
Season 1, Episode 2: Musical Mayhem

The Justice Brigade was walking across town when they saw all the Beverly Hills citizens dressed in Candy Rock merchandise. They saw posters of Candy all over town and her voice playing on every radio in the city. Daisy said, "I don't get it. This Candy Rock comes out of nowhere, and suddenly, she's the hottest thing since online movies. It's so weird." Jake said, "What do you say we go home, watch some TV, and forget about Candy?" Hannah said, "Sounds good to me."

The Justice Brigade went home and sat on their sofa watching TV. Daisy said, "Time to watch some TV." Daisy turned on the TV, and Candy's singing appeared on the screen. Then they heard the entire block cheer and figured they weren't the only ones who saw Candy sing. Then, The Justice Brigade changed the channel to a show they all liked when they started to hear drumming coming from outside. They ran out of their house like everyone else on their block and saw a truck with a stage pull into town. They noticed the stage had two giant speakers and a banner with Candy's name, but nobody was there. Then, a puff of smoke appeared on stage, and so did Candy. Then Candy's band appeared on stage with her, and she started playing her guitar and singing. Once she did, everyone on the block came to her set, and Candy saw them surrounding her. Candy said, "Hello, Beverly Hills. Are you ready for some good music?" Candy kept playing her music when the mayor pulled into town and tried to stop her. The mayor said, "Attention, Candy, as mayor of this town, I order you to take your music somewhere else."

Candy said into her microphone, "Take this somewhere else, Grandpa." Candy turned the dial on her guitar to a picture of a rocket, hit the chord on her guitar, and it sent music up into the clouds, which called a superpowered boy. Once he came, the boy flew through the sky and used his rocket powers to shoot missiles at the mayor. The mayor said, "Sweet mercy." Daisy said, "Candy's a villain? Oh my gosh." The Justice Brigade got into their superhero uniforms and hurried up to save the mayor. Sungirl said, "I'll get the mayor; you guys take care of Rocket Boy."

Sungirl flew to the mayor, saving him from the boy's missiles. Then Heatgirl shot fireballs at the rocket boy, but the boy fired rockets and destroyed Heatgirl's fireballs. Then the boy shot an energy beam at Heatgirl, blowing her out of the sky. Aquaboy made it windier and stopped the rocket boy from flying away. Then Iceboy shot his Ice Beam Eyes at the boy and froze him. Once he did, he fell out of the sky, but Heatgirl saved him and gently placed him down. Aquaboy said, "Good, now let's take out Candy." The Justice Brigade flew to where Candy was, looked in front of them, and saw that the stage was still there, but Candy had vanished, and the audience didn't remember a thing except that Candy was just there, and now she's disappeared. A boy in the audience said, "Hey, no encore? What's that about?" Heatgirl flew up higher in the sky to see the whole city. Then she used her Heat Sensing Vision to look around town for Candy. Heatgirl brought out her communicator and said, "No sign of her anywhere." Sungirl shut her communicator and couldn't believe Candy had gotten away. Sungirl said, "If only we knew where she would strike next." Iceboy said, "I think I know." Iceboy flew to the ground, and his team followed. He looked at a poster on a window and saw it had Candy's picture. Iceboy said, "Looks like our villain can't resist the spotlight's glow." Sungirl said, "And according to this poster, she will get it tonight at 10 PM." Aquaboy said, "So we got to get in there and stop her."

After they learned about Candy's concert, The Justice Brigade bought their tickets, flew to it when it was time, and walked inside as fans. They took off their disguises and got into their superhero uniforms when they got inside. Then they flew high to the ceiling and looked at what Candy would do. Once her concert started, Candy showed her audience autographed pictures of herself and threw them off the stage and into the crowd. Then she walked up to her microphone, but Sungirl flew up, blasted Candy with her Sun Rays, and slammed Candy against a wall. Sungirl said, "Concert canceled, Miss. Musician. Although, I hear the harmonica is a good instrument for when you're in jail." Candy stood back up and got ready to fight. Candy said, "Maybe you'll like my new song on my guitar instead, zeros." Candy turned the dial on her guitar to a picture of a bubble and hit the chord. A giant bubble shot out of her guitar, and she trapped The Justice Brigade. Then, The Justice Brigade fell to the ground, and Candy used her guitar to make herself vanish while she laughed evilly.

Iceboy froze the bubble by blasting it with his Freeze Rays. Then he kicked it, and it broke. After they got out, Sungirl put a giant light ball around her and her team, making them vanish as Candy did. Then they reappeared on the roof and saw Candy up there with them. Sungirl and Candy smacked hands and started to see who was more robust. Sungirl said, "Zeros, funny. Who writes your insults? The same idiots who are stupid enough to write your songs?"

Candy pushed Sungirl away, so Heatgirl joined in. Sungirl kicked Candy to the left while Heatgirl kicked Candy to the right. Candy said, "Hey, two against one, not fair." Candy pushed them both away, but they ran up to her in opposite directions and tried to kick her. Candy jumped, and then Sungirl and Heatgirl took each other out, so Iceboy joined in. Iceboy tried to freeze Candy by blowing his Ice Breath at her, and he succeeded, but Candy broke free. Iceboy kept kicking and punching Candy, but he couldn't touch her. Then Candy kicked Iceboy in his stomach, grabbed his arm, and threw him down. Candy said, "Anybody else?"

Aquaboy blew a mighty wind and blew Candy away, but Candy landed on her feet, and the rest of The Justice Brigade got up and ran up to Candy. Then Candy jumped, kicked Aquaboy's back, and hit down the rest of his team. Candy laughed evilly because The Justice Brigade was down. Then they all got up and looked at Candy. Candy said, "Oh, teamwork. They say it always succeeds. But not in this fight; it won't. And I need to keep you busy for the next 25 hours." Candy turned the dial on her guitar to a musical note and said, "I have more than just music for you. Tomorrow, I will have taken over this entire town, and then I'll rule the world." Candy then hit the chord on her guitar and said, "Time for a song you can't refuse." Once Candy struck the chord on her guitar, musical energy came out of her guitar, and The Justice Brigade fell under a spell when it got near them. Sungirl said, "Ha, it didn't work." Candy said, "Didn't it?" Candy started to play her guitar, and The Justice Brigade was a little confused.

Then Heatgirl, Iceboy, and Aquaboy all smiled. Heatgirl said, "Feet tapping, rhythm rising, and body grooving." Iceboy smiled and said, "Can't resist partying." Aquaboy said, "Must shake my booty." Candy said, "3, 2, 1." Then Heatgirl, Iceboy, and Aquaboy all started to dance, but Sungirl covered her ears so she wouldn't listen. Sungirl said, "I wonder what's wrong with them because I don't feel like dancing, and no evil musician will force me to...." Sungirl removed her hands from her ears and listened to Candy's music. Candy played even faster, and she caught Sungirl's eyes. Sungirl said, "To...?" Candy said, "You were saying?" Sungirl shouted, "PARTY!" Sungirl then joined in, and all 5 of them danced together. Candy said, "This'll keep you busy for a few hours. Later, losers." Then Candy left while she laughed evilly, and The Justice Brigade kept dancing to her music.

The Justice Brigade danced for hours until the music stopped, and they got tuckered out. Sungirl then looked at the time and saw it was 8 AM, meaning they had 16 hours to find and stop Candy. The Justice Brigade flew all over town looking for Candy when they spotted a bunch of fans running across town together while shouting Candy's name. They followed them to the theater where Candy was holding her next concert. The Justice Brigade saw the crowd buying all the tickets and the man putting up the "sold out" sign in the ticket booth. Since they couldn't get in through the door, they flew to the roof and snuck through the air duct.

Once they got in, they saw Candy enter her dressing room, so they had a few minutes to kill the power of her concert. While working on it, the security guards snuck up behind them and grabbed them. Sungirl said, "Put us down." Then Candy came out of her dressing room and spoke with The Justice Brigade before going on stage. Candy said, "Nice try, suckers, but I got to rock my world. And when I say 'my world,' I mean MY world." Then Candy walked out on stage, and the spotlight shined on her. Candy said, "Hello, Beverly Hills. Are you ready to rock?" Then, the audience cheered, and Candy started to play her guitar and sing into her microphone. While Candy sang, The Justice Brigade each took out the security guards holding them. Then they flew out on stage and tried to stop Candy.

Candy kept singing, and the audience cheered her, but Sungirl flew up and hit her towards the big screen. After Sungirl hit her, Candy flew towards the big screen screaming and crashed into it. Then, The Justice Brigade smiled at Candy when they saw that she got slammed into the big screen. Candy said, "Hey, Miss. Popstar. Mind if we cut in?" Candy climbed out of the big screen, angry with her hair and makeup ruined, jumped on her guitar, and flew down on it like it was a hoverboard. Once she got back on stage, she got ready to fight The Justice Brigade.

Candy said, "Hit the road, losers." Candy turned the dial on her guitar to a fist and declared, "I don't share spotlights." Then Candy hit the chord on her guitar, and she punched The Justice Brigade off stage with a giant musical fist that came out of her guitar. Then, The Justice Brigade landed in the audience and flew back on stage. Candy then walked up to her microphone and got ready to sing again, but Iceboy grabbed her microphone and took it away. Once Candy saw her microphone was gone, she was surprised. Iceboy said, "Sorry, no lyrics in this song. Have you considered dancing?" Candy got mad and used her guitar like a sword, while Iceboy used Candy's microphone like a sword. While Iceboy kept Candy busy, Candy lifted her guitar over her shoulder, and Aquaboy took it. Candy turned around and saw Aquaboy holding her guitar. Candy said, "That's mine; give it back." Aquaboy said, "Here." Aquaboy threw Candy's guitar at the ground and smashed it. Candy shouted, "No!" After they destroyed Candy's guitar, the audience stopped cheering her, and the cops took her to jail.

The Justice Brigade walked across town the next day and saw everything Candy-related was gone, and everyone was back to normal. Daisy said, "Looks like Candy being in jail has ruined her career." Jake said, "Yep. And by destroying her guitar, I think we made everyone forget about her." Hannah said, "Well, not everyone. There was a news bulletin on the news telling everyone about Candy's arrest, so now she gets visitors in jail. Some people are probably still fans of hers. But at least she doesn't have her guitar anymore." Then The Justice Brigade went home

The End