
Eating Naan and continuing the field study

They entered Gaius's home and they are welcomed by his parents. Girish knew that he missed a hidden quest because his mind is occupied by the thought that a powerful Sept Terrion has occurred.

He looked at the status window.


Name: Girish Dev


HP: 26600/26600

MP: 33000/33000

STR: 145

AGI: 145

VIT: 160

INT: 165

LUCK: 135

Next level up: 160000

Skills: Serpent Fang Sword art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advanced),Earth Magic (Advanced),Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced),Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner),Fire Immunity(Passive), Magma Immunity (Passive).

Abilities: Rune Crafting (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced), Military Strategy (Beginner), Engineering eye (Beginner).

He decided to craft some runes onto his sword and guns after the meal which can decrease the mana consumptions and increase the output of attacks.

It took some time and the food was served. The first thing Girish did is take the Naan along with a side dish. As soon as he put it in his mouth, he felt nostalgic as if he was back on earth. He slowly took in the delicious aroma of the side dish and munched on them.

It was bad luck his brothers couldn't join. Those guys were also craving for this food. Girish decided that after going back to the academy they would cook the home food of earth.

After deliciously devouring the food, he washed it with a nice cup of tea which gave him a perfect balance to his tongue. As soon as he was done eating he said "Excuse me. I need to go to orbal station for something. See you guys in half an hour." said Girish.

Since the runes he is going to put on his sword and gun are mid grade it won't take less than half an hour. If it was high grade runes it would have taken at least 7 hours. He already had runes in the inventory which he brought using the last field study.

Thus he used the orbal station equipment along with the equipment he had to start inscribing the runes on them.

The symbols of these runes are which not only increase attack power but also runes which increase the endurance of the weapon.

"Kekeekke". Girish heard that laugh again. It was getting creepy. He used his senses for the presence but it seems to have vanished.

He started inscribing the runes and after nearly half an hour the deed was done. The energy radiating from the greatsword and the guns is much higher than before.

"Are you done?" asked Jusis from behind. "Yes." said Girish. He waved the sword and a brownish energy enveloped the place. He felt happy since it has worked.

The two of them were going to meet others when Jusis asked "So, what sort of enemy did you sense?"

Girish was not surprised to hear those words from Jusis. He had already acted suspiciously before so he would guess something's wrong.

"A dark entity which controls minions like that dark fish. I don't know it's true identity though." said Girish with a serious tone.

He said half truth to not increase suspicions on himself. "I think it's prudent we inform others." said Jusis.

"That entity is after me and my brothers. If you get involved you will get dragged into it. Besides there are other threats which you guys might face." said Girish.

Jusis became suspicious of his words but kept quiet as they met others. Rean already had the field study envelope.

"Let's teach those kids first before we go for other ones." said Girish looking at the envelope. They all agreed and Rean was made to teach about Erebonia to kids there.

It finished after sometime and they started the task of finding the sheep. Girish felt this task to be quiet irritating because the sheep were all scattered to long distances and they also need to go to North side of the highlands.

After getting the sheep from southern highlands, they made their way to the Northern highlands. Girish was mostly looking forward to see the gigantic Sept Terrion of earth statue. After they reached a certain distance to North, conversation started.

"Ahhh.. The wind here feels so nice." said Alisa.

"Agreed. It has a different flavor of freshness to it than the winds in southwestern highlands." said Emma.

"Oh. That's due to the sheer cliffs around here. It gives the wind in this area a unique feel." said Gaius.

"The wind takes many forms and bestows blessings on the people of Nord." said Gaius.

Girish was the one looking to the right with a smile as he was looking at the Sept Terrion of earth. In the game it looked like a gigantic rock but he felt something else looking at it directly. It was excitement due to the winds in this place and also goosebumps.

Rean looked at Girish who was smiling and looked at the cliff to see the statue.

"It looks like there is something buried on the cliff. Do you know anything about it, Girish?" asked Rean.

Girish replied by saying "I do know its legend but all I can say that it has been in that place for

1200 years."

They were all shocked. Even Gaius who was a native of Nord was shocked by those words as he did not know that it has been there for such a long time.

"Enough of that. Let's get going." said Girish making his horse move before others could ask more questions.

"Now I see the similarities between him and Ram. They are both good at hiding and giving half truths." said Alisa.

"Yeah." said Emma sighing.

They all started following Girish on their horses. They came across the remaining sheep and the last sheep ensued a battle which others fought while Girish kept away.

They all made way to the statue where the reporter Norton was taking photos of the statue. He asked for sometime and Girish led them to the quarry. The Jaeger unit will be inside those ruins along with Gideon.

"It's desolate out here." said Rean.

Emma looked at Girish and asked "Why did you bring us here?"

"You'll understand it later." said Girish.

Gaius explained about the Djinn and everything but Girish was most worried about the minions which might cause trouble to him.

They came near the entrance and Emma said "It has an eerie vibe. I can't shake it."

Girish looked at her and said "Higher elements."

"Now I understand." said Emma.

"Ha? What higher elements?" asked Gaius as he could also sense the strangeness in in the wind.

"Time, Space and Mirage elements are called higher elements and they seem to be active inside this quarry." said Girish.

He knew it was normally setting of the game and revealing it won't cause any deviations.

They made their way back to Norton and he was done with his photo shoot. They reached the settlement after a long ride.

They saw a accident has occurred. Alisa looked at the truck and said that they need a specialized engineer for the repair. Girish had the engineering eye skill and also capabilities but he didn't have any tools to repair it.

Girish decided to repair along with Alisa's grandfather. Elder Ivan and Lacan made it there and tolde them about elderly man living to North of highlands.

They took the horses and made their way to the place and Girish saw the majestic waterfall and house. He felt relaxed there and understood why that old man chose this place. They made their way and reached the door of the wooden house and knocked.

"Come in." came a voice.

They went inside and Gwyn was sitting there smoking.

"It's good to meet you again, sir." said Gaius.

Alisa had her mouth open.

"Well if it isn't Gaius. Haven't seen you around for half a year now?"

"And little Alisa's here too?"

"Wait What?" said Rean.

"G-G-G Grandfather, what are you doing here?" screamed Alisa.

Girish sat there and kept quiet letting the conversation play it out. Gwyn looked at Girish and asked "Aren't you one of the "Three devils" of the academy?"

The others were startled because they are the only ones who knew that the three brothers had that name.

"Three devils?" asked Girish with confusion.

Emma sighed and explained how his three brothers are being called three devils.

Girish was surprised that they had such a impact in the academy but he felt devils part is too dark for him and his brothers.

They talked for sometime and departed for the settlement. Gwyn kept pestering Rean about Alisa. Eventually Alisa stopped him.

When Girish was near the settlement he felt a presence and sent a powerful wave of energy to its location. The hit met the target but others were confused.

"What's going on, Girish?" asked Emma.

Slowly a figure appeared which was cut in half which had dark energy. It was like a mixture of Hawk face and dog body with dark energy.

"So, this is one of the minions you said?" asked Jusis.

Girish nodded and said "Yes."

The creature vanished and the white ball gave Girish 10000 XP. "System, is there way to contact my brothers?"

"No host. You should reach Level 30 and the system to system communication will be enabled through which you can talk to your brothers." said the system.

"Okay." said Girish as he was not completely disappointed.

They reached the settlement and Girish gave a hand by repairing the Quartz circuit of the truck and a feast was arranged.

Girish separated from others and kept watch for anymore minions. He did not hear that laugh again. But he felt like tomorrow will be much more complicated than in the game.