
Beginning the field study

S.1204, 6.27, Sunday,

The next day Girish woke up after Gaius had left for tending to sheep out to the pasture. Everyone woke up afterwards. Of the three brothers Girish had the habit of waking up quicker and Bhargav always woke up last.

He prepared and went out to take in the cold breeze of Nord Highlands. This untouched land made him feel happy with nature being unharmed. The three brothers always wanted to go to hill stations but they never got a chance in their last life.

The three of them could not experience beautiful things in their last life. But in this life they want to experience the thrill of adventure and travelling.

"Good Morning, Gaius." said Girish as Gaius was returning. "Good Morning. Are others up and ready?" asked Gaius.

"Nah, they are still sleeping. The journey must have been tired. Since I have been climbing mountains with my brothers, it was not much tiresome to me." replied Girish.

"I see. I'll go wake them up." said Gaius as he entered inside.

The morning meal is fixed after sometime and they had a milk porridge with meat in it.

Lacan handed over the field study envelope to them and they gave a look at the missions.

Field Study Day 1 (Morning)

Assigned tasks

Return to Zender [Required]

Turning over a new leaf [Required]

Delivery to Watchtower [Unread]

The first one is a monster request while other two are delivery requests. Girish knows that it is better to put the monster request to the last.

"If any of you want to fine tune your ARCUS, you better do it now because these quests might require us to travel long distances." said Girish.

They agreed with Girish and went to get their ARCUS slots opened. Girish stood outside and they came back after sometime.

"Let's go meet Kilte and Amr." said Girish.

They made it to the settlement store and Kilte gave them the package containing food to be delivered to watch tower and they made their way to doctor's house. Amr asked them to find plants containing yellow flowers.

"We should collect those plants and make a delivery at the watchtower before going to Zender gate." said Girish.

Why can't we go directly to Zender gate?" asked Rean.

"We can do that but it will become tiresome going from there to all across the Highland." replied Girish.

"I see. That's a good point." said Gaius.

They took the horses and Girish knows the five locations where the plants are growing so it was not a problem.

Girish fought the 15 monsters and got 10000 experience points.


Name: Girish Dev


HP: 26600/26600

MP: 33000/33000

STR: 145

AGI: 145

VIT: 160

INT: 165

LUCK: 135

Next level up: 210000

Skills: Serpent Fang Sword art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advanced),Earth Magic (Advanced),Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced),Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner),Fire Immunity(Passive), Magma Immunity (Passive).

Abilities: Rune Crafting (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced), Military Strategy (Beginner), Engineering eye (Beginner).

He rode the horse and pointed out the exact locations where the plants were growing and thus it became easy for the group to collect all the 5 plants.

"It's done. Let's hurry and deliver the food." said Girish. They all nodded and on the way the monsters were tough Girish used a trick of putting them in a illusion using light and dark magic together before killing those monsters.

He got 30000 XP on the way which might help him level up quickly. When they reached watch tower, Girish felt the same presence and saw to the cliff nearby where the mortar will be arranged by ILF. He saw the strange lining again there.

He narrowed his eyes and thought that he should investigate there. "Guys, you should deliver the food. I need to do something quickly." said Girish.

"W-Wait.." shouted Emma. She gave a look at the cliff and felt energy fluctuations there. "Let me go with him. We will meet back here later." said Emma.

They nodded in acknowledgement and went inside the watchtower while Emma used a teleportation spell to go to the cliff.

Girish came and climbed the rocks to reach the cliff and saw Emma standing there. Girish felt something wrong because Emma did not have knowledge of teleportation spell in the first game.

"When did you learn teleportation?" asked Girish directly. "Last week Celine has taught me the spell." said Emma.

"Shit" silently whispered Girish as a deviation has already occurred. Girish approached the area and saw no mortars there but due to his high magical affinity he felt the presence of dark energy.

The presence felt like it had energy of a Sept Terrion. For some reason he felt that this had a evil energy much powerful than Sept Terrion of Steel.

"Kekeke" Girish heard a laughter which felt creepy before everything became normal. "Something isn't right." said Girish.

"What do you know?" asked Emma. "I felt a strange presence when we first arrived at the settlement and saw a lining of magic and I also felt it again here." said Girish.

"Do you mean someone's following us?" asked Emma as she used the staff to find something.

"Yes. We need to be careful." said Girish.

They went down and she sat on his back side before they arrived at the watch tower.

"Did you find something?" asked Alisa.

"Someone's watching us and the entity seem to have malicious intentions so you must be careful and cautious." said Girish with a serious expression.

Seeing the serious look others felt that there is something dangerous lurking away from their eyes. What Girish saw a glimpse of the energy left by a creature under Sept Terrion of Darkness.

Up till now the three of them were experiencing the story with less changes but to deal with the Triplets, a enemy made appearance.

"Let's make way to watch tower." said Jusis. They all sat on the horses and rode. During the mid way Girish remembered that Ram fought a green monster in Bareahard. Somehow he felt that it was not a coincidence and something else is involved.

They rode on the horse to Zender gate and got the mission from Vander to hunt the creature. Girish knew where the creature was so he led them according to the clues given by Zechs to avoid suspicion.

He met with a danger he did not expect. The large monster had a dark counterpart beside him which is emitting ominous energy.

The others won't stand a chance against it so Girish said "Take care of the other one. This guy is mine." said Girish taking out his Great Sword.

The dark fish released a powerful blast of black energy at him. Girish jumped into hair and rolled like a ball. From the air he released a slash which sent a wave containing poison onto the creature.

The creature left a after image and escaped. He saw the health of the creature was not high but he knew it was trouble.

He gave a look at the other fight and they were faring well. Girish infused a bit of light element into the sword to avoid suspicion and used the first form.

It tried to escape by leaving after images, but the wave was too big which made it lose most of the HP. Girish ran and used his S Craft "Galactic Sword".

In the game it is not possible to dodge a S Craft so the creature got hit and its body evaporated and a bright Pink ball of energy was present there. The ball kept circling and immediately collided into the body of Girish and he heard a notification from the system.

[Host has killed a minion of Sept Terrion of Darkness and absorbed its essence]

[Host has been awarded with 10000 XP]

Girish was a lot surprised because there is no Sept Terrion of Darkness in the game. He felt that their presence has caused a new enemy to appear.

"Are you all right?" asked Rean.

"Yes, the monster was too hostile and dangerous." said Alisa.

Girish felt confused as they were not asking about the ball of energy.

"System, can't they see those balls?" asked Girish.

"Yes, host. The Sept Terrion of Darkness is not a entity of this world, host. It is an alien from other world." said the system.

"What the heck?" thought Girish. Now those three are supposed to deal with a alien Sept Terrion along with a crazed Sept Terrion.

They decided to report back to Zender gate and did that. They made it to the settlement and gave back the plants. Afterwards they went for lunch and Girish was most excited because Naan bread is going to be served but he was also feeling anxious on the other side.