless killers which is kinda sad.

Time passed and i grew, today's my tenth birthday. Claire told me that when i will turn 10 i will get the chance to leave the room. I have been in this room for as long as i can remember. It has no windows so i couldn't see outside but i was always able to hear the children playing and guards shouting. In all that time Claire taught me how to read and write. I also started physical training like doing push ups, sit ups, etc. She always brought me books to read and i was surprised to find out that there are 2 continents on this planet.

I used all my time learning all the languages, since it would be easier for me to learn them with this kids brain, there were 23 oficial languages spoken on this continents. There are probably more then 23 language but i couldn't find anything about them in any book. Languages like the Zurefe spoken by tribes of the Zureme forest etc. The continent in which I'm currently living is called Humenor and it has 8 Kingdoms. The kingdom from where i belong is the 5 biggest in Humenor and it is called Azerial led by the royal Azer family.

Anyway todays my birthday and Claire has promised to get me out of this room. I can finally see the world with my own eyes.

Claire came rushing to my room she looked tired. Her face was red like a tomato and she wasn't able to talk properly. With the strength she could muster she said: We need to leave now guards are comming.

I was confused but i quickly tied my shoes and went outside with her. Outside my room was a corridor which was so big and bright, in all my years in that room i thought i was a been kept in a prision but the outside of the room was so beautiful. The corridor had windows from which you can see the sun going down. I wasn't able to admire the view properly because we heard guards comming from the right. This place was like a castle. She told that it is called Red Castle. I remember it vaguely but we took a left than ran for a bit and then took another left. We heard more grards coming our way but we couldn't go back now because according to her someone was waiting for me and i need to leave with him but he won't wait much so we need to hurry. So we moved in the guard direction there were 2 guards and before the could say anything, she pulled 2 knife out of her sleeves and killed then buy targeting their brains through the holes in their masks. It was brutal and i was paralyzed for a sec but she slapped me into reality. It was the first time i was hit by someone before coming to this world.

We start running again and heard the guards screaming "he has escaped". The situation became caotic. All i knew that we were going to the side of the castle which faces the beach.

What was the reason for my escape i didn't knew. We somehow avoided the guards and reached beach side of the castle and it was beautiful, the sun was going down and you could aee the clouds in the distance. Nonetheless her escape plan was like she was preparing for this moment for a long time. She told me about someone who would take me away but no one was there. She started having a anxiety attack so i calmed her down and asked her the reason she had brought me here.

She confessed everything, the heads wives had found about my existence and they wanted me dead so they have ordered to have me killed. And she was ordered to do it but she can't because she loved me and wanted to protect me so she asked a friend to be here on dawn but he wasn't here. She started apologizing and crying for her incompetence.

We heard voices and we were found by the guards. She gave me a necklace and a extremely small bottle enough to be put in my pocket. It had some strange green liquid in it. I pit it in my pocket and she told me this is my birthday present and it will give all answers to my questions. I hugged her, said my goodbyes and started running along the beach hopping to find a place to hide.

I heard people behind me so i ran and ran but i was too slow and was captured. They tied me up and covered my eyes. This was it for me, in my first i died a failure and in this as a bastard all the depressing thought were going through my head but i was brought back to the castle. Now i found myself in a room with 2 windows. They uncover my eyes and i see a black man in front of me. He was old and had white hairs, black eyes. He started talking:

Its a shame someone so young as you has to die today, i knew of her plans but i just let them happen it was easy that way.

I shouted at him to tell me where she was and he claped twice and said i have two presents for you from your family. Two soilders came in with two boxes he told me to open them up.

I was scared, but I had to pull myself together. I opened the first box and it had the head of a guy I had never seen before. I asked him who he was. The black man chuckled and said the guy who was supposed to get you out of here. Fear took over me, I couldn't breathe, now I knew what was in the other box. He opened it and it had Claire's head. I screamed and fell off the chair. He picked me up and pinned me against the wall. I couldn't think and was crying uncontrollably. Somehow I was able to pull myself together so he let me go and told me that I now have two options in front of me, the whole family knows about my existence so now I can either die by his hands or work for the family as their dog.

I asked him: What did he mean by being the dog and if it wouldn't be better to kill me.

The Man: Kill you! Believe me you are already a dead man. No matter what you choose, I don't think you'll survive for long. So I'm giving you these two options.

Vin: Who sent you to kill me.

The Man: Your family.

Vin: Who in my family and why.

The Man: !Aj! Do you want the names? You'll have to guess that on your own.

At that moment, I felt a hatred towards my family like never before in my entire life, and the only thing that occupied my thoughts was revenge. However, to carry out that plan, he first had to survive.

Vin: Okay! I want to be the dog.

He smiled and out of nowhere he hit me so hard that I was unconscious. And that's the last thing I remember before waking up in this dark room.