
Season 1, Episode 1: Heroes Unite

Once, there was a girl named Daisy who lived in Beverley Hills. Daisy was a flower delivery girl who delivered flowers to everyone in town. When she ran out of flowers, she returned to the greenhouse where she worked. While at the conservatory, she spotted a flower that had yet to bloom. Daisy said, "Hey, boss. This flower hasn't bloomed yet. Maybe it just needs a little sunlight." Daisy opened the window and put the flower on the ledge. Once she did, the flower blossomed, and Daisy left the window open. Then, the sunlight reflected off Daisy's locket, brightening it. Daisy said, "What the?" Then, the sunlight reflecting off Daisy's locket zapped her and made her fall to the ground.

Daisy's boss, George, woke her up an hour later, and her eyes turned blue to yellow. Then George helped Daisy up and asked her if she was okay. Daisy said, "I'm fine." While they were talking, George noticed something weird about Daisy. George said, "Daisy." Daisy said, "Yes." George said, "Look at your hair. It's turning blonde." Daisy said, "It's always blonde." George said, "No, I mean blonder than usual." Daisy said, "What?" Daisy looked at her hair and saw it was turning blonder. Then sunlight came into the room and shined onto Daisy. Then Daisy glowed yellow, lifted herself in the air, and floated there. Daisy said, "Hey, I can fly." Daisy spun around in the air while she glowed yellow. Then she landed and said, "I have superpowers now, and check this out." Daisy shot an energy beam from her hand and made a flower grow better when it hit the flower. Daisy said, "This is cool. And check this out." Daisy flew up in the air, spun around super-fast, and her clothes changed from her regular clothes into a superhero costume with a yellow mask, gloves, and boots, and a yellow outfit with a sun on her shirt. Daisy said, "Boss. From now on, I'm not just Daisy, the flower delivery girl. I'm Sungirl, the superhero."

Sungirl flew out the window and went downtown to show everyone her new self. Sungirl flew across town and then saw something coming down to Earth. Once it landed, it made a giant hole in the ground, and Sungirl looked down into it. When she did, she saw a rocket that fell from space and down to Earth. Then the rocket's door opened, and a girl with glowing red eyes wearing red gloves, boots, a red mask, and a red outfit with fire on her shirt walked out. Then the girl flew up out of the hole and off into town. Sungirl followed her but kept her distance so the girl wouldn't see her.

Once the fire girl looked down, she saw many fire trucks heading downtown, so she followed them, and Sungirl followed the girl. Once they got downtown, the fire girl opened her mouth and saw her heat sense. Then she noticed a school on fire and the fire department having difficulty putting it out. The fire girl then flew into the school and saved everyone inside. Then, a boy wearing a blue uniform with water on his shirt, a blue mask, boots, and gloves showed up and flew into the school. He then used his powers to blow out the fire while the fire girl got everyone out of the building. Once the fire girl got everyone out, Sungirl saw what she did and figured she was a hero. The Aquaboy then flew out, and the fire department put out the rest of the fire. Once he got out, Sungirl figured he was also a hero.

Sungirl flew down and spoke to the fire girl and the Aquaboy. Sungirl said, "Hi, I'm Sungirl." The fire girl said, "My name is Heatgirl." The water boy said, "And mine is Aquaboy." A boy wearing a white uniform with ice on his shirt, a white mask, gloves, and boots showed up. The boy said, "And I'm Iceboy." Sungirl said, "So, it was nice meeting you all. I got to go." Before Sungirl left, a dark shadow covered the town, and they all looked up. Heatgirl said, "This isn't good." Iceboy said, "Why? What is it?"

A spaceship then came down to Earth, and a video message of the alien leader appeared. Heatgirl said, "It's Delilah, one of my old foes." Delilah said, "People of Beverly Hills, surrender now and make me your queen, or I will turn your entire town into a crater." Then Delilah turned off her video message, and Heatgirl decided to stop her. Heatgirl flew up to Delilah's spaceship, and Sungirl, Iceboy, and Aquaboy followed her. Heatgirl saw them and said, "What are you three doing?" Sungirl glanced at Heatgirl and said, "Do you want to ask questions, or do you want to kick some alien butt?"

Delilah tried shooting all four of them with her guns from her ship. Heatgirl threw a fireball at Delilah's guns and took them out. Delilah then trapped Heatgirl in a tractor beam, and she started to get pulled into Delilah's ship. Sungirl then made her hand and eyes glow, cast a Sun Shield over the door from which the tractor beam was coming, and stopped it. Heatgirl then flew away, and Sungirl de-activated her Sun Shield. Then Iceboy shot ice at the door the tractor beam was coming from and covered it so that the tractor beam couldn't come out. Delilah said, "This is horrible. They're ruining my plan."

Delilah got mad, pushed a button on her control panel, and tried shooting Sungirl and Iceboy simultaneously with flame throwers. Once she activated her flame throwers, Aquaboy shielded them with water. Then Aquaboy launched the water wall at Delilah's flame throwers and shorted them out. Heatgirl then smashed herself into Delilah's ship through the windshield. Once she got in, Heatgirl kicked Delilah away. Then her alien guards came into the room and saw Heatgirl. Then Heatgirl punched one, and he got slammed into the wall. The other guard grabbed Heatgirl, and Heatgirl struggled, but then she lifted her leg over her head and kicked the other guard down. Heatgirl then waved her hand towards herself, telling the other guards to bring it on. While Heatgirl was distracted, Delilah returned to her controls and tried destroying the city with her lasers. Delilah said, "You're too late, Heatgirl." Heatgirl saw Delilah destroying the town while beating on the alien guards. Heatgirl saw the self-destruct button on the wall and said, "Am I?"

Sungirl protected the city by casting a Sun Shield on the lasers, blocking them. Then Iceboy froze one, kicked it, and destroyed it while Aquaboy shorted out the other by taking control of the water from the air and splashing it on the laser. Once the water hit the laser, it exploded. After her team took out Delilah's lasers, Heatgirl pushed the self-destruct button in Delilah's spaceship and jumped out before it detonated. Delilah shook her fist and said, "I'll be back." Delilah jumped into an escape pod and shot herself into space before her ship exploded. Once it did, everyone around them clapped for them.

The next day, all four of them built a house right above where Hannah's ship landed, including all their essentials and more. Daisy gave them all team communicators and said, "Jake and I made these so we can keep in touch. We also had the mayor build a hero signal in case of an emergency." Each of them took one and kept them in case of trouble. Once their house was built, they all decided to live together and became best friends and a superhero team. Daisy then showed them the alarm system she had installed. Daisy said, "I built this alarm system in case of trouble. It'll warn us, and we'll be there." Hannah said, "We also need a name for our group." Jake said, "I know. How about 'The Justice Brigade.'" Daisy said, "Works for me." Hannah said, "Me too." Frank said, "Me also." Jake said, "Stack them up." Daisy put her hand in, Hannah put her hand on top of Daisy's, Jake put his hand on top of Hannah's, and Frank put his hand on top of Jake's. Daisy said, "Team?" All the others said, "Team."

The End