
The Legend of Vin Serpent

A cockroach fights a fierce battle against destiny. He is transported to another world where it clings desperately to life, hoping to see another day. In this new and challenging environment, he faces unimaginable dangers while struggling for survival. Amidst these challenges, the bug demonstrates its courage by advancing through unknown lands, revealing not only the physical struggle but also the mental one.

El_Creador · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Danzif and the Nobles

A man is running in hall of the Red Castle trying to find someone, he reaches for a door, opens it and in the room there was a black man standing while holding a book. The room was big, it had 2 shelfs full of books, a table, in the center, on which he had opened the map of the territories around the castle. He had ink on the table and several placea on the map were marked. The room also had a window through which moomlight was coming in. It had several books on the ground. It seemed like he was searching for something. Danzif, Danzif, the man yelled nervously, they are here, the nobles are here.

Danzif took a deep breath and said:

Calm down Goof, tell the guards to open the gates and take them to the dinning hall. Give them something to eat. I will be their shortly.

As Danzif prepared, the nobles enter the castle. They were in a carriage and were accompanied by a lot of guards who were on foot. All with a blue armor and the emblem of House Snake on their chests. It was a snake making a circle, the snake head was eating his own tail. A man stepped out of the carriage, he was the same blonde from Claire memory, followed by the same two black women's. The man helped the ladies get down from the carriage.

First woman: I'm hoping for a good news.

Man: Everyone is.

Second woman: I hope he has dinner prepared. I'm really hungry.

Goof bowed his head and introduced himself. He proceded to guide the nobles to the dinning hall. The nobles took their seats and Danzif entered.

He also bowed his head and said: I Danzif Captain of the Red Castle is in the presence of the House Snake. He lifted his head and took a seat.

The chefs started bringing food while they sit in silence. There were rice, bread, chicken and fruits. A thought crossed Danzif mind and it was that how were the chefs able to prepare all this food so quickly. They all started eating. Danzif looked at the blonde man and asked him:

What brings you out here lord Silvan?

Silvan=Vins fathet

Silvan: I'm here for the their heads.

Danzif: Well i don't have them.

Everyone stopped eating except for Danzif. They were confused.

First lady (Lara Snake)(Second wife of the Head): What do you mean you don't have them.

Danzif: Well things happened and they escaped.

Second lady (Castine Snake)(Third wife of the Head): They escaped. What are you talking about. I thought we ordered you to prevent that.

Danzif stoped eating. He takes a deep breath and says.

Danzif: You remember the time you ordered a maid to come see you.

Lara very angry: Stop changing the subject and tell us where are the children.

Danzif: I'm not. I'm telling you just what you need to hear.


Ah! I remember now. Her name was Claire. You ordered him to come to Castle Priden. I remember that I sent a few guards with her to the Priden to inform you about the situation of the war.

Silvan very seriously: What does that have to do with children?

Danzif: I'm getting to that part.

Danzif pauses to eat his bread and continues with:

When my men arrived at the Priden, their intention was to pay their respects to the three of you and deliver the letters you were carrying. However, you were forced to wait a bit, since you had the desire to see Claire first. As soon as they entered, they received the order from you to immediately return to the Red Castle to give me a letter that said: the mission is to eliminate anyone who tried to help the children. But I refused to accept these orders that you said and to convince me you had promised to give me the Red Castle as my property.

Castino: And.

Danzif: Well, you see, the Chief was worried that something like that would happen, so when the children were only one year old, he ordered me to go to Red Castle. So that I could protect them.

Everyone was mortified.

Silvan: So he knows.

Danzif: About the assassination you mean?

The two women were extremely nervous. You could see the sweet on their face.

Danzif: Yes! he knows.

This shocked everyone but Silvan composed himself and said:

I want to see the maid.

Danzif did a hand gesture to the chefs and 4 heads were brought in a plate. These were the heads of the maids of the Serpants who lived here.

Lara: What's the meaning of this.

Danzif: Surprisingly they all helped the kids escape, so as you ordered their heads. I imagine Claire told them about the kids fate.

Silvan got so angry that he flipped the table. You could feel his killing intent.

Danzif unhinged: Owwww! I was still eating.

Silvan drew his sword and put it against Danzif throat.

Silvan: Where are the childrens.

Danzif: In a place that you could never reach.

Lara calmly: Don't Kill him. If the Head knows about the assassination, its useless.

Danzif: Your plan was great, use the maids to kill the kids and if they can't do it then use me to kill them.

Lara: You could have had the Red Castle.

Danzif: Yes, but the head had already promised me this Castle.

Lara: Then, why kill the maids.

Danzif: Well the Head wanted to give the children a reason to live because the place that i have send them they would need it.

Laura: What are you talking about?

Danzif: If they're still alive, right now the person they hate the most is me. I also told them about you even though I didn't told them your names.

He said that while laughing.

The atmosphere grew intense.


Ow! I forgot about it, well actually the Head gave me a letter for you. If you want i can give it to you. He did a hand gesture again and a letter was brought by Goof. Silvan left Danzif and took the letter. He was trembling.

The letter had the green family crust, which had a snake on it. Silvan opened it and started reading loudly. It said:

Dear family I know of your intents to kill the potential Heads of the House Snake and i won't allow that because one of them could be the child that i'm looking for. You may not worry about the assassins. While i'm angry that you tried it. I won't hold it against you. The kids have been sent to a place where only the strongest survives if they're the one they will survive if not then it doesn't matter.

Your Lord

Mercurius Snake

All three let a breath of relief. Castine even fell to the ground. It seems they had thought that the head was going to kill them. Danzif excused himself but allowed the nobles to stayed at the Red Castle for the night. In the morning before Danzif woke up the nobles were gone.