
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · Fantasy
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142 Chs

The Fourth Chapter: Passing Down Techniques and Skills

In a peculiar space, Lu Yun's body gently floated in mid-air. Countless nebulae surrounded him, shimmering with a myriad of colors, exuding beauty and mystique. It gave an unreal sensation, making it hard to believe.

Lu Yun patiently awaited his ancestors to supplement the innate deficiencies of his soul. His mind blank, he didn't think of anything. If he were to open his eyes, he'd notice the nebulae shifting around him. Numerous nebulae of varied colors swiftly revolved, forming a colorful cluster of nebulae around him, gradually transforming into subtle true energy, flowing into his body. Not far away, two radiant and peculiar nebulae slowly approached Lu Yun, emitting breathtaking brilliance.

On closer inspection, these two peculiar clusters turned out to be a spectrum of colorful light and a glossy dark nebula, each transforming into distinct shapes. As the nebulae around Lu Yun rushed into his body, the black nebula suddenly emitted an extremely dark, lustrous beam, instantly enveloping Lu Yun. In the midst, a rustic three-inch-long knife appeared, revealing its true form. The knife, with a hilt and blade seamlessly fused, seemed inexplicably crafted. Countless incantations adorned the blade, shimmering with a strange black light. As time passed, numerous incantations on the knife gradually appeared in mid-air, forming peculiar symbols, each imprinting onto Lu Yun and being slowly absorbed by him.

The surrounding nebulae grew increasingly dense in the infinite expanse, brimming with inexhaustible spiritual essence, rapidly converging into Lu Yun's body. Lu Yun relaxed, his body akin to a large vessel, ceaselessly receiving these essences, assimilating them as his own, fervently converting them into his power. Suddenly, the rustic knife emitted a radiant glow, firmly enveloping Lu Yun's body. The densely packed nebulae around instantly faded, evidently absorbed into Lu Yun's body in an instant. The knife abruptly appeared above Lu Yun, its blade emitting a dazzling light, gradually approaching the Baihui acupoint atop his head, seemingly attempting to enter his body from there.

The knife descended suddenly, instantly piercing Lu Yun's Baihui acupoint. At that moment, the surrounding nebulae surged into Lu Yun's body at tenfold speed. However, in an instant, the knife rose an inch, leaving Lu Yun's Baihui acupoint, and the surrounding nebulae once again became dense. As time passed, Lu Yun's body underwent earth-shattering changes. The ancient knife pierced Lu Yun's Baihui acupoint seven times in succession. With each insertion, Lu Yun's absorption of surrounding spiritual essence increased explosively, multiplying tenfold, accumulating more spiritual energy within him.

Only after the seventh time did the knife slowly vanish from Lu Yun's Baihui acupoint, absorbed into his body. Subsequently, Lu Yun's absorption rate surged, swiftly converting countless spiritual essences into his power, enhancing his cultivation. After absorbing the knife, another colorful nebula immediately approached Lu Yun, emanating a column of iridescent light, enveloping his body. Countless colorful incantations morphed into various symbols and were rapidly absorbed by Lu Yun, transforming into his true energy.

In the space, a three-inch sparkling multicolored sword kept revolving. The colorful nebulae around Lu Yun rapidly entered his body. As he absorbed more spiritual essence, the sword's radiance dimmed gradually, finally transforming into a rainbow-colored radiance, entering Lu Yun's Baihui acupoint. Instantly, Lu Yun's entire body erupted in a dazzling rainbow-colored brilliance, illuminating the entire space, shining as brightly as a brilliant star, embracing Lu Yun entirely until the rainbow radiance suddenly dissipated after a while. By then, the surrounding nebulae had dwindled, with Lu Yun having absorbed nearly half, an astonishing feat.

Lu Yun, focused and free from distractions, stood calmly in mid-air, manifesting an anomaly. Around him, five-colored radiance emerged, several times stronger than before. The continuous cycle of five-colored radiance represented the five superior techniques he had learned. Following this display, numerous incantations and peculiar black symbols emerged on Lu Yun's body, encircling and protecting him firmly. Eventually, Lu Yun emitted an incredibly radiant rainbow-colored brilliance, illuminating the entire space, an immensely powerful aura, akin to dominating the heavens and earth.

After the rainbow radiance, Lu Yun's body suddenly split into three, then further into seven, countless figures overlapping in mid-air, resembling an out-of-body experience, instantly spawning numerous identical Lu Yuns. Amidst these figures, the most dazzling were a rainbow-colored figure and a dark, luminous figure—a soul derived from the Annihilation Sword and a soul from the Soul Annihilator Blade, both distinct from the others. Each figure was surrounded by nebulae of various colors, swiftly drawn into Lu Yun's body.

In an instant, the ten figures merged back into one, revealing Lu Yun's original form. By then, Lu Yun no longer absorbed the surrounding spiritual essence, and he slowly opened his eyes. Upon assessing his body, he was shocked to discover his cultivation had increased sevenfold since the beginning, a miraculous transformation indeed.

Just as Lu Yun marveled, a voice echoed, "Finally, it's completed. Everything went smoothly. Due to the Annihilation Sword and Soul Annihilator Blade, you absorbed half of the space's spiritual essence instantly, greatly advancing your cultivation, skipping two realms. This is an unprecedented event in the world of cultivation. The path of cultivation spans ten levels: Foundation Building, Symbol Sacrifice, Creature Mastery, Artifact Refinement, Elemental Transformation, Spiritual Gathering, Nascent Formation, Undying, Eternal, and Ascension. Normally, it takes five years from Foundation Building to Symbol Sacrifice, ten more years to Creature Mastery, and reaching Artifact Refinement would usually require two to three decades unless one is exceptionally gifted.

"You've reached the stage of Spiritual Gathering, an extremely rare achievement. Keep striving; there's greatness in your future. The cultivation methods of the Annihilation Sword and Soul Annihilator Blade are imprinted in your mind. With diligent practice, their use will become clear. Now, I'll transmit 'Limitless Heaven and Earth' to you, and then you'll continue your solitary cultivation here. This technique has nine levels: starting from the fifth level, 'Unity of Ten Thousand Origins,' followed by the sixth level, 'Infinite Extension,' seventh, 'Harmony of Heaven and Earth,' eighth, 'Peerless in All Directions,' and ninth, 'Whims of the Heart.' Each level is harder than the last, requiring unyielding determination for success. When you reach the sixth level, 'Infinite Extension,' you can depart. Given your current circumstances, that's likely your limit.

"Destiny is unpredictable, and our connection ends here. Cherish what we've had. Your future is in your hands. As a descendant of the Lu family, face challenges bravely, contend with the heavens, and never give up easily. Now, concentrate; I'll transmit the 'Limitless Heaven and Earth' method to you. It's supremely dominant, and you'll understand its power in the future. Be mindful." With those words, countless techniques appeared in Lu Yun's mind, deeply ingrained and unforgettable.

Once Lu Yun memorized them, the voice continued

, "In the vast universe, 'Limitless Heaven and Earth,' the day of achievement arrives as per your desires. Fate, destiny, all illusions are predetermined. Strive, the most legendary descendant of the Lu family. From now on, it's all up to you. I've done all I can. When you leave here, the stone coffin outside will crumble, all formations will collapse, and the Dragon Spirit Vein will soon dissipate. It's all preordained; you needn't worry. Be cautious of the three-headed spirit snake outside; it's extraordinary. For now, refrain from harming it; its fate will unfold in the future. Cherish every moment here and bid farewell."

The voice faded away, and despite Lu Yun calling out to his ancestor, there was no reply, indicating the ancestor's departure. With a sigh, Lu Yun lamented the unanswered questions. He calmly settled, realizing the importance of focusing on cultivation. This place held concentrated spiritual essence; he must utilize this opportunity to swiftly elevate his cultivation, living up to his ancestor's expectations and contending against the heavens.

Time passed silently as Lu Yun remained alone in this special space, diligently cultivating 'Limitless Heaven and Earth.' With no time constraints, he trained ceaselessly, day and night, steadily improving his cultivation, thereby altering his destiny. It not only transformed him but also impacted many others. At that moment, he remained unaware of these far-reaching consequences.

In a day within the mountains, a year passes in the world. Lu Yun, within that spiritually abundant space, continued his cultivation until his "Infinity of Heaven and Earth" reached the sixth realm of "Infinite Extension" before stopping. Despite several attempts, as foretold by his ancestors, he indeed halted at the sixth level, unable to progress further. Lu Yun realized it was time to depart, uncertain how long he had spent there. Apart from the ancestral technique "Infinity of Heaven and Earth," he made significant progress in the five techniques passed down by his master and gained much insight into the soul-extinguishing blade and god-slaying sword within his body. It was time to leave, wasn't it?

Glancing at the gradually diminishing spiritual energy around, Lu Yun smiled faintly. His cultivation had surpassed the realm of Nascent Soul, entering the Void Return realm, a remarkable feat. Lu Yun's current cultivation level was relatively rare in the world. Tipping his head slightly upwards, a rainbow-colored light burst from his head, tearing through the heavens as the God-Slaying Sword appeared above him, instantly shattering the space's entrance created by his ancestors—the lid of that stone coffin. Lu Yun's body ascended instantly, emerging in that vast hollow. Even though Lu Yun knew the space was about to collapse, he couldn't help but forcefully close the lid of the stone coffin before casting a glance around. Transforming into a streak of blue light, his figure vanished in an instant.

After Lu Yun's departure, the stone coffin suddenly exploded with a loud roar. A powerful surge of spiritual energy erupted like a torrent, swiftly dissipating into the world. The dragon's aura had dissipated, the spiritual veins exhausted, the gate to the demonic realm had opened—the great calamity had arrived!

In the region of Qin Chuan in Western Shu, beneath the Azure Wind Range, a faint blue figure appeared at the entrance of a small mountain village. This person, aged around twenty-one or twenty-two, exuded extraordinary handsomeness, with a gentle smile on his face, radiating an exceptionally amiable aura. His clear eyes resembled transparent pearls, extraordinarily captivating. Lu Yun slowly made his way towards the door of his home. This time, he specifically returned to visit his parents, assuring them that he had retrieved the ancestral treasures and cured his illness to put their minds at ease. After meeting his parents, Lu Yun planned to visit his master and then head to the Easy Garden to learn and, if possible, cultivate there to find a reliable path for himself.

As Lu Yun approached the door, he saw his mother standing there, gazing at him with loving eyes. He addressed her, "Mother, I've returned. Is Father at home?"

Observing her son, Zhang Huafeng's eyes sparkled with joy. She softly replied, "Your father is inside, come in quickly. I've missed you; it's been half a year, and I've been worried about how you've been."

Lu Yun gently held his mother's hand and walked into the house. By this time, his father had heard and come out, equally delighted to see Lu Yun. After the three sat down, his father inquired, "Yun'er, did you find the ancestral treasure this time? Any gains? Please tell us."

Lu Yun chuckled, "Rest assured, Mother and Father. I've found the ancestral treasure, and my illness has been cured. This visit is to see you. After visiting my master, I'll head to Easy Garden to learn more. Please take care of yourselves here; there's nothing that can harm me now."

Both his father, Lu Wenyu, and his mother, Zhang Huafeng, displayed immense happiness upon hearing this. His father exclaimed, "It's great that the illness has been cured! Thank the heavens, my son has finally freed himself from illness. Thank you, divine providence."

Zhang Huafeng, overwhelmed with joy, tears streaming down her eyes, emotionally exclaimed, "That's wonderful! My son's illness is gone! So happy, so very happy. It's such a joyful occasion!" The scene portrayed the depth of this mother's anguish and tears shed over the years for her son's illness. Today, with his recovery, she was overwhelmed with joy, shedding tears like rain!

Lu Yun gazed at his parents, his eyes filled with reluctance. He couldn't help but console them softly, "Today is a happy day. We should celebrate, have a family reunion dinner, and rejoice in this matter."

Upon hearing this, Lu Wenyu agreed, "Yes, yes, stop crying. We should be happy. Let's get ready." He stood up and hurriedly took his wife to prepare the meal.

During the reunion dinner, they ate slowly, all three wearing smiles, radiating happiness. Regarding Lu Yun's cultivation journey, Lu Wenyu and Zhang Huafeng did not intervene much. They understood that their son was destined for an extraordinary life, so apart from some reluctance, they didn't obstruct him much.

Looking at his tall and handsome son, Lu Wenyu's eyes revealed a trace of fatherly love and reluctance. He softly advised, "Yun'er, your life is destined to be extraordinary. Your mother and I understand that, so

 we won't stop your decisions. Just be careful on this journey. Even though you have extraordinary skills, the world is vast, full of wonders. Remember to be cautious; don't be too reckless. As long as you live safely, your mother and I will be happy, understood?"

Lu Yun replied solemnly, "Father, I understand. Rest assured, I'll take good care of myself and not take unnecessary risks."

Zhang Huafeng looked at her son and said softly, "Yun'er, you're not young anymore. If you find a girl you like in the future, remember to cherish her. I don't have much to hope for; I just hope you'll marry soon and continue the Lu family lineage. I hope you find a girl you like, and if you do, remember to bring her back, make your mother happy, remember, don't forget."

Lu Yun was momentarily taken aback by his mother's words but quickly composed himself, smiling, "Mother, rest assured. Do I look like someone who can't find a wife? When I find the girl I love, I'll bring her back for you to see. You can trust me."

After the meal, Lu Yun arranged a peculiar formation around his house to ward off demonic entities. He erected six large stone pillars around the perimeter, each positioned according to specific orientations. Within each pillar, he infused a spiritual force to sustain an unbroken barrier. Ordinary demons couldn't approach, and even cultivators with ill intentions would be blocked upon nearing the formation.

Once everything was settled at home, Lu Yun left for his master's dwelling. As he arrived at the cave where his master resided, he noticed the master standing there, seemingly anticipating his visit.

The eccentric figure observed Lu Yun with a hint of surprise and spoke, "I didn't expect that in just a few months, you've transcended three realms, reaching the preliminary stage of Void Return. It's truly remarkable, probably unparalleled in the world. Typically, it takes at least a few decades for someone to progress from the Qi refining stage to the Void Return stage. Even the most gifted individuals would need thirty years. You're truly astonishing."

Lu Yun chuckled, "It's all thanks to your teachings, Master. They say a great disciple comes from a great master, so the credit should go to you. I was wondering, when I go to the Easy Garden, if I could conceal my identity, but it seems even there, I won't escape others' notice."

The eccentric figure gave him a stern look, "Don't be too greedy. With your current level of cultivation, very few in this world can see through you. I could because I am your master, but others won't find it easy. You didn't deliberately conceal yourself in my presence, hence I could see through your cultivation. If you hide your aura from others, very few in the world would discern your true strength. As for my current cultivation realm, let's say I attained the Immortal Return stage two hundred years ago. Now, think about it yourself."

Lu Yun's expression changed drastically upon hearing this revelation. He looked astonished and asked, "So, Master, you're considered almost a deity now. But why stay in this mortal world?" This puzzled Lu Yun because typically, cultivators aimed to ascend to become immortals upon reaching the Immortal Return stage.

The eccentric figure glanced at him and said calmly, "You'll understand this in due time. Don't ask too much now. Did you come back this time just to see me?"

Lu Yun smiled, "Exactly, Master. I intend to visit the Easy Garden, learn some skills there, and find a reliable path while continuing my cultivation. I also wanted to inquire if there are any extraordinary techniques you didn't teach me before that you could now impart."

The eccentric figure glared, "I've already taught you everything; focus on diligent practice. Most cultivators specialize to accelerate progress, but you've mastered all my teachings across five sects. It's a huge mistake for a cultivator. Remember, cultivating greed leads to disaster, often leading to demonic tendencies during practice, resulting in an unfortunate end. Your focus should be on hiding your aura; that's crucial. I can guide you on this. Stay for three days, and you'll benefit."

Lu Yun replied, "Thank you in advance, Master. I'll stay a few more days to learn from you. I wouldn't want to embarrass you in the future, right?" He concluded with a subtle, inviting smile, quite charming.

Thus, Lu Yun stayed for three more days. During this time, the eccentric figure imparted several subtle techniques, advancing Lu Yun's cultivation significantly, making his external appearance indiscernible. The progress in three days was evident.

The eccentric figure, looking at Lu Yun, displayed a satisfied expression, lightly chuckling, "Impressive progress. You're now ready to venture out confidently. With your current cultivation, you're considered a top-tier expert in the cultivation world. Remember to conceal your strength; it's challenging in the realm of cultivation. Many seek recognition and exposure, often getting exposed and posing no threat. Avoid being foolish. Young talents like you are common, especially among youths. That's a major taboo. Plan to leave now or tomorrow?"

Lu Yun smiled, "I'll stay at home tonight and set off for the Easy Garden tomorrow, starting a new phase of life." He looked up at the sky as if affirming his decision to the heavens.

Lu Yun, a youth born with a missing soul, encountered two extraordinary experiences that changed his life's course. Whether his future path would be smooth or filled with challenges was up to fate, perhaps dependent on whether divine punishment would persist.