
The Last Campaign

Fort Wilderness has stood for a millennia as the home of heroes. However, a tragedy strikes when Polaris, a powerful Celestial hero and his league of heroes known as the Wilderness Initiative are stolen from their dimension. Of the original Wilderness 92, only the heroes: Polaris, Archimedes, the Elven Master Builder, Hexxit, the Jade Pixy, Powerdrive, the Mythril Golem, Arris, the Forest Druid, Veldspar, the Undead Boarmen, and their newest addition, KBar, a colorblind, human detective, survive Flynn Jamesson, their kidnapper. As they plan their escape back to their dimension, things begin to happen. With centuries old, closely guarded secrets, betrayals, enemies from the past, followers of God under the wrong leader, gods, demons, angels and beings from the Nether and Aether realms, Polaris and his team have their work cut out for them if they truly hope to build a nation, one under the watchful eyes of heroes.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Of Visions and Doctrines

As a week came and went, the Elves had begun mass construction of their village within the forest beneath Fort Wilderness. However, news of their return hadn't made everyone exactly happy. 

Far in the west, in the human capital of Anthapolis the King had received reports from his scouts that Fort Wilderness had become active. The old king at first said nothing, simply waved his hand to dismiss the scouts. 

"Your majesty, if they have truly returned...."

"They pose a threat to the Coven of Humanity. Have the Coven meet me out front of the walls." 

"What will you do your majesty?"

"Secure our place above the other races of this world." 

Back at Fort Wilderness, Fog and Powerdrive had been assisting the Elves with gathering resources. However, Polaris was training with Bel and Archimedes. 

"I don't understand the point of this. Why must I use the Solar Fire?" 

"I am working on a project that will change the game. Some of the Dwarves in Berban have made an item that I am improving upon for you. This will change the way you will fight."

"I'm sure it...."

Suddenly, Polaris went quiet. The fire that normally covered him had went out and his eyes went dark.

"Polaris? POLARIS!?"

While Bel and Archimedes attempted to wake him, Polaris had entered his mind space. As he looked around, the star Alpha Centauri, the star Sol, and the moon Luna, were all face to face with him. As he was about to speak, they turned him around to face a scene out of his worst nightmares. There was intense energy sparking off of what looked to be him. His eyes were white, the heat alone was melting ground directly beneath him. He was hovering above a figure. Clearly a battle had taken place, as there were shadowy figures laying on the grounds around this battlefield. 

Polaris looked up at the version of him, which was now looking at him. It spoke to him in a voice that could only be described as if the various heroes and dead of such a battle were speaking with him. 

"World Conqueror *-unintelligible-*, You and your Forefathers have devastated the natural order of this world. Now, you shall pay for their sins with your blood. Face the wrath of Celestial Creators."

Suddenly the vision was gone. Polaris sat up as Bel and Archimedes hovered next to him. 

"Polaris! What happened?"

"Was it energy loss? Soot? What?"

"A vision....." 

"A? A vision? Of what?"

"The future of Wilderness and this World." 

The two looked at each other then back to him.

"Did you see anything like this before?"

"No... All three of my celestial parts were there. Alpha Centauri, Sol, Luna." 

"Have they ever..." Before they could continue, Fog rushed up to them. 

"Hate to interrupt, but we have Pegasus Knights incoming."

As the Heroes of Wilderness rushed outside, the winged horses and their knights dismounted.

"Who are you and why have you come to Fort Wilderness?" Asked Polaris, glaring at them, his solar flames charging up. 

"Hark! We are the Pegasus Knights of the Kingdom of Anthapolis. The King has sent us to investigate claims of Fort Wilderness activity. Who are you and why have you take residency here?"

"We are the Heroes of Wilderness. I am Polaris Sol Luna, Leader of the Wilderness Initiative." 

The lead Knight stepped forwards to face him directly. 

"My name is Knight Captain Estes, forgive the skepticism of my men. We come on behalf of the Coven of Humanity. We have traveled far and wide informing nations and groups who didn't know of the Doctrine of Humanity. Have you heard of it?"

"I can not say I have." 

"Well, the Doctrine of Humanity is a document drafted by the Church of Humanity, and has a list of races that will be included and excluded from inter-kingdom peace and trade. You and Wilderness were not invited to the summit, therefore you must have a champion fight in the Gladiatorial Showdown in order to be included."

Polaris's glare sent shivers down the spines of every Knight. The living embodiment of the Great Northern Star let his flames consume his body and they were the deepest shade of blue anyone had seen. 

"Archimedes.... Bring Fog and Belvidere, and meet me in the Kingdom of Anthapolis."

"Yes Sir." 

Polaris unleashes an explosive amount of power, jetting himself into the sky and blasting towards Anthapolis. Bel, Fog and Archimedes hoped on Pegasi and followed him with the Knights. 

Polaris streaked across the sky in a blue blur. His eyes were focused on the Kingdom rapidly coming into view. As he hurdled towards the gates of the Kingdom. The Gate Guards had been having an easy day up until this point. As Polaris slammed down in front of them, a massive shock and dust wave flew past them. 

"*Coughing*- Who goes there?"

"I am Leader of the Wilderness Initiative, Polaris Sol Luna. I am here to speak to the King and Counsel." 

"Right this way." 

As a guard escorted him to the Palace, the others land. 

"Guard, where is Polaris?"

"He is being escorted to see the King and Counsel." 

As Polaris entered the Palace, a guard stopped him. 

"Sorry, the King is in an important meeting." 

"This will only take a moment." 

The Guard tries to stop Polaris who shove him through the doors, breaking them open. The King and Counsel all turn to see the Celestial marching in towards them. Each of his footsteps left molten footprints in the stone. 

"What is the meaning of this?"

"The Doctrine of Humanity. What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Ah, everyone, this is...."

"Haven't we sacrificed enough?"

"I beg your pardon?"


"Polaris, mind your..."

"Ya know what.. I'll fight in your little arena. I want your best fighters. If I win, Wilderness will forever hold a place ABOVE Humanity."

"And if you lose?"

"Then you can have my head." 

Everyone listening, including the other Heroes of Wilderness gasped audibly. The old King smirked. 

"Then we have a deal. Do your best to entertain us with your demise!"

Polaris marched out of the palace and towards the Arena followed by everyone.

"Polaris! What the hell?"

He stops moving and glancing over his shoulder he speaks to Bel.

"I have no intentions of dying... Rather, I shall show the world the strength that leads the Wilderness Initiative." 

As he enters the Arena, Archimedes stops him. 


"No. I have these to give you. Archimedes opens a box and reveals two gauntlets. These are call the "Voltz Gauntlets." Made by Gimble, a dwarven master craftsmen, and myself. Use them to show Humanity the strength of its greatest defender." 

Polaris nods and puts on the gauntlets. "How do they work?"

"Once you enter combat, channel your energy through them. They can store your energy as well as a few other things." 

"Understood." As Polaris marches into the tunnel, the King takes his seat, eager to watch this hero die.