
The Last Fragment Of The End

Imagine having the power to learn anything you want in a flash. You could become rich and famous, create groundbreaking research, or commit crimes with your extraordinary skills. But there is a catch. You lose all your emotions. You can’t feel joy, pain, love, or anything else. The only thing left is boredom. Boredom that torments you every second of your life. Boredom that makes you sick of breathing, eating, sleeping, and living. How would you cope with such a fate? Why did you receive this gift and this curse? What is the hidden purpose behind your existence? This is the story of Artham Lanis, a young man who lives beyond the limits of time and space. A man who is about to discover the truth that will change everything. “Will you accept my offer?” He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t doubt. He simply said, “Yes.” And with that word, he opened the door to a world of wonders and challenges. A world that would test his limits and show him things he never imagined. A world that would transform him forever.

Omaoma765 · Fantasy
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54 Chs

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─ Name: Artham Lanis

─ Race: Dhampir > Pure-Crimson Blood Dhampir (NEW)

─ Path of Essence: Path of Zero-Ω (NEW)

─ Aspect: None

─ Stage: 10 (NEW)

─ Pathway Ability:


「Mist Form」(NEW)

─ Innate Ability:

「Extraordinary Smell, Sight, And Hearing」Level 10 > 「Heightened Perception」 Level 1 (00,00%) (NEW)

「Feed」Level 10 > 「Devour」 Level 1 (00,00%) (NEW)

「Blood Thirsty」Level 10 > 「Bloodlust」 Level 1 (00,00%) (NEW)

「Fortitude Skin」Level 2 (45%)

「Leap」Level 4 (41%)

─ Genetic:

+「Bloodline Awakening」Level 1 (97,11%) > 「Pathway Ascension」 Level 0 (00,00%) (NEW),「Daywalker」Level 5 (42,44%),「Nightcrawler」Level 5 (41,11%), Heart of Flame Level 1 (00,00%) (NEW)

-「Blood Dependency」Level 3 (08,71%),「Sunlight Sensitivity」Level 5 (11,84%),「Sacred Ground Weakness」Level 1 (0%)

─ Talent:

「Extreme Abnormal Adaptability, Growth, and Mastery of All (Rank: Unique)」

「??? <Locked > (Rank: ???)」> 「Origin (Rank: Immeasurable)」 (NEW)

─ Alignment: <Fate Defying>

─ Character Summary: Artham Lanis, a peculiar human from another dimension, found himself in the body of a random Dhampir in a magical realm. He was as clueless as a goldfish in a desert about his purpose and the challenges that awaited him. His immediate goal was as simple as a potato - to survive until he could give a piece of his mind to an entity named Sinahtra, who was responsible for his bizarre transmigration.

─ Status Conditions: Life until 9210:56:49 downtime.

'Wow, that's a lot of new stuff.'

He scanned the list of new changes in his status.

His race, his path, his stage, his abilities - everything had undergone a drastic transformation.

Path of Zero-Ω.

A mysterious and unique path. A path that he alone possessed in this world, as far as he knew. Unless there was someone else who had discovered it and kept it hidden. He had no way of finding out.

'The names sound cool to me. The lord of this path must be awesome.' 

He had no way of finding out anything, really. He was a lost soul in a foreign land, a human from another dimension who had been thrown into the body of a Dhampir in a realm of magic. He had no clue why he was here, or what he was meant to do. He only had a vague sense of purpose, but it was too blurry to guide him. For now, he only knew that he had to survive.

But there was one thing that bothered him. There was one thing missing from his status, however - something that every essence user should have: Aspect.

'Mire, where is my aspect?'

[You have none, master.] The response came swiftly.

'But why? Doesn't everyone who undergoes Essentia gain an aspect? How can I manipulate aspect of essence without the key?'

[Searching for reason...]

[Reason: Unknown]

Arthanis sighed, frustration mounting. 'What kind of path is this? It only grants me two abilities.'

[Master, you can acquire new abilities from the path as you ascend.]

'Yes, I know. But this path seems remarkably stingy for its sole pathwalker.'

With a sigh, Arthanis shifted his focus to the abilities granted by his new path. He could guess what kind of power it was from the name. He noticed that it had no level, unlike his other abilities.

'Mire, show me the information about 「Negation」 and 「Mist Form」.'

[「Negation」: This ability allows you to create a field of force that can negate any essence-based attack or effect that targets you, rendering it harmless and ineffective. You can also negate any essence-based defense or enhancement that your enemies have, making them vulnerable and weak for 3 seconds. Additionally, you have a passive effect that increases your resistance to essence-based attacks.]

[「Mist Form」: This ability allows you to transform parts of your body into a cloud of mist, granting you increased mobility and stealth. While in this form, you can move through small openings and crevices, and the mist-covered parts of your body become immune to physical attacks. You can also use this form to escape from restraints or confinement. Additionally, your movement speed is increased by 50%, and you gain a limited form of flight, allowing you to float and glide through the air. However, while in this form, you are unable to use any other abilities or attack with the mist-covered parts of your body, but you can still attack with the non-mist parts.]

Arthanis nodded, comprehending the ability's anti-magic properties and its potential uses. He began to contemplate the various strategies he could employ in his mind with 「Negation」 and 「Mist Form」, weighing their strengths and limitations. He understood that while 「Negation」 could protect him from essence-based attacks and weaken his enemies' defenses, it would not directly enhance his own offensive capabilities.

On the other hand, 「Mist Form」 offered unparalleled mobility and evasion, enabling him to escape dangerous situations or reach otherwise inaccessible areas. The revised version of 「Mist Form」 allowed Arthanis to maintain offensive capabilities by attacking with the non-mist parts of his body, making it a more versatile ability for both defense and offense.

Arthanis knew that the key to success lay in the seamless integration of these abilities with his existing repertoire. He would need to experiment and train with them, learning to transition between forms and tactics effortlessly.

His attention then shifted to the newly acquired innate abilities, but the sheer volume of unfamiliar information threatened to overwhelm him. Deciding that practical experience would be more beneficial than theoretical study, he chose to set aside further examination for the time being.

He turned his focus to the three significant updates: his newly specified race, Pure-Crimson Blood Dhampir, alignment and the talent known as "Origin (Rank: Immeasurable)." He was aware that his race had not undergone a transformation but rather a clarification, as if he had been granted insight into his familial lineage.

'「Origin (Rank: Immeasurable)」 ? What is this use for, Mire?'

[I'm sorry, Master, but Mire don't have any information on this talent. It appears that after you managed to finish your Essentia, this unknown talent was unlocked, but without any information about its purpose or function. It's possible that the information was lost or hidden for some reason. However, Mire speculate that this talent might be connected to the unknown memories you possess.]

'Alright then, what about my alignment? The words are the same as that fucking devil said when he awoken the essence stone.'

[Alignment refers to destiny.]

'Destiny? I thought it was more like a characteristic or moral compass, such as lawful, neutral, or chaotic.'

[No, in this context, it pertains to your destiny or fate.]

'Is that all you know on the matter?'

[Yes, that is the extent of my knowledge about alignment.]

'Alright, alright. Then... shall we move on now?'

Arthanis rose from his bed, his bare feet touching the cold wooden floor. His eyes scanned the room, searching for clothes. He found some garments in a wardrobe and quickly dressed, feeling the rough fabric against his skin. A small table held a simple meal, which he ate hungrily before leaving the room.

As he descended the stairs, his gaze fell upon a small picture frame on the wall. A man and a young girl smiled back at him from the photo, their eyes full of warmth and joy. Arthanis reached out to touch the picture, but as soon as his fingers brushed the frame, a searing pain shot through his head. Images flashed before his eyes, memories of a life that wasn't his own. He saw the smiling faces of the man and girl, felt their happiness as they lived their lives in the village. But then the memories darkened, and he saw the horrific scene of the village's destruction at the hands of a devil-possessed Lean. The man and girl were killed in a brutal and merciless attack, their lives cut short.

Arthanis stumbled back, clutching his head as the memories faded. "What... what was that?" he gasped, his heart pounding in his chest. "I just touched the picture, and then I saw... I saw everything."


[Master, it appears that this is the effect of your 「Origin (Rank: Immeasurable) 」 talent. As previously hypothesized, it has connected you to the memories of another person's life through an object that holds a deep connection to them.]

'So, every time I touch an object, I'll experience memories connected to its owner?' he replied to Mire, his brow furrowed in confusion.

[Not necessarily every time. The effect seems to be triggered when you feel a strong curiosity about the object or a pure desire to learn more about it. Perhaps there's a clue when the object has a deep connection with its owner.]

Arthanis took a deep breath, attempting to process the overwhelming experience. He realized that his "Origin" ability allowed him to tap into the essence and memories of objects, revealing hidden histories and the lives they had touched.

'I see,' Arthanis said, taking a deep breath to steady himself. 'Let's head outside.'

Beneath the star-studded night sky, Arthanis emerged from the house, feeling the damp grass beneath his feet, still wet from the earlier rain. He discovered a white-furred, armored creature sitting beside a crackling campfire in the yard. The polar bear's face was bathed in the warm glow of the flames as it acknowledged Arthanis's presence.

"Ah, there you are," said the creature, its voice deep.

"And who might you be?" Arthanis inquired.

"I am Biroz Ursus, captain of the Nerovis Party, a group of adventurers from the capital kingdom's adventurer guild. It's a pleasure to meet you."