
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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259 Chs

Meeting in the flame city

As Long Chen and Cross left, people started imitating them. Some people had black robes and carried sword on their backs, while others copied Cross' clothing, wearing Pink fluffy bunny slippers, shorts and prayer beads, carrying around scythes.

Some people started fighting over which one was better and a huge fight happened because of this. Some people even started fighting because of the flaws in other's costumes.

Over this time, Cross and Long Chen had been robbing Longteng firms in all the cities they went to, taking literally everything before blowing the building up and leaving through the front gates of the city.

Dozens of Longteng Company Buildings were swept clean of their belongings and their other businesses were too! Cross said to Long Chen "A skinny Camel is bigger than a horse." and so they robbed everything that had to do with Longteng in every city before leaving with a bang.

The Longteng Company sent out 4 terrifyingly strong people, but Long Chen and Cross had already left the star field to the Chaos Star Sea. They rode a boat and came to an ancient city. Long Chen and Cross were walking on the street, when a fat woman threw herself at Cross.

Cross frowned and slapped her across the city into a mountain turning into a blood splatter. He looked at the big people and cut his palm in the air. The big people that were in the same group as the woman suddenly had their torsos slide right off their bodies while their heads rolled to the ground.

Someone appeared and shouted "Who da-" Cross waved and blood rained from the sky, he hooked his finger and took all their storage rings before they both walked down the street as if nothing happened.

They came to a place called Yuzhou and entered the city to see everything was very peaceful. They walked into the Huayan Trading Company and Long Chen pulled out a Purple Gold Token before being escorted to a room, Cross followed him and they came into a room.

Cross sat down in a cough and lit a cigarette before smoking as a woman came into the room, introducing herself as Qi Fang. Long Chen and Qi Fang talked about a lot of things and requested a bunch of herbs from them, to which she replied they would have it ready in a few days.

The days passed by and Cross walked around while Long Chen went to do business. He went to a library and copied all the books inside, he had been doing the same thing for all the cities they had been to. Every piece of knowledge was extremely important to him and he wanted them all!

He also got into Huayan's library with long Chen's help and copied everything there as well, before the duo left to the Xinghe Palace site.

They got there and saw a bunch of different races together but some of them we're so friendly. Long Chen looked at the statue and the stone stairs, Cross looked at the writing and his eyes turned. Long Chen stepped on the stone stairs and trembled, he went to the 9th stair and a star map appeared in the sky.

Countless people started cheering and Cross looked at Long Chen before looking up at the sky, recording everything he could. The star map disappeared and countless people said "Master, did you get the entire Starry River Sky art?!" Cross looked at Long Chen and the entire Starry River Sky turned into a golden book and was completed in his library, he was satisfied, now he wanted the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art as well, but that was for another time.

When Long Chen actually completed it that is, until then even if Long Chen gave it to him, he wouldn't be able to complete it. He didn't want it for his own use but to complete the library, what strength? He was plenty strong already, the recording of the skill was what he was after.

Long Chen had killed several people as Cross copied the Starry River Sky Formula, he looked at the crowd and said "Do you still want it?" Everybody backed off in fear and Long Chen said "Everyone who cultivates the Starry River Sky formula, listen carefully and remember my words. No matter which Starry River Sky you practice you can all get the complete Formula."

Someone said "Master, you can't! Some bad people will use it for evil means!" Long Chen shook his head and said "The road is invisible, love is boundless. There's Good and Evil in every race, everyone deserves a chance. What's more, the Art is a vigorous Yang Technique, if you're not righteous enough you can't do it and can only give up. Therefore, no one should be forbidden to practice. On the contrary, we should open it up to everyone and spread the love, spreading the leaves and recruiting more disciples to practice it. Only this way, will we truly honor the wishes of Sage King Xinghe."

Everyone was in awe and Long Chen said "I'm starting now, remember it carefully." Long Chen recited the Formula and answered questions when he was done. Cross was on the side and watching with a blank expression. He had the book and the Castle itself made it, it was complete from the moment it got into the library.

He looked behind Long Chen and chopped at the void. Long Chen smiled and said "That's all friends. Hopefully we can meet again someday." he grabbed Cross, who looked about ready to fight to the death, and flew away, leaving 4 angry old men behind.

A while later

Cross was looking at Long Chen connecting stars in his body with the stars in the sky. He looked up and saw a few stars twinkling, it reminded him of that Old Schemer and his damn twinkling eyes. Jeez, how long ago was that? Cross couldn't even remember, it's been decades since he last saw that old fart.

Long Chen stopped and a flaming chariot flew over their heads. Cross looked at the chariot and his eyes started twinkling at the Realm level boat. Aurora needed Realm level artifacts now, he really had a strong impulse to rob them.

Long Chen and Cross followed them and came to a city, someone didn't like that they were more handsome then him and charged at Long Chen and Cross. Long Chen slapped him into the ground and said "Lave Giant Clan?" as he looked at the Lava Giants turning into people and walking into the city.

Long Chen and Cross merged into a crowd and they both heard "Qingxuan Fairy" They rushed forward and saw Yu Qingxuan along with Feng Xue'er. Cross teared up and rushed forward like a bullet, hugging Feng Xue'er tightly.

Everybody looked at him angrily and a young man shouted "How dare yo-" Cross looked at him and a terrifying killing intent erupted from his body, the entire sky of the realm changed completely. The void started tearing and black clouds rumbled viciously with lightning, the entire world started shaking in his rage.

Everyone turned white and the young man who questioned Cross died from absolute terror, falling to the ground with terrified dead eyes. Cross was glaring at his corpse when her heard a voice he only heard in his dreams recently saying "Big Brother, I missed you..."

The phenomena disappeared in an instant and Cross smiled for the first time in months, he wiped Feng Xue'er's tears and said softly "I missed you more than you could ever imagine, Xuexue." Feng Xue'er burst into tears and kissed Cross deeply.

Long Chen shook his head and came over saying "I didn't expect to see you here." Yu Qingxuan turned and smiled happily "It's you!" Long Chen smiled and they started talking as everyone recovered from their shock.

Cross and Feng Xue'er were in their own world and ignored everyone else. Cross separated his lips from hers and smiled saying "Are you hungry?" Feng Xue'er looked into his eyes and nodded happily, Cross grabbed her small hand and kissed every single as he said "Since my Xue'er is hungry, your husband will bring you to eat."

Feng Xue'er felt fluttery in her heart, so much affection from him wasn't rare but it has been a long time. Something must've happened. Cross looked at Long Chen and pointed his chin at the restaurant, Long Chen nodded and said "Qingxuan fairy, are you hungry?" Yu Qingxuan smiled softly and said "I can eat."

One of the young masters that were tossed to the wayside said quickly "This.. Qingxuan Fairy, we already have a table." Yu Qingxuan smiled and said "Perfect, thanks to Young Master Feng Xiang." they all went into the restaurant and the guards following Yu Qingxuan followed along too.

Long Chen sat next to Yu Qingxuan, Feng Xue'er sat on Yu Qingxuan's other side and Cross sat next to Feng Xue'er. Cross whispered into Feng Xue'er's ear while caressing her soft hands, making her giggle and slap his chest playfully.

The young masters were burning with jealousy, Cross and Long Chen couldn't care less as they focused on the girls. Feng Xue'er said "What happened, Big Brother?" Cross paused before sighing as his eyes turned red and he said "Everyone... They're all gone."

Feng Xue'er said "They disappeared? Elise came to me, she's still at Sister Qingxuan's house with Red." Cross said "All of them." Feng Xue'er felt her heart twist in pain at Cross' extremely sad eyes, she held his cheek and said softly "Cross... I'm sorry."

Cross held her hand and kissed it before smiling softly and saying "It's okay, enough about me. I finally saw you, how was it? You're in the Divine Lord Realm, you're even stronger than me!" Feng Xue'er could feel him covering his sadness up and her heart hurt, but she played along and said with a smile "Sister Qingxuan is the best! She taught me a bunch of stuff and we even went out to hunt Sky Fires together!"

Cross smiled warmly and listened to her every word, Feng Xue'er was so excited to tell him her adventures her face flushed red, she looked even more beautiful. Feng Xue'er said "Ugh! Big Brother, you should see sister Qingxuan's alchemy! It's amazing, you taught me okay but Sister Qingxuan is a much better teacher than you."

Cross felt it was funny and said "Silly girl, what do I know about alchemy? I can tell you that there are different types of bushes and trees but the rest I'm clueless." Feng Xue'er laughed and Cross smiled.

The food and wine was served and Cross fed Feng Xue'er, every movement filled with endless love and affection. Feng Xue'er was in heaven getting pampered like this. Cross had a sip of wine and put it down, not drinking it anymore. He had his own Wine God's Palace wine and it was better than this.

Long Chen was eating without any scruples and a young master said to Cross "Are you too good for Wine God's Palace wine? Why don't you drink?" Cross looked at him without emotion and said "I'm enjoying a meal with my wife. You really want to try and steal my wife from me? I guarantee you tomorrow your entire clan will be dust in the wind, no matter who you are. Shut the fuck up and don't disturb me again, you're lucky I'm in a good mood today or your head would already be in a box, sent to whatever trash can clan you're from."

Before going back to Feng Xue'er with a 180 in his attitude, full of smiles and love. the kid was directly speechless and the guards looked at Cross in surprise. They could feel that he really would do it if the young man disturbed him again. Thinking back to that frightening killing intent, even they were shaken.

A part of them hoped the young man would do it, they wanted to see Cross' reaction.

Unfortunately, this young master was a cut above the rest! He didn't say anything anymore but in his mind schemes were forming. Cross sighed and looked at the kid, his eyes turned and he said "Unfortunately, you don't know what's good for you." the young man directly had his soul ripped from his body and burned into nothingness.

Cross snorted and said "Scheming against my wife, you must be looking for death." before going back to Xue'er with a sweet smile as he said "Nobody's giving you trouble are they, Xuexue?" Feng Xue'er shook her head with a cute smile and Cross smiled as the dinner continued.

The guards took care of the corpse and kept the storage ring, knowing that Cross would've taken it if he wanted it. They considered it a tip.

Suddenly a middle aged man appeared and looked at Long Chen asking "You said morning dew is better for the wine but I've tried all types of water for this, I can never bring out the full flavor. Why?" Long Chen explained but Cross tuned him out, instead whispering with Feng Xue'er.

Xue'er's face turned red and shy as she said "Big brother, you're so bad~" Cross grinned and got close to her ear, whispering something before biting her ear softly. Feng Xue'er's face turned red and she nodded gently.

Cross scratched his neck and chuckled, grabbing Feng Xue'er and disappearing.

The duo reappeared on the street and Cross laughed as he ran around holding Feng Xue'er's small hand. She giggled and they came to an Inn, Cross smiled and said "One room, please." the boss looked at Cross and Feng Xue'er and smiled, Cross poured 100 Immortal Crystals on the desk and took the key before picking up Feng Xue'er, who giggled and going up the stairs with a happy hum.

They got into the room and Cross locked the door, Feng Xue'er jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck and sealed his lips with her own. Cross grabbed her plump cheeks and squeezed, hearing her sweet moan, he brought her to the bed and stripped her naked before kissing every inch of her body.

Feng Xue'er felt her heart covered in honey at his sweet and loving actions, she pulled him up and kissed him, throwing fire at his shorts and burning them to ashes as she spread her legs, revealing her dripping secret garden.

Cross slid inside in one fluid motion and groaned as her inner walls squeezed his cock tight. Feng Xue'er curled her toes and moaned loudly as she said "Ugh, you're so big. It's been so long~ I'm gonna cum!" Cross thrusted and Feng Xue'er wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him deeper inside, kissing her womb as she sprayed her juices all over his cock.

Cross pulled her up and laid on his back as she pressed her hands on his chest and bounced up and down. He thrusted at the same time, slamming the tip of his cock on her womb with every thrust, making her tremble in pleasure.

Cross pulled her down and kissed her lips as he pounded her, her constant moans only making him more excited. She pushed up and held his hands as she sat down and moved her hips in a circle. Cross' mind buzzed in comfort and he blew his load, painting her pussy white.

Xue'er moaned saying "Ughh... so warm..." Cross spun her around and held her wrists back as he pumped her from behind.

Moans echoed from the room as time passed.

A while later

Cross was snuggling with Xue'er completely naked, he stroked her hair and got soft coo's in response. He picked up Xue'er and she curled up in his embrace, he kissed her and brought her to the bathroom before giving her the white liquid from the black soil.

He cleaned her body and kissed her as he stroked her smooth skin in the tub.

Some time later

Cross and Feng Xue'er were holding hands and walking around the city, they came to the gate and saw a commotion. Cross led Feng Xue'er and pushed to the front of the crowd and saw the 4 elders of Longteng Company cursing at Long Chen.

Cross chuckled and said "If I tell you I stole everything from them in 27 cities on the way here, would you believe it?" Feng Xue'er laughed and said "You? Honestly, I believe everything you tell me." Cross paused and looked at her, he opened his mouth before closing it and giving her a warm smile as he said "I love you."

Xue'er smiled like a little girl and leaned her head on his shoulder saying "I love you too." Cross and Feng Xue'er watched the action between Long Chen and the 4 elders when one of them saw Cross and shouted "You! Give us back our things!"


Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts