
The last crowned nightwalker-Rise of the vampire king

Everything fair in love and war. He knows he is lots of enemy even , if he is not born yet,but it will difficult to think that the person kill him in disguise of love . Vlam laughing like a mad man, he is shattered,and broken too , but he know he has the power to change the world. He is looking Amaira with an questioning look "love will you tell me , What sin I committed" when he is saying the statement the word ""love"" is one word he is stammering to say. "Actually I'm sorry betrayer right , now you tell Me ,where you came from, or İ will let you the taste of death in neno second" Amaira is not feared from the vampire king ,she stood stand infront of him ,and said"do you think I'm an normal being that you can kill in seconds" The vlam vampire king laugh bitterly and said , "do you know that vampire never die " Amaira smirked and saud"İndeed İ Know You can't die ,But you can punished by the curse of the fairy princess" Vlam uplift his eyebrows looking towards her "oh so you fairy princess right, You must know that when a vampire loves someone, he looses all his control,And when love becomes a trap, then they lose all control and become uncontrollable.". vlam tightly hold the hand of the Amaira and force her to look into his eyes "You know, when you came in my dreams, I felt that I have completed myself somewhere,But today I am hating myself, what had I seen that I lost myself in you too" "Love is the biggest curse of this world, but don't know why people love it" "The story you have started, I will finish it, this story is of deception and fraud, from this time onwards people will call fairy clan is cheater" "History will be a witness to this, a fairy princess had to kill a vampire with the drama of love, and the lie of marriage." suddenly the vlam forcefully turned the Amaira on his side and choking her neck mercilessly. while the Amaira is trying hard to breath. when vlam noticed that Amaira eyes are closed because of suffocation, he let her free from his hands . When he free Amaira from his hands ,for a minutes she is at the ground lifelessly. Vlam looking towards her at approx one minute unexpectedly one eye of him is watering then ,he lowered his head, now at this crucial moment out of sudden the riddles of the truth tree, keep replaying into his mind . Now he is able to connect every spear by spear ,but still unable to find and appropriate meaning. Amaira pov Amaira is trying hard to stand by herself,she looked to the vlam the almighty vampire king , who is lowering his head . Suddenly she heard the voice of Veronica in her mind "Amaira this is indeed good opportunity, please go and kill him " Amaira eyes are watering and she is unable to respond any replies to Veronica she said"I'm exhausted by making tons if plans to kill , doesn't he is hurt by the realisation I'm actually betrayed,İn this world,nothing cost more than betrayed in love ,but directly or indirectly I'm also committed a sinful crime " Veronica than again said "The mother of vlam is actually an aunt of yours " Amaira is puzzled in her thoughts but she hear the word"aunt" she came out of her thoughts and listening each and every single word of Veronica, by listening all he detail her eyes drenched in the pool of hatred ,and she want to kill vlam very instantly. "

siara2023_ · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The day is unforgettable

Azazel was being frustrated as well raged up due to the inconvenience.

But being the vampire king Vlam seems to be calm, and composite, without any hint of tension.

Azazel looked towards his bestfriend and the highness

Azazel- Is seems The legendary vampire king always been true to his judgement.

I always wonder ,how to supposed to become so great,while I become great commander,you become legendary crowned vampire king .

Vlam said in very calm manner.

Vlam - It's matter of genes.

Azazel laughed savagely and gave him annoyed look.

Azazel - comon stop joking around.

Azazel then moved his attention towards the problem of bridge breakdown.

Azazel-Then we shall move towards the water ways

each soldiers nodded their heads in unison and tapping the ground in rhythmically momentarily.

Vlam always recognised as the threat for human civilization, due to his cruel nature but, you can't judge a book by it's cover.

He always been ruthless and mercless king for the traitor and the betrayed person.

And always respect the women and child whole heartedly,and hate the girl who's climbing his bed for her own selfish motives.

His always appears as an artisocract who always care for himself.

He always hide his emotions and feelings in his deep black heart where no glimpse of light.

Only who close to vlam know his personality bit of it.

After the boat came near the shore.

Everyone settled their easily and move towards the destination.

After coming close to destination the environment dropping slowly slowly only vampire king has the ability to knew

In the MAZE OF fog every boat seems to be disappeared in the thickest and coldest fog.

By tackling all the hectic situation at the river the boat of vampire king and Azazel and only five boats are able to make it come across the shore

Azazel looked typically suprised and asked in confusion

Azazel - when all the fourteenth boat has gone.

But to suprise the soldier also have an dilemma look on his face

the vampire king Vlam laughed in frustration and looked towards his bestfriend Azazel and asking him with his gesture "are you stasified.

The commander Azazel lower his head due to embarassment and the overconfidence his puts in himself.

Azazel - I'm sorry

vlam- I already sense of odd in the air of the countryside, I'm warning you more than twice ,just because you are my best friend,you are not qualified to takes innocent life

Azazel- do you know the solution of this problem.

Vlam- I'm not perfectly sured about it, Because it's also my first time to encounter something strange.

While both of them chatting eachother, suddenly vlam noticed the soldier are becoming unconscious one after after.

Vlam- look there the human are not able to tolerate the oddness in the air.

When Azazel heard that he instantly looked towards the soldier.

Azazel - It's means that the trap is set for the super natural beast like us.

Vlam- now you finally understand the situation.

Azazel - but vlam this is the place where the secret society members accumulate today.

Vlam- They hate supernatural beast.

Azazel - ooh yes you are right how the hell I'm supposed to forget it.

Vlam finally had the annoyed look on his face

Vlam said in clam but threatening manner

Vlam - If you are not my child hood friend I will surely kill you without any regret.

For instant the soul of Azazel is wobbled due to the warning of his dearly friend.

Vlam has a sense of impending danger and pressure. The fog represents a looming threat or consequence that could strike at any moment, creating a sense of fear and anxiety.

With every step taken, the Vlam's fate is being determined, adding a weight of responsibility to each decision and action. This can lead to a heightened sense of awareness and caution, as the person tries to navigate their way towards a positive outcome.

Azazel - When I become dead please let be burn with the purest ghee .

Vlam step has stopped for a moment and look towards his friends in totally confirmation about his words .

Vlam - are you out of your mind , you are talking about the way I'm gonna burn you ,even it's not assurance that I will be survived.

Azazel putting the baby face and pleasing his friends to say something hopefully.

But in contrast the Vlam up his left eyebrows and looking him as an pitiful prey .

Vlam - I'm not going to give to false hope ,until and unless I'm not assured about it .

Azazel - how is supposed to happen that you are also going to die because you are destined to being legendary vampire king in the Heritage.

vlam- I know,but after I reach the age of twenty one, that's the finest time to unleash my fully potential of the vampire clain.

Azazel heart skipped a bit, he becomes dumbfounded for atleast ten minutes.

Azazel - but unfortunately you are still nineteenth years old .

Azazel - ooh god why are you only unfair to me,

Vlam replied in sacrastic way

Vlam - god is not unfair to me , but it's totally unfair to me.

While chatting the both young super natural beast man going into the dense forest.

After covering the dense forest there is a way to reach countryside.which is typically a open ground.

when both covered the significant distance in the forest they found the forest is magical and odd .

Odd and magical forests are places of mystery and wonder. These are the kinds of forests that you might find in fairy tales, where strange and wondrous things happen, and the rules of reality seem to be suspended.

In an odd and magical forest, you might encounter trees with unusual shapes and colors, some of which might even be sentient and able to communicate with you. The forest floor might be covered in unusual plants and fungi, some of which have remarkable properties.

The animals that live in an odd and magical forest are often just as strange as the plants. You might encounter creatures that are part animal and part plant, or animals that can speak human languages.

But it's not just the flora and fauna that make an odd and magical forest so special. These forests are often imbued with a powerful energy or magic that can be sensed by those who are attuned to it. The air might be charged with an electric energy, and strange lights might flicker through the trees at night.