
The Last Campaign

Fort Wilderness has stood for a millennia as the home of heroes. However, a tragedy strikes when Polaris, a powerful Celestial hero and his league of heroes known as the Wilderness Initiative are stolen from their dimension. Of the original Wilderness 92, only the heroes: Polaris, Archimedes, the Elven Master Builder, Hexxit, the Jade Pixy, Powerdrive, the Mythril Golem, Arris, the Forest Druid, Veldspar, the Undead Boarmen, and their newest addition, KBar, a colorblind, human detective, survive Flynn Jamesson, their kidnapper. As they plan their escape back to their dimension, things begin to happen. With centuries old, closely guarded secrets, betrayals, enemies from the past, followers of God under the wrong leader, gods, demons, angels and beings from the Nether and Aether realms, Polaris and his team have their work cut out for them if they truly hope to build a nation, one under the watchful eyes of heroes.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Fantasy
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47 Chs

To Be Atlas; Unburdened

As the crowd settled in, the announce began to speak.

"Welcome one and all to a very special Gladiatorial Match! Today, we have the King gracing us with his presence. While that alone would make for a very special match, I have learned that today's challenger isn't merely here to fight, but also to earn his people's place at the seat of the Doctrine of Humanity. Spectators of the arena, please welcome our challenger... Polaris Sol Luna, Leader of the Wilderness Initiative." 

As the gate opened, Polaris emerged wearing the Voltz Gauntlets. He had taken no other weapons. 

"Today, Polaris will be fighting at the King's requested match of Onslaught."

Polaris exhaled as group of fighters were released. They began rushing towards his, as he seemingly stood still. However, in a move almost too fast to be seen, he turned the challengers into blood splatters. 

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! Polaris's opening move was also his finisher!"

As the waves of attackers came, Polaris kept pushing energy into the gauntlets. He splattered blood across the arena with each new round, leaving nothing behind. This kept up for hours until...

"With a most impressive display, Polaris has reached the final round! He may challenge anyone he pleases!" 

Polaris points up at the King. "I hereby challenge his majesty." 

The King laughed. "I am to old, however, you may face our recently summoned hero, THE CHAMPION, HURRICANE!"

The crowd cheered as the wind picked up with Hurricane's entrance. 

"So... You are their ace in the hole?"

"Before I answer, tell me something. Why do you fight?"

"To get my people out from under the thumb of this tyrant." 




The Announcer turns to the King who nods confidently. "So be it!" 

The crowd cheers as the match begins. Hurricane creates an intense vortex within the arena. She fires off everything she has at the Leader of Wilderness. The wind batters the spectators as Polaris holds his ground. As he is absorbed by the intense wall of wind, his eyes begin to glow blue and yellow. With a massive release of heat, the wall of wind explodes into nothing. Hurricane backs up to see Polaris hovering above her with miniature versions of the two stars that had become soul bound to him above him. He opened his mouth to speak, his voice was dual toned, both the voices of the stars, Sol and Alpha Centauri were speaking in unison. As they spoke, each of them had a terrifying presence and sense of omniscience behind their tones. 

"Spectators of Humanity..... Bear witness to the immense power we have endowed our vessel with. King of Anthapolis, You will become food for the worms, then dust and nothing more before you ever see the demise of your chosen vessel. You have held this one down for far too long." 

As the stars stopped speaking, the Voltz Gauntlets began arcing blue and yellow lightning around the Arena. Gravity became unstable forcing Hurricane to become suspended with in the air.

"With this, witness the power of two stars." Hurricane was instantly struck by four-hundred and fifty solar lightning bolts all at once, then launched into the group. 

As the announce declared Polaris the winner, Polaris silenced the crowds cheers. This time three voices spoke in unison. "At this moment, Humanity has witnessed what our chosen one can do. Now witness what we can achieve." Polaris raised both his hands causing the lifeless Hurricane to levitate. He released a massive spike of energy into her, causing her to resurrect. She was set gently back down. As the crowd cheered, Polaris ascended to meet the King face to face. 

"We have toppled empires, We have crushed Heroes and Kings alike. So listen to us. We do not care your.... Doctrines, Your Problems, nor your life mighty King. We exist to maintain the balance of magic and life upon this world. Interfere with this, and you shall be erased from every annal of history, every nation and from every single mind. We are the Triad of Celestial Bodies, and you... Are insignificant." 

As Polaris descended to speak with Hurricane, the King became furious. 


Polaris whipped around to fire a solar flare at the King but was stopped by Hurricane. 

"WAIT!!! My King! I said if I lost Polaris is to...."


"Then I shall no longer serve your kingdom."


Polaris launches the solar flare at the guards. However, the announcer steps in. "Mighty King, while I am grateful to be in your great kingdom, the guards have no authority here. This arena is owned by the collective guilds. Therefore, if you do not stand down, Polaris is well within his right to kill those guards." 

The King grumbles and orders his men to stand down. As they down, Polaris and Hurricane leave the arena. As they left, Polaris turned to Hurricane. 

"Why don't you come work for me?"

"Work for you?"

"Yes, it seems our principles align, and I'd love to have you aboard the Wilderness Initiative." 

"Well, I can't refuse an offer like that! Also... Don't call me Hurricane. I create tornadoes, not hurricanes. Call me EF or Joplin!"

"Alright then EF, let's regroup with the others."