
The last crowned nightwalker-Rise of the vampire king

Everything fair in love and war. He knows he is lots of enemy even , if he is not born yet,but it will difficult to think that the person kill him in disguise of love . Vlam laughing like a mad man, he is shattered,and broken too , but he know he has the power to change the world. He is looking Amaira with an questioning look "love will you tell me , What sin I committed" when he is saying the statement the word ""love"" is one word he is stammering to say. "Actually I'm sorry betrayer right , now you tell Me ,where you came from, or İ will let you the taste of death in neno second" Amaira is not feared from the vampire king ,she stood stand infront of him ,and said"do you think I'm an normal being that you can kill in seconds" The vlam vampire king laugh bitterly and said , "do you know that vampire never die " Amaira smirked and saud"İndeed İ Know You can't die ,But you can punished by the curse of the fairy princess" Vlam uplift his eyebrows looking towards her "oh so you fairy princess right, You must know that when a vampire loves someone, he looses all his control,And when love becomes a trap, then they lose all control and become uncontrollable.". vlam tightly hold the hand of the Amaira and force her to look into his eyes "You know, when you came in my dreams, I felt that I have completed myself somewhere,But today I am hating myself, what had I seen that I lost myself in you too" "Love is the biggest curse of this world, but don't know why people love it" "The story you have started, I will finish it, this story is of deception and fraud, from this time onwards people will call fairy clan is cheater" "History will be a witness to this, a fairy princess had to kill a vampire with the drama of love, and the lie of marriage." suddenly the vlam forcefully turned the Amaira on his side and choking her neck mercilessly. while the Amaira is trying hard to breath. when vlam noticed that Amaira eyes are closed because of suffocation, he let her free from his hands . When he free Amaira from his hands ,for a minutes she is at the ground lifelessly. Vlam looking towards her at approx one minute unexpectedly one eye of him is watering then ,he lowered his head, now at this crucial moment out of sudden the riddles of the truth tree, keep replaying into his mind . Now he is able to connect every spear by spear ,but still unable to find and appropriate meaning. Amaira pov Amaira is trying hard to stand by herself,she looked to the vlam the almighty vampire king , who is lowering his head . Suddenly she heard the voice of Veronica in her mind "Amaira this is indeed good opportunity, please go and kill him " Amaira eyes are watering and she is unable to respond any replies to Veronica she said"I'm exhausted by making tons if plans to kill , doesn't he is hurt by the realisation I'm actually betrayed,İn this world,nothing cost more than betrayed in love ,but directly or indirectly I'm also committed a sinful crime " Veronica than again said "The mother of vlam is actually an aunt of yours " Amaira is puzzled in her thoughts but she hear the word"aunt" she came out of her thoughts and listening each and every single word of Veronica, by listening all he detail her eyes drenched in the pool of hatred ,and she want to kill vlam very instantly. "

siara2023_ · Fantasy
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19 Chs

game of luck

It is said that everything happens in this world for some reason or the other

It is said that no one can change the writing of fate.

Although this thought is true, but like human nature, you want to change things in your own way, but don't know how to do it.

The fates of both were written, but the fate of the hare was this, one was aware, and the other was unknown

The last aspect of his story was written in the pages of fate

But this was the way to lose, love itself has come to kill love

don't know why, but that universe had become aware of this unfortunate event.

Despite being a vampire king, he had a lot of love at heart, but fate had something else in store for him.

she was a beautiful walker who had come to kill that mighty king.

she lost herself in the process of saving existence, the time was like this, she sinned wrongly.

The legendary heir of the vampire heritage king moving forward his steps to reach destination.

All of a sudden the weather started to feel bad as if he was warning of trouble to come.

Azazel was looking towards the sky and wondering*when it happened.*

Vlam also noticed the sudden weather change ,he is also suspicious about it .

Vlam thinks that it's seems that an unknown power wanted to stop us from going there.

Vlam determination becomes more clearly he wanted to go there and meet the leader of secret society, deep inside he was curious as well an unknown feared triggered him.

Vlam"Azazel we need to head towards the place where we supposed to go "

"why are you wasting time in observing the weather"

Azazel said "i Don't know but , the sudden weather change gives me an vibe of bad omen..

Vlam is totally attentive to his surroundings his barely give any suggestions to Azazel cause he knows he is chatterbox.

there is no benefit to talk him.

when Vlam and Azazel walked ahead they found a castle

A magnificent castle is a grand architectural structure that typically consists of towering walls, majestic towers, and sprawling courtyards. The exterior of the castle is often adorned with intricate stonework, detailed carvings, and elegant arches. The castle may also be surrounded by a moat, which adds to its grandeur and serves as a defensive barrier.

Upon entering the castle, visitors are greeted with a grand hall that often features high ceilings, intricate woodwork, and an impressive staircase leading up to the upper floors. The castle may have a series of interconnected rooms and chambers, each with their own unique character and purpose.

The castle's interior is often adorned with exquisite decorations, including tapestries, paintings, and ornate furniture. The castle may also feature a grand dining hall, a chapel, and a throne room where the king or queen would hold court. Additionally, the castle may have a vast library filled with rare and ancient texts.

One of the most impressive features of a magnificent castle is its gardens and grounds. The castle may be surrounded by meticulously landscaped gardens, featuring fountains, statues, and ornamental plants. The castle's grounds may also include stables for horses, barracks for soldiers, and a dungeon for prisoners.

Azazel become totally impressed and shocked while viewing the magnificent castle infront of his eyes.

Azazel "ooh god the castle is much luxurious than you have one "

Vlam is also shocked but despite he doesn't show his emotions.

while walking Vlam is been too cautious around his surroundings, because the place they came is really unknown to them , because as the king he must knew there is a place , but Being king he never aware with the existence of the magnificent castle.

Vlam " why is doesn't felt right ""

he is wondering why his emotions are not supporting his thoughts.

The place where castle is totally unimaginable exquisite but doesn't give the positive vibe to the king.

Vlam heart beated at the highest speed, he is suprised by his own nervousness out of sudden ,he heard the sound of music , he knew the instrument is flute.

Subconsciously he is following the sound of the music ,his stepped fastened,than his thinking, he is moving in the direction without thinking any possible outcomes.

Vlam eyes closed ,he is feeling the music on his ears , he slowly but steadily following the sound of music .

After following for awhile, he is also curious to know the owner of the immense pleasure music sound,he wanted to meet the person.

But shocked him.is that the sound of music is somehow familiar to him, he doesn't know why, but for this musical sound ,he waited too long ,

when he opened his eyes he found himself near the river and spotted a girl sitting on the bench while playing the flute.

young girl sitting on a beach beside a gentle river, surrounded by a beautiful natural setting. She holds a slender flute to her lips, and as she plays, the soft, melodious notes blend harmoniously with the sound of the flowing water.

Her long hair, perhaps flowing in the breeze, frames her face, adding to the picturesque scene. Her eyes may be closed, lost in the music, or gazing peacefully at the river. The sun may be casting a warm glow on her skin, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

Overall, this image evokes a sense of tranquility and beauty, as the girl and the music blend seamlessly into the peaceful natural surroundings.

But everyone was unaware of this fact that girl came as someone death

Eyes in which all worlds can reside, lips which have been kept closed for many centuries, and smiles in which many pains are hidden.

she knew his work, but she was also attached to that boy.

It is said that love is such a thing that it can blossom even in the land of hatred.

But look at the game of luck, sometimes he got me together, and sometimes he distanced me.

That girl had tears in her eyes, a lot of pain in her heart, just thinking that she would kill the Vampire King was enough to kill her soul.