
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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41 Chs


Alexa and Diana are so engrossed in their conversation when somewhere in the audience Diana spots Michael Light looking at her intensely but being a beauty as she is she is un moved at all. So she minds her drinks and her friend Alexa but the two are interrupted by Daniel once more who brings over drinks and later on asks for one dance from Alexa .

Alexa is baffled but because she is certain that Daniel knows nothing about her marriage, she goes ahead to agree to do a slow dance with him while in the background is the song wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton being played to add some flavor to the atmosphere.

The dance between the two starts off as a friendly interaction but Daniel tries to push his lack with Alexa by getting more into her personal space and pushing his luck too much unto her making it more of an intimate dance . Alexa is disgusted by his advances but she also doesn't want to embarrass him in public or cause unnecessary attention towards them since no one forced her to accept the dance so she can only wait till the song ends to set herself free but in the same room is a pair of eyes watching with intensity that if this person was a lion then the eyes are giving the energy of watch what you eat because you do not want to eat something you can not digest. When it becomes too much for Conor to see he comes over to Daniel and taps his shoulder and signals for him to follow him which he does .

Daniel: Whatsapp man you ruined my moment.

Connor: Oh did I?

Daniel: I nearly turned her into my escort for tonight.

Connor: If I were you I would say less .

Daniel: She is not yours why are you being so offended by how I speak I mean you know me when it comes to someone I like.

Connor: It's always about you but have you ever considered how your victims feel about your immoral behavior.

Daniel: When it comes to me it is immoral but when it is someone like Alfred it is okay.

Connor: What does Alfred have to do with it.

Daniel: Didn't you see how he danced in front of everyone and no one complained but rather was applauded for the skills of dance showcased.

Connor: Are you forgetting something here?

Daniel: What?

Connor: That's his wife .However as far as am concerned,it doesn't apply for you and Alexa.

Daniel: You never know I will be because by that I was marking my territory which you clearly didn't allow to happen.

Connor: I have my reasons why.

Daniel: No, no it can't be happening!

Connor: What???

Daniel: Are you in love with Alexa dude?

Connor: I am just defending a woman's honor what does it have to do with love?. You clearly didn't notice how uncomfortable she was dancing with you while you tried all your antics of crossing all her boundaries.

Daniel: I just needed more time you know maybe she was shy.


Daniel: Whaatttttt! When, where how come I didn't know anything??

Connor: We got married some two to three months back and we even have a daughter.

Daniel: Oh man I am sorry I shouldn't have done that please forgive me.

Connor: It's okay now you know.

Daniel:Does Alfred know about this?

Connor: He was even at the wedding but it was pretty fast.

Daniel: You really hate me don't you.?

Connor: No I don't, it just kind of happened pretty fast but not to worry we will hold a large party where all guests will be invited for this was just a court wedding.

Daniel: Okay, so it explains the jealousy you had seeing your everything being taken away .

Connor: Don't push your luck.

Daniel: Man, I think it's high time I begin to plan my settling down because all of you are taken.

Connor: Think about it and don't rush because you will crush and we don't want to see our most experienced human resource manager being out played by his employees.

Daniel: Hahhahahhaa , you got me there .

When all is resolved between the two, at the bar in the corner is a very angry lady taking tequila shots in un controllable way as though it's a competition and while at it she is interrupted by Alfred.

Alfred: Hey! stop, that's enough for today young lady.

Skylar: Please leave me alone to drink away my sorrows .

Alfred: Who hurt you to the point of wasting yourself? huh!

Skylar: It's you dummy, get out of my sight.

Alfred: Me! what did I do?

Skylar:Get lost I don't want to see people who can't even tell who loves and who doesn't love them.

Alfred: Wait! Skylar do you love me?

Skylar: Does it matter , you already chose your speck and no matter what I do you continuously keep breaking me so right now I don't even want to see you not after that dance you had and now you claim you care.

Alfred: I have always seen you like a sister and besides I don't want you to see me as your enemy because you knew it wasn't going anywhere with you and now my heart only beats for Diana so I can't change this fact nor can I lie to myself.

Skylar is so hurt even hearing the truth from Alfred but as she is being told that her eyes land on two people dancing in the center as people keep cheering them up and the two are Paulo and Diana all dancing coordinated dance moves keeping the hall so excited.

And after that sight she laughs out loud as though she hadn't been crying few seconds ago.

Alfred: Are you becoming crazy or what one minute you are crying the other you are laughing are you okay or should I call the mental asylum or something?

Diana: See for yourself, the one you claim to love is all there seemingly enjoying someone else's company more so a person below her if am not mistaken and you are here declaring to me how you have feelings for her . Don't you see she lacks morals?

Alfred: I know she is quite a unique being but I also know I shouldn't be threatened by Paulo because he knows her more than I do and he met her before I did so i can't be the reason for their separation.

Skylar: But she always wanted to separate me from you don't tell me you didn't see that ?

Alfred: Because she must have seen through your motives as the saying goes women's instincts are much more better than anyone's planned moves.

Skylar: You are already having sides and are showing it wow I didn't know I would easily be replaced by you .

Alfred : This is alcohol playing with you so I shall excuse you for now and we can talk tomorrow when you are sober.

Diana after the small show decides to rest abit while sitting at the bar since her ankles hurt due to the tireless workouts but she is interrupted by a male voice that is for none other than Michael Light.

Michael: Hey beautiful, you did a great job out there.

Diana: Thanks.

Michael: I wish all people knew how disgusting you and your family can be, they would not be cheering you up.

Diana: What are you talking about Sir I don't get.

Michael: Cut the crap Diana you think I didn't know that it was your father that had me tied up on some dark room and you are the one that caused me to reach this point of being brutally injured?

Diana: We are many people that look alike, how did you know am the one, huh ? Do you know that I can sue you for defamation?

Michael: Go easy madam, before you go to court to sue me for defamation do you know I can sue you for attempted murder?

Diana: No man can take my family down with no evidence and besides once I fall you also fall so watch out where you are using your annoying words from.

Michael: So you admit that you are guilty of hitting me this bad and by the way it's against the law to kill or harm a cop.

Diana: Oh, that makes the two of us .

Michael: No it makes you the criminal and I the officer to arrest you.

While the two people are ironing out issues with each other there is a lady laying her head at the counter because of the too many drinks that she has taken that she can no longer even take care of herself and which makes her prone to any harm. Whereas amidst the conversation, Alfred decides to cut the conversation between this unknown man and his woman short because he can not stand the fact that men are seemingly shooting their shots to have just one night with his wife who is so beautifully endowed and whole heartedly made in God's image so perfectly.

Alfred: You people are so caught up in a corner and I know people are already thinking that my wife is cheating on me in public so Diana follow me your husband and leave the late comers to eat the bones.

Michael: Trust me she is not even my type bro, she is all yours.

Alfred: Good to know

Alfred and Diana leave the party and decide to go home and have a good rest after a long day along with Skylar.

Hello fellow readers, please, please add my book to your library and to those that have read thanks so much for the love I appreciate so much.

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