
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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In the morning Diana can't even open her eyes so she decides to take a break from work but Alfred decides to go and see that the business is still as it ought to be and so when it is around 12: 00 pm Diana washes herself up and dresses in a short and white shirt with white carpet shoes . She then goes to the kitchen to make herself toasted bread with an omelette for breakfast however she doesn't only prepare for herself but also makes lemonade for her competitor Skylar to remove the hang over brought about by the previous night . The lemonade made is taken to Skylar in her room who wakes up at the sound of the door opening.

Diana: Good morning!

Skylar: Aaaaa! Ouch my head hurts!

Diana: Effects of alcohol.

Skylar: What are you doing in my room?

Diana: Came to give you this.( hands the glass to Skylar)

Skylar: Are you sure that isn't poison?

Diana: Why don't you taste and see for yourself if you will die.

Skylar: Do you think am stupid? By the time am done tasting I will not be breathing so how will I know that I am dead or not?

Diana: I don't want to argue with you . I am just doing this out of courtesy but you are beginning to make me regret my good deed.

Skylar:I didn't ask of you to do it so regardless I loose nothing.

Diana: You are sure in a bad mood ! I know we are not friends and not even close but because we stay in the same house I feel like I have to ensure you have not died in my house.

Skylar: I am going no where without Alfred I assure you.

Diana: Oh this ! okay so are you waiting for him to go with you even in death?

Skylar: By the way you have reminded me .

Diana: About?

Skylar:Me having a deal for you that might be your absolute taste.

Diana: Which is?

Skylar: Divorcing Alfred and leaving him for me.

Diana: And what if I refuse?

Skylar: Then you will leave me with just one option of imprisoning you and your father, how does that sound?

Diana: Are you blackmailing me Skylar?

Skylar: No I am just making business with you so if a deal in business is considered blackmail then so be it.

Diana: I can't unless you have valid evidence to use against me first of all am not a scaredy cat it takes a whole lot of energy to get me panicking so do what ever you want but I am not doing away with my husband.

Skylar: Okay let's see if you will still insist when you hear this .

Skylar puts on the voice recording of Diana and Michael Light in the party where Michael is insisting about them being the reason for his pain and still in the same phone Diana sees a video recording of her jumping the walls when she was going on mission at night and then finally the last video recording being that one where she went to Chainsaw's premises with the trailer truck filled with the illegal product and the bags of money retained from Chainsaw all in full coverage.

Skylar: With all this evidence are you still going to tie yourself to just a man . I mean if I were you I would divorce him and gain freedom rather than risking my family's failure.

Diana: This is obviously Photoshop you don't expect me to believe this nonsense do you?

Skylar: These brain games you are playing won't work on me even if you come with the latest lies on board.

Diana: Okay what guarantee do I have that once I divorce him then the dirty secrets won't be leaked.

Skylar: Much as you don't believe me I am an honest person and I will surely fulfillmy promises without any fail .

Diana: How did you get this information if I may ask?

Skylar: A mafia never reveals his sources .

Diana: Who are you Skylar?

Skylar: Why?

Diana: I am beginning to think that this fragile,petty person you make yourself look infront of others is not actually you so do you mind sharing?

Skylar: I am going to rewind your memory, first the voice recording is from the party yesterday and I happened to have been lucky to be next to where you were standing with Michael Light though my head was facing down and then the rest of the information I surely can't say anything more.

Diana: Do you know that by just exposing yourself to me can get you killed and your corpse never found?

Skylar:Once this is done the culprit is quite obvious I can assure you and in no second you will be found.

Secondly am not that stupid to lack backup .

Diana: So you are actually confirming that you have another person behind you .

Skylar: mmmmm , noooo just me being a head of my enemy's moves .

Diana: I assure you even if I leave now you will never ever get Alfred's heart not now and not even later i promise you.

Skylar : Just sign the divorce papers already, will you?

Diana: Give me some time so I process them atleast .

Skylar: No need just sign them.( Skylar presents valid divorce papers to Diana with Alfred's signature already on them.)

Diana:How do you have these without me and Alfred getting to court.

Skylar: Please don't change the subject because we have no time. (Alexa hands a pen to Diana to sign )

Diana: Atleast let me read through what is written and see for myself.

Skylar: Alfred didn't take a second to sign and you are taking a lot of my time like you loved him more than he did to you.

Diana : First transfer all the original recordings to me and ensure you don't play any tricks .

Skylar: It's done.

Diana signs the divorce papers and hands them over to Skylar who excitedly screams because of her success.

Skylar: I have loved doing business with you so now that you are done with this, prepare yourself for my next condition which is moving out for good.

Diana: SKYLAR this is my sweat and blood you are toiling with I suggest you don't push your luck right now because divorcing Alfred pays for all my sins I presume and if anyone is to leave this house, it is definitely not me but you !

Skylar: Do as I say if you want peace and yes before I forget, find your way out of my bedroom because I can't wait to give Alfred the good news.

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