
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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41 Chs


Once it is bed time, Diana wishes her inlaws a very blessed night and walks up stairs first to her husband's room and decides that she is to teach him a lesson for choosing to make her legs suffer just because he wants revenge on her father by using her. Diana is an intelligent lady who from the start of the jeep break down to the way she is treated along the way to the White's house knows that this is all Alfred's plan to make her divorce him but she is also not willing to do so because she feels she can push him to a point of filing for divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences so she gets a perfect plan to use against him .

Alfred finishes catching up with his mom about what he plans for his future business and home and heads to his room to have his bath and then sleep.

In Alfred's bed room

Alfred: What have you done Diana?

Diana: You tell me ?

Alfred: Am I living with a duck or a human being?

Diana: You are living with both people in one person.

Alfred: Don't you feel ashamed to even be all relaxed in such a messy room.

Diana: Why are you exaggerating Alfred ? me just pouring your clothes and reorganizing them makes me disorganized?

Alfred; What organization, look how you have arranged my clothes in any order you feel like , didn't you see that these clothes were organized according to color and expense?

Diana: What is all this exaggeration with clothes? clothes are non living things and regardless of where you put them , they will not complain and still do their purpose.

Alfred: What exactly were you looking for in my closet to reach a point of killing my closet arrangement?

Diana: Well , the thing is I happened to misplace my shoes and so I decided to turn this whole room upside down looking for them and do you know with all this hard work I did ,I noticed I had placed one shoe on the bed and the other in the bathroom.

Alfred: How did one shoe get on the bed and the other in the bathroom DIANA? does this story even make sense to you?

While they are still talking, Alfred notices that on his million dollar grey fur rug are wet foot steps and he asks Diana whether she actually used the foot rug at the entrance of the bathroom but Diana denied having seen it yet actually when Alfred moves closer to the bathroom,he sees it neatly placed, as if the anger had not reached it's peak because as he is still complaining about his fur rug ,he notices that in his bath tub is still soapy water that Diana has used making the bath tub quite disgusting for him to use. So he asks Diana to come and clean up the mess caused but Diana says that what he has found is just the description of a perfect clean up because there had also been some dirt on the bathroom floor which makes him wonder how he is going to be able to last in this marriage. When Alfred calls Diana to clean up the bath tub , she says that her nails can not support her doing rough things and if he is that interested in showering, let him clean up the mess. As if it is not enough torture, she says that once he is done bathing, he should think of getting a mattress and sleep on the fur rug which she has already wet with her long wet legs from the bathroom.

Alfred is so raged and he goes looking for his father whom he finds reading a romance novel all smiles.

In the Whites library

Alfred: Dad I can not stand this woman one single bit!

Mac White: What is the problem son?

Alfred: It is all because of your stupid decision to let us stay here that I am not going to sleep comfortably in my own room .

MacWhite: Women can be demanding so get this romance novel and learn some tricks to satisfy her .

Alfred: Are we talking about the same thing here? , why do I feel like we are on totally two different topics?.

Mac White: Shhhh, I know son ,you do not need to tell me but much as it is embarrassing,learn some techniques here because this is how I have kept my marriage with your mum so blissful till date.

Alfred: Dad! can you listen to me first before you go spilling marriage advice that I do not need in this difficult time of my life.

Mac White: Difficult you said, what is the issue?

Alfred White: I do not even know where to start from but right now as I am speaking, my bedroom is about to turn into a swimming pool and to top it all up, I am supposed to sleep on the grey fur rug that I bought expensively but has also been made wet. Honestly speaking it is too much.

Can you imagine your daughter in law has also disorganized my closet! moreover of all things she had to tamper with my most loved section .

Mac White: This is bad ! So what do you intend to do? Do you intend to sleep on the floor or outside the room?

Alfred : You are not helping the situation, if it were up to me dad , I would first thing in the morning call her parents to come pick up this problem of theirs that they passed their responsibility to me so I can breathe.

Mac White: The calling bit can not apply in this situation so carry your burden.

Alfred: It is easier said than done.

Mac White: What exactly is the problem between you two because if you ask me, I know that ,your wife might actually not be as bad as you think, try giving her a little love and empathy, she will come along as women are suckers for attention.

Alfred: You have read too many novels dad, do you know that this is reality now?

Mac White: Since you have the solution to your problems then why come to me?, go to your room and sort this out amicably.

Alfred: First thing in the morning tomorrow is the processing of my divorce,I am telling you in advance so you prepare.

Mac White: Count me out of this nonsense of yours .You have barely been married for a day and you want to divorce,wow this generation is developing quite so fast!

Alfred; I swear talking to you is like talking to myself in my thoughts because I always have to make my own decisions and thereafter face consequences for them.

Mac White: Good you know, this part in your life is also known as growth, once you beat such challenges you learn to use the knowledge attained from a given problem to find a solution for another bigger problem.So if we are done here, leave your father some time to prepare new ideas of how to appease his woman and make his marriage colorful.

Alfred leaves the library and finds her sleeping on the bed but with pillows in the middle of the bed. So he cleans up the bath tub and floor and then he enters bed to sleep to prepare for tomorrow.

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