
The Legend of the Kyubi

This is a direct translation of my original story [La Leyenda del Kyubi] uploaded on this page. Translated with [MT] and slightly edited with Grammarly ************************************* An unknown past, with only fragments of his old life, a young soul is reborn in the world that I so much desire with the aim of fulfilling his dream but an accident will change everything. What changes will his presence in this world bring? How many destinies will change because of him? That's for you to find out... ************************************* Disclaimer: I don't own the original work "Naruto", or any of its characters. ************************************* If you liked the story, you can support me through pa treon with the following link. https://www.pa treon.com/GenoXX

GenoXX · Anime & Comics
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839 Chs

Extra 8: Bleach (10)*

"Are you sure it was here?" - Mayuri asked as he looked in the direction of the old mansion they found.

"I felt a powerful Reiatsu in this place, though it didn't compare to Ryoka's" - replied Soi Fong while frowning - "Though we can't rule out the idea that it was a request for help."

"True" - Unohana said while tilting her head - "Though if I remember correctly, this is the mansion of the former Shiba clan"

"Captain Ukitake!" - Rukia exclaimed as she noticed how her captain started coughing uncontrollably.

"I'm fine" - smiled Jūshirō as he looked at his subordinates.

"Should we knock on the door or just walk in like that?" - Gin asked as his eyes widened slightly.

"We'd better announce our arrival" - Byakuya answered seriously - "The Shiba Clan may not be what it used to be, but we still need to show them the respect they deserve."

"I agree with Captain Kuchiki" - nodded Toshiro neutrally - "Not to mention that there's no need for the Ryoka to be here."

"I just wonder what this Ryoka will be like" - muttered Rangiku while cocking her head to one side - "What if he's handsome?"

"It doesn't change the fact that he entered a forbidden zone at all" - Byakuya replied while giving the blonde woman a cold look - "Now, we'd better announce our arrival."

But before she could say anything else, a loud shout echoed in the place.

"I'm going to kill you, Ganju!" - Kukaku roared like the sound of things breaking could be heard - "Hold still!"

"I think it's just a family dispute" - Byakuya said, but his expression changed when he sensed two presences that weren't Shinigami.

"I think you guys felt it too" - said Unohana as her gaze sharpened, though she quickly regained her calm - "Inside the mansion, there's a Hollow and a Quincy"

"Impossible" - replied Toshiro as he frowned - "The Quincy are extinct."

"Would you mind if I kept them?" - Mayuri asked excitedly. He never thought he would find two such interesting test subjects.

"Let's investigate first, then we'll see if we accept your proposal" - Byakuya said seriously. He didn't believe that Kukaku had fallen so low as to associate with two of the greatest enemies of their Race.

"If I were you I'd listen to the guy with a stick up his ass, Clown-kun" - said a voice that sent chills down the spine of everyone present.

"Who are you?!" - Soi Fon exclaimed as she looked around - "Show yourself!"

The voice did not respond, but a silhouette began to materialize in front of the group. He was a man of about 20-25 years old whose hair was white, his physique was well defined, and his eyes were different. He was wearing a white yukata with blue details and had a pipe with fox details in one of his hands - "Hello"

"Wow ~! Who are you, hottie?" - Rangiku asked with a flirtatious tone as she approached the man.

Kurama answered her with a small chuckle as he eyed the woman. She was beautiful, he wouldn't deny it and she had a body that was slightly better proportioned than Kukaku and Yoruichi, though it still didn't reach the level of Tsunade and Hikari.

"Rangiku" - Toshiro said seriously - "Back off."

"Huh? Why ~?" - Rangiku asked with a frown.

"Because he's the one we were looking for" - replied Toshiro as he stood on guard - "He's the Ryoka."

"Traveling Demon (Ryoka)?" - Kurama asked in confusion, though it was a bit annoying to be called a demon without even knowing him.

"It's a term we use for all those who enter the Seireitei without permission" - Rangiku replied as she looked at the man.

"Oh? And I thought they were speaking in a more literal way" - nodded Kurama as he looked at the group in front of him.

"That's too bad" - sighed Rangiku as she shook her head - "And I wanted to ask you a date."

Kurama was about to answer her, but his expression changed to serious when he sensed the hostility of the group, though his expression again changed when he noticed a woman who seemed to be harmless - "What's your name?"

"Who, me?" - Ritsu Unohana asked as she felt the Ryoka's gaze on her.

"Exactly" - said Kurama as a small smile appeared on his face - "You are different."

Ritsu remained silent as she felt how the albino seemed to be watching her every secret.

"You can hide it all you want, but I can see it all too easily" - said Kurama as his smile grew as he noticed how something inside the woman changed - "You want to fight me so badly, your killing instinct is starting to boil over."

"Oh-ho" - muttered Jūshirō as he stepped back - "Retreat, quickly!"

The other captains looked at each other, but their expressions changed to one of terror when they felt the surge in the Reiatsu of the peaceful and kindly Medical Squad Captain - "!"

"What the fuck is going on?!" - Kukaku exclaimed as she appeared in front of the entrance, only to notice the large formation in front of her - "Kurama! What happened?!"

"I'll explain in a moment" - Kurama replied as he smiled at the black-haired woman, then focused on the leader of the medical squad - "But first, I'd like to 'talk' with this interesting woman."

"Interesting?" - Kukaku asked as she noticed the change in Unohana's expression - "Retsu-san?"

Kukaku never thought to see that kind of expression on a woman as kind as Unohana, after all, she now seemed to have been possessed by Kenpachi.

"That's the real personality of Retsu Unohana" - Jūshirō said seriously as he stepped back in terror - "Or rather, Yachiru Unohana, the first Kenpachi."

"This is bad" - muttered Kyōraku as he watched his niece tremble as she felt that dark and gloomy Reiatsu - "Yachiru-chan is a danger to everyone when she's in this state!"

"She was the first Kenpachi?!" - Toshiro exclaimed in terror.

"I can feel it, you finally woke up!" - a roar was heard in the distance as a wild Reiatsu approached at full speed - "I don't know what happened, but I don't plan to miss this party!"

"Oh, shit" - Kukaku muttered in terror. It was bad enough to have Retsu, no, Yachiru unleashing all her Reiatsu, and now Kenpachi was approaching to join the party.

The poor Shiba woman was about to have a heart attack after realizing that her house was about to be destroyed.

"With this, our work is done" - Kyōraku said as he let out a sigh of relief - "If Kenpachi and Yachiru-chan fight together, it's quite likely that our troubles will be over."

"There's always a 'but' when there are situations this convenient" - said Mayuri seriously.

"But those two can't fight together" - replied Jūshirō while shaking his head in denial- "The two of them have the same personality and that means."

"It means that everything is about to get worse" - replied Rukia in terror.

If one Kenpachi was bad, she could already imagine what it would be like to have two of them fighting the same opponent.

"Yachiru!" - Kenpachi roared as he appeared on the spot.

"Now is not the time for games, Zaraki" - replied Ritsu as she looked at the newcomer with cold eyes - "I'm busy"

"What's more important than our battle!" - Kenpachi roared, but his expression changed when he noticed the presence of the man standing in front of all the captains. He felt a familiar aura come from the unknown subject, an aura that caused a grim smile to appear on his face - "I see, so you are the Ryoka"

"That's right, and I see you're interesting too" - Kurama nodded as he felt a familiar aura coming from the man who had arrived a few seconds ago - "Your killer instinct and lust for fighting is on the same level as this woman"

"No" - replied Kenpachi coldly - "I am superior".

"Keep repeating it a thousand more times, and maybe you'll believe it" - Ritsu snorted as she decided to ignore him and turn her focus back to the white-haired man - "Well? Shall we get started?"

"If you're going to fight him, then you're going to have to fight me first!" - Kenpachi exclaimed as he removed his eye patch that restricted much of his abilities - "I'm not going to waste this opportunity!"

"Now is not the time, brat" - Ritsu growled coldly as he glared at the current Kenpachi - "Can't you see I have something better to do?"

"No one ignores Zaraki Kenpachi!" - Kenpachi roared as he unleashed all his Reiatsu.

"Ok, things got a lot worse than I thought it would be" - sighed Kyōraku as he watched the two Kenpachi give each other a cold stare.

"Too bad" - sighed Kurama as he watched the two Shinigami prepare to fight - "I wanted to test the level of power those two had, though it's not like I couldn't wait a little longer."