
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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41 Chs


In the morning, Alfred's eyes are puffy and this is because of that rascal Diana . She is quite a heavy sleeper who has weird sleeping positions at one point in the night she puts her legs in Alfred's mouth while her face is at the edge of the bed almost falling off and hitting her face as if that is not bad enough she also snores while her face is close to his ear and even the pillows too have done him no justice because it is like the demarcation placed does not exist and due to the constant turns and kicks, Alfred loses his sleep and here it is morning but he looks so exhausted and he makes himself some coffee to keep sober throughout the day.

Jemimah: Good morning to you son!

Alfred: Good morning mum!

Jemimah: Wait , why does it seem like you haven't had some sleep in a long while yet you went to bed early.

Alfred: I do not even want to talk about it mum, just know I had a very long night ,one with ups and downs as well as twists and turns .Let us have some breakfast with her and then find our way to our home with each of us having their bedrooms.

Jemimah: Okay let us make you some sausages and fries for breakfast so you move into your house later.

Alfred: Thanks so much mum.

Jemimah: You do not need to thank me ,you are my son and I have to take care of you just like you take care of me.

Diana: Good morning to you mum!

Jemimah: Dear, you are awake, how was your night?

Diana: Quite remarkable I should say, I slept so comfortably and for the first time second to my dad's house ,is this home because I felt at peace.

Jemimah: Oh! that is nice , you can keep coming whenever you feel like it, this is your second home as well.

Diana: What can I help you do ?

Jemimah: Nothing really, just sit at the dining table with Alfred and let us have our breakfast.

Diana: Oh yes, good morning my husband!

Alfred: Finally you realize we were two people in the room before you came in.

Diana: Don't you think you sound so impolite it is just a matter of saying I am fine my wife ,how was your night? but of course I do not expect anything good from that mouth of yours.

Alfred: Then why did you bother greeting me in the first place ,just get out and leave me spend some quality time with my mum.

Diana: So childish, even I am her daughter so I can do what I feel like .

Jemimah: Okay , children enough do not ruin this beautiful morning.

Diana: He is always having issues with everything I can not stand him at all.

Alfred: Me neither, so LEAVE.

Diana exits the kitchen and heads to the balcony of the house but she can not believe her eyes, the jeep is in the compound and after thoroughly checking, she realizes it even has all her belongings un touched so her heart feels safe .

Breakfast is served and eaten as a family and Jasleen is having a change of heart because she realizes that her daughter in law is not as bad as she thought at least one thing is clear she has blood like other people and she seems not so evil as she has always thought so she makes a decision of giving her a chance in her mind.

Breakfast is done and the two adults go for their 130km trip and after two hours on the road they arrive at their home and at the entrance of the villa is Jackson, Alfred's assistant waiting for them.

Jackson: You are most welcome Sir and madam?

Alfred: Thank you Jackson.

Diana: Who is he?

Alfred: My personal assistant.

Diana: Okay, I see. I actually thought it is our new butler you brought.

Alfred: Seriously Diana, doesn't he look expensive and formal enough to suit the position of a personal assistant.

Diana: Well you can not blame me because once we arrived at the entrance he was there waiting to receive us his bosses and two ,I did not think you have that lots of money to hire a personal assistant .

Alfred: So is it you who bought this villa then?

Diana: It is not me but I doubt you used your own money I just think you might have borrowed it from your dad because it looks like his hard earned money.

While all this bitter interaction is going on, Jackson is listening and with the way the conversation is getting sour each and every passing second,he knows that the day will not end without a scolding because he knows his boss is so angry and he can see it but he can not understand why the boss's wife can not see the bitterness in her husband's tone of answering.

So to ease the atmosphere he tells his boss to sign on the documents concerning his AW brand so he gives his vice president a go ahead to launch the brand in Country C in his absentia from the company duties but this is done after slightly stepping away from Diana because Alfred feels this is confidential information she can not know about .

Diana leaves the luggage in the car and decides to enter the villa to check it out .

While in the house , Diana screams which makes Alfred come running to her alongside his assistant.

Diana: What is this? ( Diana is asking while swaying her hands around in a circular motion)

Alfred: What is what? be clear?

Diana: Are we going to be living in an empty house?

Alfred: Is that why you screamed that loud like you had been injured or something?

Diana: Of course, I have never seen this in my whole nineteen years of existence.Let me tell you this, there is no way am staying in such an environment like am poor.

Alfred: Since you have money why don't you fill the house after all it is still day time and everything can be equipped with in a short time once there is money.

Diana: Call the interior designing company with the best designs so we start decorating and filling this house, I will make the payments for everything bought after all we are going to share the house.

Alfred orders his assistant to help him contact one famous company called Love interior designing company and in a short span of time the house gets busy as Diana also occupies herself with selecting some good furniture designs as well as good home decor and curtains but on some occasions she asks for Alfred's input so he does not feel left out.

By the time it is evening, the couple is so exhausted from walking around the house to helping in setting up their rooms so they are appealing.

The workload during day was quite tense to the extent that the two individuals forgot to have lunch and right now it is in the evening, everything has been set up and now both of them are hungry but with nothing in the fridge .

So Alfred and Diana decide to order out some food from KFC which they eat in silence and each goes to their room to have a good rest .Diana and Alfred's room are next to each other and on the same floor .

Alfred's bedroom

Alfred is taking his bath in the bath tub and the serious expression of Diana lingers in his brain as today marks the first day he has seen her so serious and involved in something developmental and his biggest highlight is Diana taking it upon herself to fill the house without a fight, and he can't help but feel that being called the dynamic boss is the right title one can use to describe her.

Diana's bedroom

Diana is taking her relaxed bath but can't help but recall the day's events and today marks the first day in her life that she has done something on her own and she feels it is original and basing on her own ideas and with that she smiles and says it is indeed fulfilling when you see your works come out perfect.

After having her bath,Diana enters her bed to sleep however before she can close her eyes, she hears a knock on her door and on opening it, Alfred is right there standing in a silk night pyjamas all looking perfect and he tells her that tomorrow morning there is going to be a press conference to address the rumours swirling around addressing her as a prostitute.

With that said ,Diana thanks him for his information and both of them lock their rooms to have some sleep.

Brief description of Alfred and Diana's bedrooms.

Alfred and Diana's bedrooms are just next to each other on the same floor quite separate from all the other bedrooms in the villa .