
The Last Fragment Of The End

Imagine having the power to learn anything you want in a flash. You could become rich and famous, create groundbreaking research, or commit crimes with your extraordinary skills. But there is a catch. You lose all your emotions. You can’t feel joy, pain, love, or anything else. The only thing left is boredom. Boredom that torments you every second of your life. Boredom that makes you sick of breathing, eating, sleeping, and living. How would you cope with such a fate? Why did you receive this gift and this curse? What is the hidden purpose behind your existence? This is the story of Artham Lanis, a young man who lives beyond the limits of time and space. A man who is about to discover the truth that will change everything. “Will you accept my offer?” He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t doubt. He simply said, “Yes.” And with that word, he opened the door to a world of wonders and challenges. A world that would test his limits and show him things he never imagined. A world that would transform him forever.

Omaoma765 · Fantasy
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54 Chs

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Sudden notifications appeared before Arthanis.


[An unknown wave of essence has been detected and is gradually infiltrating the user's body.]

[Master, an external force is attempting to monitor your heartbeat.]

Arthanis could not help but be reminded of the blue-haired woman's strange ability, the ability she used to distinguish truth and lies in his words. 'How interesting,' he muttered, his mind filled with curiosity.

[Mire can give denied force and push the unknown wave of essence out from your body if you wish.]

'That means she's nearby. Stand down, Mire. I have a plan to test the limits of this lie detection.'

With his attention back on Biroz, Arthanis introduced himself and surveyed the quiet campsite.

"Where are the others?"

"They went to the forest," Biroz said in a deep voice. He invited Arthanis to sit by the fire, which was warm and inviting. "Come, warm up by the fire."

Arthanis settled down beside the imposing creature, the warmth of the crackling campfire easing the chill of the night. He could sense Biroz's gaze on him, weighing his words before speaking.

"I've heard what happened from Sedita,' Biroz began, "and I must admit, I find it hard to believe."

Arthanis nodded, understanding the skepticism. Even he found it difficult to accept, and he was the one who had experienced it firsthand.

"But answer me honestly. Are you part of an evil cult, or have you committed blasphemy?"

The word "blasphemy" hung in the air between them, prompting Arthanis to seek clarification. "I'm sorry, but what do you mean by blasphemy?"

Biroz elaborated, "Blasphemy encompasses a range of unforgivable acts committed by those who delve into forbidden powers. These include making a contract with a devil for malevolent purposes, wielding the corrupting force of miasma, or following the path of Nefarious. Blasphemous acts can take many forms, but they all share a common thread of darkness and corruption."

Arthanis had encountered the concept of blasphemy in his studies, in the books he had read in the village chief's house. However, he sought to deepen his understanding and make connections to his own experiences. Thus, he chose to ask about it as if he were unfamiliar with the term.

Biroz's gaze intensified. "Blasphemy is often tied to a dark and twisted form of essence. This essence can corrupt both the mind and body, transforming the individual into a puppet of destruction."

[Information has been stored in the library.]

[Combining the newly acquired information with the existing knowledge in the library...]

[Analysis complete.]

[Blasphemy is a complex and multi-faceted concept, often associated with the pursuit of forbidden powers and the corruption of one's essence. While it can manifest in various ways, the common thread is a connection to dark and malevolent forces that can lead to the destruction of oneself and others. Those who become entangled in blasphemy often lose themselves to the corrupting influence, becoming agents of chaos and despair.]

"It sounds similar to miasma. Can you tell me more about it?" Arthanis asked, his curiosity piqued.

Biroz leaned closer to the fire, his gaze growing distant as he spoke. "Miasma is a malevolent force that seeps into our world from a realm beyond. It's a corrupting essence that can taint anything it touches, twisting and warping it into something dark and dangerous. It is said that miasma is drawn to negative emotions, feeding off the darkness in people's hearts and growing stronger in their presence. In ancient times, some misguided souls sought to harness the power of miasma for their own gain, believing they could control it and use it to their advantage. These individuals became known as Blasphemers, and their actions often led to chaos and destruction, as the miasma they wielded inevitably consumed them. Yet, there are rare instances where individuals can manipulate miasma as they would essence, but the likelihood of success is less than 4%."

Arthanis listened intently, the weight of Biroz's words settling heavily upon him. He couldn't help but feel a connection to the dark power Biroz described. His own abilities, while different, seemed to share a similarly mysterious and dangerous origin.

'So, in simplified, miasma is akin to a virus.' Arthanis mused.

Miasma was a unique type of essence that corrupted those who came into contact with it, similar to how a virus could turn people into zombies. The very idea of an essence capable of corrupting and controlling a person was terrifying, and it made him wonder what other forbidden powers might be lurking in the shadows of this world.

Arthanis carefully considered his words before revealing his own story. "I understand your concerns. Rest assured, I've never used Miasma, nor do I ever intend to. However, I did make a contract with a devil, though I was unaware of its true nature at the time. All I heard was a voice claiming to be the voice of the forest, or its shapeless guardian. It told me that the God of War's followers—goblins and kobolds—were destroying the forest. I wanted to protect my village from these creatures, so my intentions were pure when I agreed to the contract with the devil, who still acted as the voice of the forest. The contract was fulfilled when I killed one of the forest rulers during a civil war between them. However, the devil took control of my body and killed the last ruler, breaking the divine contract. After that, the devil left the forest and came to this village, possessing someone else and massacring the villagers. The devil claimed it was his revenge, and before the apostle of the God of War could arrive, the devil vanished, leaving with two kidnapped girls in its wake."

Biroz listened intently, his expression a mix of concern and understanding. "I see," he said slowly. "It seems you were manipulated by this devil, who took advantage of your desire to protect your village. The fact that you didn't know it's true nature and that your intentions were pure may have some bearing on the consequences of your actions. But a devil that can control someone else's body..." he mused. "Do you remember the devil's name or title?"

Arthanis searched his memories, the name rising to the surface. "I remember it said it was once called the Prankster of the Abyss, but now it calls itself the Darkest Vengeance."

The name seemed to resonate with Biroz, though he admitted he'd never heard the title before. With a nod, he said, "Thank you for clarifying. I assure you, we won't take any action against you. It's clear that you were a victim of the devil's manipulation, and your intentions were to protect your village."

Arthanis nodded in agreement, his face grave. "I feel responsible for the tragedy that befell this village. If I hadn't made that contract, perhaps the devil wouldn't have been able to carry out its heinous acts."

Biroz placed a comforting hand on Arthanis's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Arthanis. You couldn't have known what the devil intended to do. What's important is that you're still alive and have a chance to learn from this experience. You must continue to live and strive to be better, even if you made a mistake in the past. The fact that you didn't fall a second time shows your strength of character."

"Thank you." Arthanis said, gratitude evident in his voice. "You're right. I cannot change the past, but I can ensure that I learn from it and prevent others from suffering the same fate."

Biroz then asked, "What will you do now? It's crucial that you find a path forward, one that allows you to grow and make amends for the past."

Arthanis took a deep breath, considering Biroz's words. "I will take responsibility for my actions and work to prevent anything like this from happening again. I will use my experiences as a lesson to help others avoid the same fate. And I will search for a way to make amends for the damage caused by the devil's deception. To begin," Arthanis stood up and surveyed the ruins of his village, his gaze lingering on the scattered corpses nearby. "I want to give the villagers a proper burial. It's the least I can do to honor their memory and atone for what has happened."

Biroz nodded in approval. "A noble endeavor. Allow me to assist you in this task. The others can join us when they return from the forest. It's the least we can do to help you and pay respect to the fallen."

As Arthanis began to gather the bodies of the villagers, another notification appeared before him.


[The unknown wave of essence is gradually leaving your body.]

Mire's voice resonated in his mind with flat and emotionless voice.

[Master, you are incredible. Mire is stunned by your acting talent. If there were such a thing as an 'Oscar award' in this world, like the one from your memories of Earth, Mire believes you would undoubtedly deserve it.]

Arthanis groaned mentally, annoyed. 'Enough, Mire. Just be quiet.' He kept his emotions in check as he and Biroz carried the fallen villagers to their final resting place. It was a difficult task, both physically and emotionally, but it was a necessary step in building trust with the adventurers and finding his place in this strange new world.