
Complicated Crisis (1)

The same night....

The Imperial Liberation front has set up mortars after the field study group had left. The mortars fired the shells onto the watch tower of the Erebonian army and the same thing happened at the Calvard military base which is opposite to the watchtower.

The casualties were high on both sides.

The next day...

The same morning after having breakfast and packing some food for the journey. They received the envelope and there is only a monster elimination quest and that too it was not an important one. Girish had a uneasy expression. He knew that the there will be news arriving that watchtower is being attacked but that was not the concern.

He had no clue what complications will arise now that a new enemy appeared. Emma saw Girish's expression. She knew why he is troubled because him and her were the only people here that can identify supernatural elements.

"I need to talk to you in private." said Emma to Girish.

Jusis had an idea since Girish had already told him about the unknown enemy. Girish gave a nod and said "After 5 minutes." He was waiting for the people to arrive.

After two minutes Elder Ivan, Norton and Gwyn came inside. They had uncomfortable expressions in their faces.

When Lacan asked about it they told that the watchtower is attacked and the Calvard base is attacked too. There is going to be war between to armies and the evacuation needs to be done.

Rean and the others looked at Girish with complicated expressions. Girish kept a stone face to avoid any issues.

"Looks like we all should have a talk with you." said Jusis. Girish hit his head with a hand and thought that he is screwed.

After a minute "Let's go outside." said Girish. Girish took off and came quite a distance away from the houses. Others came to him.

"Tell me. Are those creatures responsible for the attacks?" asked Jusis directly.

Girish nodded and said "They have nothing to do with the attack because those creatures are savages and they only fight with instinct."

"Then who attacked the military base?" asked Alisa.

"You guys should go to Zender's gate and talk to Zechs. I'll be staying here because there is a chance that those creatures might attack this settlement." said Girish with a serious expression.

Based on the tone of Girish and the attitude he was worried. "I'll stay with you." said Emma. Girish was little reluctant as they all should be facing the ILF and the Djinn in the quarry.

"Are you sure, Emma?" asked Girish. "Yes. Leave you alone to fend them off will be too much to ask of you." replied Emma.

Girish knew that if the enemies come in large droves, it will be tough even for him to handle. Thus having one more hand who knows about the supernatural is big help for him.

Girish felt weak and memories surfaced when he was kidnapped. His hands and legs started trembling due to fear. He started feeling dizzy and was about to faint when Emma came and infused some magic into him without others suspecting him by placing a finger on his back while supporting him.

Even others were surprised by the set of events. They never thought Girish became vulnerable in such a situation. Girish knew that he wouldn't feel like this if his brothers were beside him. But luckily for him Emma was there.

"Time's running out. You guys should leave and we will wait for your return." said Emma to them.

"Alright guys. It's time to find out what really happened there." said Rean as they took horses and made their way to Zender's gate.

Emma took Girish inside the tent and Girish took sometime sitting there to become normal. This is the trauma of the event which he suffered in previous life.

"Get a hold of yourself. You're the only one who can guide us to stopping this crisis." said Emma.

She never thought he had fear of the unknown during such situations. Now she started understanding the flaws inside the brothers.

Ram is too secretive and gets easily irritated. Girish is secretive but has a fear of the unknown and keeps distance from others except when he is with his brothers and her.

She knew that Bhargav is a battle junkie but she could not find any flaws in him. But she did not know that Bhargav is the most damaged character than his two brothers.

"I don't know what's happening to you but this situation requires you to be strong to face the upcoming trouble." said Emma.

Girish heard those words and slowly regained his composure. "Remember. There are two brothers who are awaiting your return, so you have to survive this ordeal." said Emma.

Emma's words made him steel himself and slowly put down the fear he has inside. He looked at the glasses girl and said "Thank you."

Emma smiled at him and stood up. Girish did the same and started thinking of a plan. He knows two skills that can help him here. Rune Crafting and Engineering eye.

If we could craft some barrier runes and search the area around the settlement for proper topography to maximize their effectiveness then he can protect the settlement. If by chance there is an unexpected situation in the quarry or zender's gate he can easily react.

"Come with me. I am going to need some help." said Girish. Emma did not ask any questions and followed him.

They went to Elder Ivan's tent and decided to use the equipment over there. "Bring me some orbal quarts containing earth and space elements." said Girish.

Emma went to the shop while Girish secretly took out rectangular shaped rocks on which the runes can be crafted.

Since barrier runes were low level runes he just needed 10 minutes to craft them. The reason he required the Earth quartz and Space quarts is because attaching those quarts with the runes will easily make the runes to adjust to the landscape where they are being put.

He used the tools and slowly started making those runes. Emma came and gave him the quartz. She sat beside him and saw how he was crafting those runes. She never thought that she could see a art fascinating as this.

It took 50 minutes to craft all the 5 runes and attach the quartz to them. The two of them heard the horses entering the settlement and understood that the group has returned. Girish knows that Millium is with them now.

"Let's go. We need to know what they have uncovered." said Girish. Both of them carried the stones and entered Gaius's house. Emma asked about Millium and they explained what happened.

The details are explained and the location where the perpetrators were hiding is the quarry. Gabriel took the runes outside and used "Engineering eye".

The percentages are displayed. No terrain is 100% good so Girish decided to find a terrain which has effectiveness from 85% to 90% since the time is less.

One was near Gaius's house with 89% so he immediately dug a hole deep enough for rune to settle in. He walked and identified two locations to the north and two to the south.

After placing all of them, the runes have released a barrier which surrounded the settlement. He knows that Zender's gate is the least favorite location for creatures to arrive because a monstrosity called Zechs Vander is present there.

Only Emma could see the invisible barrier and Rean's ogre power could sense the change in energy. The settlement is secured and even a missile from Calvard ship will have difficulty breaking it.

Girish came inside and said "The settlement is secured. Mr.Lacan should guard the settlement in the meantime."

"Okay. So, are you coming with us?" asked Rean.

"Yes. There is a chance that we might meet monsters like those in the quarry." replied Girish.

"That settles it. We must make haste." said Alisa.

"Come on. Let's go.. go. go." shouted Millium.

They took the horses and few meters away from the settlement is the monster that is in the field study envelope. Others took care of it and began their journey to the quarry again.

Girish remembered his brother's words before the journey and willed himself to fight against the unknown threat.