
The last crowned nightwalker-Rise of the vampire king

Everything fair in love and war. He knows he is lots of enemy even , if he is not born yet,but it will difficult to think that the person kill him in disguise of love . Vlam laughing like a mad man, he is shattered,and broken too , but he know he has the power to change the world. He is looking Amaira with an questioning look "love will you tell me , What sin I committed" when he is saying the statement the word ""love"" is one word he is stammering to say. "Actually I'm sorry betrayer right , now you tell Me ,where you came from, or İ will let you the taste of death in neno second" Amaira is not feared from the vampire king ,she stood stand infront of him ,and said"do you think I'm an normal being that you can kill in seconds" The vlam vampire king laugh bitterly and said , "do you know that vampire never die " Amaira smirked and saud"İndeed İ Know You can't die ,But you can punished by the curse of the fairy princess" Vlam uplift his eyebrows looking towards her "oh so you fairy princess right, You must know that when a vampire loves someone, he looses all his control,And when love becomes a trap, then they lose all control and become uncontrollable.". vlam tightly hold the hand of the Amaira and force her to look into his eyes "You know, when you came in my dreams, I felt that I have completed myself somewhere,But today I am hating myself, what had I seen that I lost myself in you too" "Love is the biggest curse of this world, but don't know why people love it" "The story you have started, I will finish it, this story is of deception and fraud, from this time onwards people will call fairy clan is cheater" "History will be a witness to this, a fairy princess had to kill a vampire with the drama of love, and the lie of marriage." suddenly the vlam forcefully turned the Amaira on his side and choking her neck mercilessly. while the Amaira is trying hard to breath. when vlam noticed that Amaira eyes are closed because of suffocation, he let her free from his hands . When he free Amaira from his hands ,for a minutes she is at the ground lifelessly. Vlam looking towards her at approx one minute unexpectedly one eye of him is watering then ,he lowered his head, now at this crucial moment out of sudden the riddles of the truth tree, keep replaying into his mind . Now he is able to connect every spear by spear ,but still unable to find and appropriate meaning. Amaira pov Amaira is trying hard to stand by herself,she looked to the vlam the almighty vampire king , who is lowering his head . Suddenly she heard the voice of Veronica in her mind "Amaira this is indeed good opportunity, please go and kill him " Amaira eyes are watering and she is unable to respond any replies to Veronica she said"I'm exhausted by making tons if plans to kill , doesn't he is hurt by the realisation I'm actually betrayed,İn this world,nothing cost more than betrayed in love ,but directly or indirectly I'm also committed a sinful crime " Veronica than again said "The mother of vlam is actually an aunt of yours " Amaira is puzzled in her thoughts but she hear the word"aunt" she came out of her thoughts and listening each and every single word of Veronica, by listening all he detail her eyes drenched in the pool of hatred ,and she want to kill vlam very instantly. "

siara2023_ · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Magical forests

As the Vlam and Azazel encounter the numbers of odd and weird stuff.

Azazel got Goosebumps,all around his body ,he is sweating as hell , feared from the typical unwanted and creepy situation of the forests.

While on the other hand the Vlam the legendary vampire king seems very alert to every step he take .

Out of blue unexpectedly the Vlam and Azazel encounter the tree ,the tree seems very old , his roots are very much long and thick even his trunks seems to harder.

Vlam and Azazel try to paas the way but the tree instantly hold both of them by the help of their trunks.

Tree- you guys are new here, and it's seems you are finding someone.

Azazel got panic just in second on the contrary the Vlam is also feared but never showed the emotion in his face.

vlam- why you just stopped us ??

tree- for your welfare.

Vlam seems confused and curious too.

Vlam - İ don't understand would you mind telling in detail.

Tree is chuckled by the courage of vampire king

Tree- you know kid , İ like your youngest spirit, but telling in detail , I'm obliged to do it.

Vlam looking towards the tree in curiosity.

Vlam - İf I'm wrong you are the truth tree ,and future tree, who often tell people about their future events.

Tree- yes dear so actually you are always of my identity.

Azazel also just hit by the thought that's is the famous rumour supposed to be actually truth.

tree understand the unspoken question emerged in the mind of Azazel and the tree answer it voluntarily.

Tree- sometimes the truth came into the contact of people in the form of rumour,to know their capabilities to assess the truth within rumour.

Azazel is shocked and suprise by the way the tree answered his question.

Azazel - did İ say it too loud ,İ thought I'm talking in my thoughts.

tree- no dear , I'm having the capabilities to read people mind casually.

Azazel got excited by the power old tree holds in himself.

Vlam - İf that's it's means you already know the answer of my question too.

the old tree stop for a second and then answer.

Old tree- dear your destiny is tangled with your emotions, the way you feel ,the way it becomes.Your destiny is not decided,your destiny is still forming.

Vlam - the old tree but my confusion is still there, why are you telling me in riddles would you gave light to the major topic.

Old tree- You are born to do something great and something beyond imagination,so the destiny of yours are always little bit visible to any wise man.

Vlam - I'm still confused,İ know I'm legendary vampire king ,

old trees - let me ease your confusion and tell your destiny in riddles,if you slove it ,you find it .:

I am a girl of great beauty,

But my fate took a sinful duty.

The boy I love sees me in his dreams,

But he doesn't know what it means.

For he is the legendary heir,

Of a vampire king who's no longer there.

Love is here to kill our romance,

I am a tale of tragic love,

A girl of beauty far above

The words that mortal tongues can speak,

And a boy, a legendary freak.

He was the last heir of vampire kings,

His touch brought death, yet love took wings.

But their happiness was not to be,

For she betrayed him cruelly.

When he embraced her, she struck true,

And killed the love he thought he knew.

Her own love came to end the curse,

But in doing so, made matters worse

She took her life to atone for sin,

And was punished to begin again.

As a human, she was reborn,

While he waited in the infernal morn.

Vlam - what's is this

old tree - riddles of your life ., it's a life that's define you , you have no option but to accept your destiny.

Vlam - apologize for my rudeness, but the destiny is dependent upon our karma right.

Old tree- no the opportunity you get in your is your karma, not your destiny is something that can't be changed but improved by your actions.

Vlam trying to process every word of the old tree , deep inside he also felt destiny can't be changed.

Now walking for really long time , Azazel and Vlam even forget what's the time right now.

The sun rays is coming into the forest by the less dense tree give them sought of hint that's the time of dawn , the rays are not harmful give them a sense of warmth.

when they crossed the mystic forest, still the riddles of the old tree is roaming in the mind of legendary vampire king.

Azazel - what's happened majestic you seems really puzzled.

While looking towards the sky Vlam response.

Vlam - The riddles is tricky but it's bit of connection to my life and destiny İ felt.

Azazel- who knows?? the futuristic tree always tell future about people.

İf he said it's meant to happen.

Vlam - İ also think , right now our pripority is to meet the secret society leader,and ask him/ her about Amaira .

Azazel laughing when his majesty mentioned the girl Amaira.

Azazel - come down king you seems to obsessed with the girl.

Vlam paused for a second and replied.

Vlam - İ don't know why , she seems someone special to me ,close to me , İ always felt somehow she completed myself.

İ don't know what sought of relationship her with me, but something unspeakable but it's worth having . The relationship İ have with her no having around me , still it's felt amazing,

Azazel - are you into the girl called Amaira

Vlam stopped his footsteps from moving forward and replied.

Vlam - İ don't love her, she is my habit since when I meet her in dreams since today ,İ remember each and every detail of the dream.Somehow İt's felt that we supposed to meet eachother.Our destiny is tangled with eachother no one can apart it.

Azazel asked in funny tone

Azazel - what if she is only your imagination.

Vlam - no matter what she is , But One thing I'm sure of it is I will never forget her , the love I hold for her never fade ,