
The Legend of Vin Serpent

A cockroach fights a fierce battle against destiny. He is transported to another world where it clings desperately to life, hoping to see another day. In this new and challenging environment, he faces unimaginable dangers while struggling for survival. Amidst these challenges, the bug demonstrates its courage by advancing through unknown lands, revealing not only the physical struggle but also the mental one.

El_Creador · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Outside the Prision

I woke up, it felt like a long dream. I stood up to stretch my muscles. The only thing i could think of while stretching was the last memory Claire showed me. Suddenly an insect bit me and it all came to me. I rushed to a corner of the room and picked another one of the insects, put it on my skin and it also bit me. I wasn't in a room with normal insects these were venomous bugs and if not for Claire i would have never guessed it. They had bitten me a million times but i just thought they were trying to such blood like mosquitos. Maybe this room was to build up to create someone with vemon resistance, by letting the venomos insects enter and bite that individuals, in this case me. The order in which the insects had been released must be from the least venomous to the most. I started looking around the walls but there was only a hole for the snake. I checked the ground and there was nothing. So i assumed that someone was letting the insects come from the ceiling but since it was way to tall for me to reach i couldn't confirm it.

Just after i realized this i spotted something moving on the room. It was a medium to large snake, with a rectanglar shaped head. I ran to the other side of the room trying to avoid it. I was scared i may have a little venom resistance but i was not sure if i could take the bite of this snake. It attached me and i started jumping, doing whatever i could to not let it bite me but it got me and my left leg was bitten.

I grabbed the snake and threw it to the other side of the room. I stopped felling my leg, it was as if it wasn't even their. It attached me again and this time it bit my right hand. I was loosing strength and had to do something. I couldn't die in this sitting place. Anger took over me and without thinking i bit the snake and tore his mouth.

The snake was dead, i was confident about it, i quickly acted and tore a peace of my clothes and wrapped it tightly around my bitten leg and hand.

Hoping that this will stop the snake venom from reaching other parts of my body.

Suddenly I fell to the ground, my whole body felt numb. I couldn't even lift a finger, i thought it was the end for me, i was loosing all my strength and so i end up falling asleep.

I woke up confused, i was in the same dark room and by my side was the snake torn in 2 pieces. My body could move. I lived, l fucking lived. I was so happy that i start jumping to celebrate. To my surprise the door was slightly opened. It shocked me. A lot of thoughts began to cross my mind. Was someone here? If so then who? And why?

The first thing i did was to throw the bottle away then i reached for the door and open it fully.

Now i found myself in a very narrow corridor. The corridor was filled with doors all slightly opened. It was so long that i could saw that it stretched infinitely. While staring at these infinite room a disappointing thought came to my mind.

"I left the room that i thought was my prision but the real prision is this corridor"

The door to my room was at the end of the corridor and in front of my door was another door. I got curious and opened it, i should have not opened it, i could have saved myself the trouble. In that room there was a headless corpse of a boy, he would be around 12 years old. It shocked me but i needed to know what had happened to him. A question crossed my mind "Is this going to happen to me too?" .The only thing i felt for this young sole was pity. But he was dead and didn't needed it. So i started examining his body. It was full of bites. I can assume they were the insects and his left hand had several snake bites. His body had an overpowering odor of roiting meat. I couldn't take it anymore so i got out. Seeing all these doors, in this corridor, made me fall to the grounds. I had a sudden realization that all of them contain headless children bodies. I started vomiting, tears ran down my eyes. Such cruel fates, "what have they done to deserve this". I managed to calm myself and started checking other rooms. They all had what i feared the most. Headless bodies of poor kid. Some of them looked like they were starved to death. I was checking the thirty second room and a strange insignia caught my eye. In this room their was a headless dead girl, she had no legs either. She had the metal insignia of the House Snake same like mine. And it clicked, she was Rebecca Serpent, one of my bastard cousin who was in the same room as me before the trail of swords. She was born disabled without legs. Even though i never knew her, it was my fault that she was in here, it was because of me. Guilt took over me and i couldn't stop blaming myself. I wasn't able to saw anything in front of her corpse for a while. The only words that escaped my mouth were "i'm really sorry, if you hadn't been born in this family maybe you could have had lived a happy life but now what's done is done I will take on your burden and take revenge on the SNAKES on your behalf too". I left her insignia their and walked out of the room. I had lost one cousin but i can still save the other 2.

Slowly, one by one i opened all the 50 doors until i reached a curtain. No one had survived until this point except for me. They all had something in common,

first the insects bite marks,

second the snake bites,

third the chopped heads.

I could find why and who did this? So i decided to cross the curtain. Before doing it i looked back to see for the last time the things the house Snake had done. I crossed the curtains and the corridor because wider.