
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · Fantasy
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142 Chs

Chapter Five: Arrival at the Easy Garden

"The Difficult Road to Shu, Harder than Ascending to Heaven." This verse by the great poet Li Bai perfectly describes the transportation challenges in the western Sichuan Basin. The region is surrounded by towering mountains, steep and perilous roads, with ancient rugged pathways twisting and turning, instilling fear in the hearts of travelers.

On this desolate ancient path, a figure appears in the distance, gradually drawing closer. Upon closer inspection, it's a young man, around twenty-one or twenty-two years old, dressed in scholarly blue attire, remarkably handsome. His eyes are clear as water, bright and spirited, captivating anyone who gazes upon them. At first glance, he seems like a fragile scholar, but his origins and destination remain unknown.

This traveler is none other than Lu Yun, setting out from home towards the Easy Garden. To conceal his identity as a cultivator, Lu Yun deliberately dresses as a scholar, making his way to the Easy Garden. Spotting a small tea shop by the roadside, Lu Yun wears a faint smile and approaches it leisurely.

The tea shop is humble, consisting of only a couple of worn-out tables and chairs. The elderly proprietor, showing signs of a hard life, serves Lu Yun. Around them, two other individuals are resting: a woodcutter and a young cultivator in tattered robes, approximately fifteen or sixteen years old, with a peculiar yet cheerful demeanor.

Seating himself at a table, Lu Yun inquires, "Excuse me, sir. How far is it from here to the Easy Garden, and how much time does it take?" His question catches the attention of the young cultivator, who immediately jumps over to Lu Yun, grinning widely, "Hey, you're going to the Easy Garden? I'm heading there too! Perfect, we can travel together. Hehe."

Smiling back at the enthusiastic youth, Lu Yun replies, "Indeed, I'm headed to the Easy Garden. I didn't know you were going there too. Now I won't have to worry about the route." He responds calmly and courteously.

The elderly shopkeeper interjects, "Young sir, judging by your appearance and attire, I assume you're going to the Easy Garden for studies, right? It's a wonderful place! Every year, numerous scholars head there for learning, and they all become talented individuals. The distance from here to the Easy Garden is about a hundred miles. At your pace, you should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Work hard, young sir, and may you contribute greatly to society."

Listening to this, the young cultivator speaks up, "A hundred miles? That's fast! We might even arrive by this evening, not just tomorrow afternoon. By the way, what's your name? I'm Lin Yunfeng, how about that name?" He eagerly waits for Lu Yun's response.

Glancing at him, Lu Yun chuckles, "My name is Lu Yun. Nice to meet you, Lin Yunfeng. That's a great name. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hope we can travel together to the Easy Garden."

Lin Yunfeng grins, "Nice to meet you too! Let's get going. I'll lead the way. We'll be there in less than an incense stick's time. It'll save you some extra time. I'm heading there to learn the art of demon-slaying. They say the Dao methods there are remarkable."

Sipping his tea, Lu Yun replies casually, "I'm going there out of curiosity to witness the culture and atmosphere. As for what I'll study, I'll decide when I arrive."

Lin Yunfeng's eyes light up, "I heard there are many sword immortals there. With your interest in Dao methods and some sword skills, you might become a sword immortal! Alright, let's go. I can't wait anymore." He leaves a few coins on the table and pulls Lu Yun along.

Lu Yun smiles, following him. After a short distance, Lin Yunfeng says, "At this rate, when will we arrive? Let me guide you." He chuckles mischievously, grabs Lu Yun's hand, and murmurs an incantation, "Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, bend to my will. Ride the wind."

Suddenly, a symbol ignites in Lin Yunfeng's hand, swiftly burning and releasing a stream of energy that lifts both him and Lu Yun, flying at a rapid pace.

Glancing at Lin Yunfeng with surprise, Lu Yun acknowledges, "Impressive! You have some skills. That's quite your forte. If I encounter any difficulties at the Easy Garden, I'll seek your help."

Lu Yun smiles, nodding, "I didn't expect you to be an expert in demon-slaying. I'll keep that in mind. When we arrive at the Easy Garden, I'll count on your guidance." He glances at Lin Yunfeng, surprised by his understanding of Dao methods and talismans. Flying through the air, covering hundreds of miles, they approach the Easy Garden.

The Easy Garden, one of the six famous academies in the world, situated between Mount Emei and Mount Qingcheng, holds a precious location in western Sichuan. Existing for over a thousand years, the garden maintains its original principles: emphasizing moral cultivation, with cultivation as a support, and learning as the foundation. It continuously nurtures countless talented individuals for the world.

The Easy Garden comprises four academies: the Qiankun and Yin-Yang academies, with Qiankun being more renowned within the cultivation realm and Yin-Yang more recognized in the human world. The Yin-Yang academy focuses on demon-slaying and ghost-catching, hosting the most disciples, consisting of chivalrous individuals dedicated to eliminating evil beings and highly respected by the common people. Throughout the western Sichuan region, they have exterminated numerous monsters and ghosts, saving countless lives.

Easy Garden isn't stringent about recruiting students overall, but gaining admission to the four cultivation academies is incredibly challenging. Only a few exceptional individuals are accepted each year, making it a scarce opportunity. Easy Garden maintains strict standards: exceptional talents and impeccable backgrounds are prerequisites for admission.

When Lin Yunfeng and Lu Yun arrive at the Easy Garden, the sky has just passed noon, the perfect time for everyone to have their lunch. Gazing at the vast expanse of the Easy Garden, covering hundreds of acres with neatly arranged houses, Lu Yun shows a hint of astonishment. The entire garden is enveloped in a massive, extraordinary array, emitting faint rays of light that only those with profound cultivation can perceive.

"As I approached the grand gates, those imposing iron edges, a faint smile graced my lips," Lu Yun observed, stepping forward slowly. On the other hand, Lin Yunfeng had already rushed to the gate and engaged in conversation with the receptionist. By the time Lu Yun neared, Lin Yunfeng had finished speaking and promptly grabbed Lu Yun's hand, following the attendant inside.

Carefully surveying the simple and austere architecture surrounding him, Lu Yun noted the humble structures, seemingly linked to the poverty prevalent among the people of western Sichuan. Walking alongside the disciples of the Easy Garden, they passed through several corridors, arriving at a room. Glancing inside, Lu Yun saw a septuagenarian seated there, with an extraordinary appearance and an air of Daoist grace, indicating profound cultivation. Lu Yun discerned this person's immense cultivation and discreetly concealed his own spiritual aura and breath, feeling mildly cautious.

The disciple of the Easy Garden whispered something to the elderly man and then departed. The elder looked at the two newcomers, a hint of approval shining in his eyes. He smiled faintly, "You've come from afar. Please, have a seat. I am the head of the Yang Academy within the Easy Garden, Daoist Zi Yang. You may address me as Daoist Zi Yang. I've heard that you both came specifically to study here, to learn the ways of cultivation. Is that true?"

Lin Yunfeng promptly spoke up, "Daoist's discernment is keen indeed. I've come here to study Daoist methods. My companion here also seeks to learn the ways of immortality to strengthen his body and prolong life. We hope Daoist will be benevolent and accept us both. I am Lin Yunfeng, and he is Lu Yun. Would Daoist consider our request?" Lin Yunfeng's eyes widened, fixed directly on Daoist Zi Yang, a sight that made Lu Yun, standing beside him, suppress a chuckle.

Daoist Zi Yang gazed at Lin Yunfeng, smiling, "I don't make decisions so easily. When we recruit disciples for cultivation at the Easy Garden, we follow strict criteria. Firstly, a pure and clear background is essential. We don't accept those with unclear origins. Secondly, exceptional natural endowment is crucial. The path of cultivation is arduous, and lacking inherent talent might squander the practitioner's time without progress. We advise those lacking exceptional traits not to waste their time. Thirdly, resilience and hard work are paramount. One mustn't give up easily; determination is crucial. Cultivation isn't as easy as one might imagine; it requires unwavering perseverance. Fourthly, rigorous selection is conducted. Therefore, not everyone can study the ways of cultivation at the Easy Garden. It all depends on your backgrounds and opportunities. So, start by sharing your origins with me. Let me hear if there's any hope."

Lin Yunfeng glanced at Lu Yun and began, "Alright, I'll begin. My name is Lin Yunfeng, nineteen years old. I was an orphan from a young age, taken in by an old Daoist. Since I was young, I've been learning the art of demon-slaying and ghost-catching from my Daoist master. Over the years, I've gained some skills. I've always thought I'd continue learning under my Daoist master, but unexpectedly, not long ago, he suddenly mentioned some urgent business and instructed me to come here to continue learning demon-slaying and ghost-catching arts. The next day, he disappeared. I searched for days but couldn't find him, so I came here."

Upon hearing this, Daoist Zi Yang furrowed his brows, "Do you know who your master is?" After a moment of contemplation, Lin Yunfeng looked up and said, "I'm not entirely sure. But I remember once he casually mentioned being a famous master of ghost-catching in the cultivation world, known as the Ghost Master or something like that. I don't remember it clearly. Daoist, have you heard of any Ghost Master?"

Daoist Zi Yang chuckled slightly, "So, it's him. Unexpected that you're his disciple. It seems you've encountered him. He was indeed a disciple of the Easy Garden in his time, albeit a senior disciple compared to me. It's surprising that you've met him. His summoning of you here must have a reason. I'll put in a good word for you. You have a high chance. Because this year, we're holding a ten-year recruitment event, granting half-yearly opportunities to join the sect. Fortunately, the last chance this year is in two days. If you delay a few days and miss it, you'll have to wait until next year. We've already passed eight years of this ten-year cycle, with only two years remaining. Fortunately, there are vacancies in all four gardens of the Easy Garden. There's still some hope for you both." With a meaningful glance at Lin Yunfeng, it seemed he was indicating hope.

Shifting his gaze to Lu Yun, Daoist Zi Yang inquired, "And what about you, Lu Yun? Where do you hail from?"

Lu Yun spoke softly, "Respected Daoist, I come from the capital city of Jing. My father, Lu Wenyu, was a scholar in the imperial court, with a long line of officials in our family, all of whom were scholars. Twelve years ago, my father and I moved to settle near the Jian Ge of western Sichuan, where we've been living since. Due to my frail health since childhood, I've never strayed far from home. My father brought me here to see the world and perhaps learn some methods of strengthening my body to avoid succumbing to illness."

Daoist Zi Yang's eyes widened slightly in surprise. He remarked, slightly astonished, "You are from the renowned Lu family of the capital? I've heard of your father, Lu Wenyu. Many disciples of the Easy Garden have served in court and have mentioned him. He was one of the most upright and promising officials in the court. It's unfortunate that the current court situation is chaotic, with corrupt officials in power. It's surprising that both of you, descendants of old acquaintances, have arrived today. Nonetheless, this might be fate. I will speak on your behalf. If the Garden Lord agrees, you both have a chance to become disciples of the Easy Garden. Sit here for a while; I'll go speak with the Garden Lord and discuss your matters. We'll see how the Garden decides."

Observing Daoist Zi Yang leave, Lin Yunfeng leaped up with joy, a wide smile on his face. "Hehe, it's easier than I thought! This is fantastic. Once I master the skills, I'll be able to slay demons, roam the world, become a respected demon-slaying hero! That'll be incredible. I'm so thrilled."

"Lu Yun looked at him and smiled, 'Don't celebrate too early; nothing's decided yet. Even if you become a disciple here, without rigorous training, you won't learn much.' With a hint of indifference on his face, it seemed he wasn't too concerned about the matter.

At the Easy Heaven Pavilion, Xuan Yu, the current leader of the Easy Garden, or rather the head instructor, sat at the top, surveying the individuals below. In the pavilion were a total of five people, including Xuan Yu and the heads of the Easy Garden's four major sub-branches. There was Qian Yuan, the head of Qian Yuan Court, who appeared to be around sixty, and Kun Yuan's head, Master Jingyue. She was the only woman among the leaders, appearing to be around thirty-seven or thirty-eight, exuding an elegant charm with sharp, penetrating eyes that seemed to see through people.

The third figure was an elderly man in a robe, about sixty or seventy, with a smug grin on his face, giving off an air of disrespect. This was Xuan Yin, the head of the Yin Court. The last one was none other than Zi Yang.

Xuan Yu began, 'Zi Yang, your timing is perfect. I was just planning to discuss the recruitment of disciples in two days. After thorough recommendations and meticulous selection, we've selected a total of ten individuals, which is quite impressive. Currently, Qian Yuan Court has one vacancy, Kun Yuan Court has two, Yin Yuan Court has four, and Yang Yuan has five vacancies. This time, being able to select ten promising disciples at once is quite good. We're only short of two more individuals to fill the gaps, so in two days, make your selections.'

'We've always been at the bottom among the six courts because we haven't had outstanding talents over the years. We've been overshadowed by the other five courts. I hope this time we can shine and bring some honor to the Easy Garden. We've produced two outstanding individuals this time: Li Hongfei from Qian Yuan and Zhang Aoxue from Kun Yuan. The achievements of Yin and Yang Courts are also commendable. With this strength, we should have a chance to compete with the other five courts.'

The others remained silent. Only Zi Yang appeared slightly embarrassed, seemingly feeling guilty for not nurturing outstanding talents. He looked at the others and said, 'Xuan Yu Senior Brother, just now, two youths arrived at the garden, both aspiring to learn the ways of cultivation. What's intriguing is that both of these youths have exceptional backgrounds, somewhat connected to our Easy Garden.'

Surprised, Xuan Yu replied, 'Is that so? Let everyone hear about it.'

Zi Yang continued, 'These two youths, one named Lin Yunfeng, already has considerable cultivation, reaching the late stage of symbol summoning and beginning to enter the stage of commanding objects. The other, named Lu Yun, possesses extraordinary natural gifts but hasn't started cultivation yet. Lin Yunfeng is actually a disciple of our old fellow apprentice, Xuan Gui. He was lured here by his master; he's simply unaware. Given Xuan Gui's nature, as you all know, this time, we have a candidate for Easy Garden. As for Lu Yun, he's the son of the famous Lu family of the capital, Lu Wenyu's son. Senior Brother, do you think these two could be considered?'

Xuan Yu glanced at the others and, seeing their understanding expressions, softly said, 'Since they are descendants of old acquaintances, and you think they're promising, let's have them come here in two days for everyone to assess. If the junior brother is willing to accept them, we'll take them in. That settles it for now. As for our six courts, with the martial arts conference every ten years, there are only two years left. Let's all strive harder to gain some recognition for the Easy Garden in two years. Anything else to discuss?'

Xuan Yin, who had remained silent until now, spoke up, 'Lately, there's been a surge of evil emanating from the southwest, affecting many locals. I've already dispatched four of our disciples to support. Senior Brother, I think it's necessary to investigate this matter thoroughly. It's been nearly a century since we encountered this many ghosts and demons. I suspect it foreshadows something ominous. For safety, we should investigate.'

Xuan Yu frowned slightly, 'I'm aware of what you've mentioned. Recently, observing the celestial bodies, I've faintly noticed unusual patterns among the seven stars. It's not significant yet, but perhaps this occurrence is an omen. Everyone needs to be cautious. To prepare for future events, we must strengthen supervision over our disciples and hasten their training. I've decided to reward the outstanding disciples with our sect's most precious 'Heaven Gathering Pill' to enhance their cultivation, preparing them for the martial arts conference in two years and any forthcoming uncertainties.' His words prompted subtle changes in the expressions of the four, particularly the heads of Qian and Kun Yuan, who seemed pleased.

They all understood that the 'Heaven Gathering Pill' was the Easy Garden's most treasured possession, a culmination of forty-nine years of collecting spiritual energy and rare worldly treasures. There were only twelve in total, and six had been used since the sect's inception, leaving only six. It was unexpected that the head instructor would willingly use it as a reward for disciples, truly surprising.

Glancing at everyone, Xuan Yu continued, 'I'm doing this for the benefit of our Easy Garden. It's been nearly two hundred years, and we haven't produced any outstanding individuals. Li Hongfei and Zhang Aoxue, who have rapidly advanced in their cultivation, have already mastered seven out of our 'Twelve Heavenly Principles,' entering the eighth. Their progress is remarkable, even rare in the entire cultivation world. That's why I've decided to nurture them vigorously, intending for them to represent the Easy Garden, become heroes, and bring honor to us. The world of cultivation is filled with experts nowadays; it's a phenomenon I can't fathom. Alright, let's not dwell on this. You may all leave.'

After glancing at them, Xuan Yu was left alone. He rose slightly, walked to the door, looked at the sky, and sighed softly, 'The world will be in turmoil, and monsters will emerge. The cultivation world will face an unprecedented calamity. How many sects will withstand it and stand tall in this world? Perhaps, it'll be difficult to find.' Turning gently, his figure seemed somewhat world-weary as he slowly disappeared around the corner."