
The Last Campaign

Fort Wilderness has stood for a millennia as the home of heroes. However, a tragedy strikes when Polaris, a powerful Celestial hero and his league of heroes known as the Wilderness Initiative are stolen from their dimension. Of the original Wilderness 92, only the heroes: Polaris, Archimedes, the Elven Master Builder, Hexxit, the Jade Pixy, Powerdrive, the Mythril Golem, Arris, the Forest Druid, Veldspar, the Undead Boarmen, and their newest addition, KBar, a colorblind, human detective, survive Flynn Jamesson, their kidnapper. As they plan their escape back to their dimension, things begin to happen. With centuries old, closely guarded secrets, betrayals, enemies from the past, followers of God under the wrong leader, gods, demons, angels and beings from the Nether and Aether realms, Polaris and his team have their work cut out for them if they truly hope to build a nation, one under the watchful eyes of heroes.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · Fantasy
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47 Chs

An Elven Tradition

As night fell, Archimedes was up at the alter once more. Polaris stood off to the side of him. As the music changed, the Princess walked in, her dress flowing with the gentle breeze. Once she'd taken her place upon the alter, the cleric stood up. 

"Today we are gathered here, not simply to be supportive of our friends and family, but also to bear witness to a pair of lives that are forever changing. Sir Archimedes and Princess Arwen, two esteemed members of our elven civilization have chosen to unite their vines of life. Intertwined they pull together two factions."

"In years past, our forefathers were saved by the valiant Glacier Falls of Fort Wilderness. Sadly, Knight Falls is no longer with us. Today, Hero Polaris of Wilderness carries that torch, and with that I yield to him."

Polaris clears his throat and takes the clerics place. 

"Lady Arwen, Lord Archimedes. I have seen eons of time and space. Never in my years have I met a pair quite like you two. Lady Arwen, you are not going to simply be his wife, rather you shall be his safety, his hope and his reason to wake and rise. Lord Archimedes, you too shall not not be simply be her husband. You shall be her shield, you shall rise each morn and protect her and the family you may choose to spawn. As such, I swear to you Lady Arwen, I will do everything in my power to keep Archimedes out of harms way." 

Polaris steps back and out of his chest pulls two fresh forged rings. He cools them and hands them to the Cleric, then returns to his spot. 

"Lord Archimedes, do you take up the mantle and promise of husband to Lady Arwen?"

"I swear, I shall uphold this until I the day I pass on."

"Lady Arwen, do you accept his promise and take up the mantle and promise of wife to Lord Archimedes?"

"With my dying breaths I shall have kept this promise." 

"Then by the power of the spirits, I unite thee. May I be the first to present Lady Arwen and Lord Archimedes, wed by the light of the spirits."

The crowd cheers as the two make their way down the aisle together. Polaris, Bel and the other bests follow behind them. 

Music and drinks were had. Polaris and Bel congratulated the happy newly weds, smiling as they took a seat. With everything silent, music began to play as they danced together under the moonlight. Polaris held Bel's hand as the two looked on. Once the dance had finished, the couple invited others to come and dance. Polaris and Bel danced beside the couple, as the night turned onwards. 

Much later, Polaris carried Bel into their place of residence for the time being. Bel had far too much to drink, but so did everyone else trying to out drink Veldspar. 

The next Morning Polaris awake to find Bel sleeping soundly, holding his arm. He smiled and quietly shifted out of bed. He stood shirtless on the balcony, the wind was cool and crisp as he look out over the elven town. He was interrupted by Bel wrapping his arms around him. 

"Good Morning."

"Morning." Yawned Bel with a stretch. 

They leaned in for a kiss but were interrupted by a knock on their door. 

"Come in."

The newly wed couple walked in, clearly they'd been up for a while. 

"Good Morning Hero Polaris and Sir Bel." 

Good Morning to you both. What can we do for you?"

"Well, I pitched an idea to Archimedes last night and..."

"Arwen, I mean Lady Arwen wishes to move her people to the forest just below Fort Wilderness."

"Is that so? Why might I ask?"

"This forest has been good to us, but it is time we set down permanent roots. Since you have such a forest, I humbly ask of you to allow us to live there." 

"I would be honored to allow such. The Forest beneath Fort Wilderness shall be your home." 

Both Lady Arwen and Lord Archimedes bowed and left the room. 

"I suppose we should go downstairs and make breakfast..."

Polaris was interrupted by Bel pulling him into a kiss. 

"Now we can go make breakfast." 

Polaris chuckled and put on a shirt. He followed Bel downstairs to see it empty with a note.

"Polaris and Bel, the rest of us have went on ahead back to Fort Wilderness. Archimedes filled us in on the plans to move the Elves. We'll have Fog prepare a welcome worthy of them."

"Looks like it's just you and I on the wagon ride home." 

Bel hugged Polaris. "Just gives me an excuse to learn more about you on our journey home." 

Polaris laughed and kissed Bel's forehead before sitting down for a light breakfast before hitting the road.