
The Justice Brigade-(Moved to a New Link)

Four teens from different places live double lives as a superhero team that protects the world from evil at any time and location. Working together and using state-of-the-art crime-fighting technology, their superpowers, and their martial arts skills to help them, they think they can beat any evil guy or problem that comes their way. They also use their smarts to figure out how to stop their bad guys before they get away with whatever they're after. And if they see or hear any trouble, they immediately try to stop it, with or without their teammates.

Joseph_Kohtz · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Season 1, Episode 3: The Villainous Four

The Justice Brigade was patrolling the city when they looked down from the sky and saw four people wearing black masks walking into town. One boy had a picture of a plant on his uniform, and the other had an image of slime. The third member had a picture of a black cat on her shirt, and the other girl had a picture of a rainbow on her villain uniform. They followed them to see what they were up to and saw them stop in the middle of town and destroy it with their powers. Plant Man used his powers to make trees grow all over town. Yuck slimed buildings by firing goo from his hands. Ms. Fortune made bad luck happen all over town. Rainbow Woman flew over town on her rainbow trail. She re-decorated the park by painting the statue, setting up different colored decorations, and evil laughing while doing it.

The Justice Brigade landed and met up with the villains. Sungirl said, "You called?" The Villainous Four looked at where that voice came from and saw The Justice Brigade behind them. Plant Man said, "Superheroes!" The Villainous Four turned around and looked at them. Sungirl said, "Nice to see you. Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Sungirl, the leader. My teammates are Heatgirl, Iceboy, and Aquaboy. We're The Justice Brigade." Plant Man said, "Now allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Plant Man, the leader. My teammates are Yuck, Ms. Fortune, and Rainbow Woman. We're The Villainous Four." Sungirl said, "Well, time to lose." Yuck said, "Got that right." Yuck shot goo from his hands and slimed the ground underneath The Justice Brigade's feet. They all tried to move but couldn't because they got stuck in Yuck's goo. Heatgirl said, "Oh no, we're stuck." Yuck said, "Exactly." Plant Man said, "Bye, superheroes." Yuck said, "Yeah, too bad we can't STICK around." The Villous Four left laughing and ran downtown.

While in the goo, The Justice Brigade tried to think of a way out. Sungirl said, "I'll evaporate us out." Sungirl used her Laser Vision and blasted the goo with it. The goo then started to boil, and their feet became hot. The Justice Brigade said, "Oh, hot, hot." Iceboy said, "Sungirl, stop." Sungirl stopped blasting the goo with her Laser Vision because it didn't work. Heatgirl said, "Let's fly out." Heatgirl tried to fly out, but the goo kept her on the ground." Heatgirl said, "Well, we can't fly." Aquaboy said, "I can make a tornado to pull us out." Sungirl said, "And then send us somewhere no one will find us? No." Heatgirl said, "Well, I don't have any more ideas." Sungirl said, "Me either." Aquaboy said, "I don't either." Iceboy said, "I have one idea." Sungirl said, "Really, what is it?" Iceboy said, "My ice." Iceboy blasted the goo with his Ice Beam Eyes and froze the goo. After the goo froze, The Justice Brigade moved their feet and broke free. Sungirl said, "We're free." Heatgirl said, "Yep, let's get those villains."

The Justice Brigade flew downtown and saw The Villainous Four terrorizing the city. Then, The Justice Brigade blasted The Villainous Four with their powers, and they got blasted away before they did any more damage. Sungirl said, "Hey, do you obey anything? How about surrender, and we won't hurt you?" Plant Man said, "How about you surrender instead, Princess?" Plant Man shot vines from his sleeves and grabbed The Justice Brigade with them. Iceboy closed his eyes, and the vines holding him started to turn to ice. Iceboy said, "Back OFF!" Iceboy broke free, and Plant Man was surprised he did. Then he froze the vines holding his team, and they broke free.

Yuck made a swarm of bugs and launched them at The Justice Brigade. When the bugs got to them, Aquaboy made a gusty wind and blew them away. Aquaboy said, "Take that." Ms. Fortune said, "You're out of options and luck." Ms. Fortune blasted a flagpole on a building with her powers and made it snap. Then the flagpole dropped to The Justice Brigade, but Heatgirl fired her Heat Vision at the flagpole and destroyed it. Rainbow Woman shot a rainbow from her hands and tried to take out The Justice Brigade with it, but Sungirl made it vanish by blasting it with one of her Sun Beams and then blasting Rainbow Woman away with another.

Both teams looked at each other in the middle of town and got ready to fight. Plant Man made a fifty-foot beanstalk grow out of the ground, which lifted Heatgirl into the clouds. Then Heatgirl flew down and used her Heat Powers to set the beanstalk on fire and burn it down. Yuck tried to slime all four of them, but Iceboy turned his slime into ice and stopped it. Ms. Fortune wanted to blast them with her Bad Luck Powers, but Sungirl cast a shield around them, blocking her attack. Rainbow Woman flew on her Rainbow Trail and used a bow to fire Exploding Rainbow Flowers at The Justice Brigade. Then, Aquaboy used his powers to remove the water from the flowers and kill them. Plant Man said, "Come on, team, we'll have to fight these guys hand to hand."

The Villainous Four and The Justice Brigade all got ready to fight. Plant Man went after Sungirl, Yuck went after Heatgirl, Ms. Fortune went after Iceboy, and Rainbow Woman went after Aquaboy. Plant Man used a bow to shoot poisonous flowers at Sungirl, hoping to kill her, but Sungirl used her Sun Rays to toast all the flowers. Yuck shot slime at Heatgirl while Heatgirl ran for her life. Yuck said, "What's the matter? Girly scared of getting a little dirty?" Heatgirl made her hands glow red and shot lava back at Yuck. Then she looked down, saw a lava puddle underneath her feet, and panicked. Then she stopped using her powers, and the lava under her feet returned to her body. Yuck dodged all her attacks, swung his leg at her, and kicked Heatgirl away. Yuck said, "Never seen a human melt before." Heatgirl said, "I am not human." Heatgirl then blasted Yuck away with her Heat Beams, and he crashed into a building.

Ms. Fortune tapped her foot three times on the ground and made an earthquake, but Iceboy filled the crack with his ice. Then Miss Fortune shot her powers at Iceboy, and Iceboy shot his powers at Ms. Fortune. Once they did, Ms. Fortune froze in solid ice, and Iceboy fell while a crane collapsed on him. Miss Fortune broke free, and Iceboy cast his Ice Shield around him so the crane pieces wouldn't hit him. Rainbow Woman trapped Aquaboy in rainbow ropes, but Aquaboy broke free and blew a strong wind at Rainbow Woman. Rainbow Woman made her rainbow trail and flew up in the sky, and Aquaboy chased after her. Aquaboy then made a gusty wind and blew Rainbow Woman off her rainbow trail, but she saved herself by casting her rainbow trail again and flying back into the air. Aquaboy then threw a maintenance hole like a frisbee at Rainbow Woman and knocked her out of the sky. Then he flew up to her and saved her life before she hit the ground. Rainbow Woman said, "Did you just save me?" Aquaboy said, "I'm a hero; think nothing of it." Then he kicked Rainbow Woman, and she hit the ground.

The Villainous Four got mad since they were even in power with The Justice Brigade. Plant Man said, "Time to take this to the next level." Plant Man got trees to grow out from the ground, and they grabbed The Justice Brigade. Iceboy tried to freeze them, but they started to wrap The Justice Brigade in cocoons. Sungirl said, "They're cocooning us." Plant Man said, "Yep, and with you four out of the way, we'll have no problem taking over the world with our powers. See you, wouldn't want to be you."

While the trees were cocooning The Justice Brigade, Sungirl started to think of a way out. Sungirl said, "Heatgirl, your Heat Vision. If you blast it correctly at that glass building, you might knock someone's cocoon down." Heatgirl shot her Heat Vision at the glass building, and the trees completed their cocoons on The Justice Brigade. Then her Heat Vision reflected off a glass building and knocked Iceboy down. When he hit the ground, his cocoon opened up. Iceboy said, "Wow, that worked great." Sungirl said, "Hello, will you forget about that and get us down?" Iceboy kicked the tree, and all their cocoons fell off it, hit the ground, and opened. When they got free, they ran downtown to catch The Villainous Four.

When they got downtown, they saw that Plant Man had made it into a jungle, Yuck turned the streets into goo, Ms. Fortune terrorized part of it, and Rainbow Woman decorated the outsides of all the buildings with rainbow paint and rainbow wallpaper. The Justice Brigade all walked into the goo streets and could barely walk. Sungirl said, "Yuck." Heatgirl said, "Ick." Iceboy said, "This is so yucky." Aquaboy said, "You mean gooey." They could barely move in the goo, so Iceboy froze his feet, moved them, and broke them free. Then he flew up and grabbed Sungirl's hand while Heatgirl held onto Sungirl, Aquaboy held Heatgirl, and Iceboy pulled them all out.

After they got out of the goo, they found The Villainous Four, and The Villainous Four saw them. Sungirl said, "Can't get rid of us that easily." The Justice Brigade flew over The Villainous Four, watching them pass. Plant Man said, "Get them." Yuck tried sliming them with his goo, but Iceboy froze the slime with his ice. Then Ms. Fortune kicked Iceboy, and Plant Man got two Venus Fly Traps to grab and lift him in the air. While he was tied up, Heatgirl squeezed the stems with her hands, set them on fire, and burnt the plants down. After they got burnt down, Iceboy fell to the ground, but Sungirl saved him. Rainbow Woman blasted Sungirl with her rainbow, but Aquaboy jumped and kicked Rainbow Woman away. All this made The Villainous Four mad, so they decided to get tougher.

Sungirl used her powers to bring out the sun and blind The Villainous Four. Then Ms. Fortune cast her capability into the sky, made the sun disappear, and created a giant windy lightning storm. Aquaboy made the wind stronger, turned it into a tornado, and blew it at The Villainous Four. Then Ms. Fortune shrunk the tornado with her powers so it couldn't get them. Yuck made another swarm of bugs and blew them at The Justice Brigade, but Aquaboy blew them away again. Rainbow Woman tried to destroy them with her Exploding Rainbow Flowers. Then, Heatgirl used her Heat Vision and burnt them all to a crisp. Sungirl said, "This is getting us nowhere. It might be easier to pick these guys off one at a time." Heatgirl said, "Sounds good to me." Iceboy said, "And to improve it, whoever attacks us will be our next target." Aquaboy said, "Sounds good."

Plant Man used his powers to make cactuses grow out of the ground, and they threw their needles at The Justice Brigade, but The Justice Brigade dodged them. Heatgirl's eyes started to glow red, burning down every cactus she flew past. Plant Man threw vines at The Justice Brigade, but Iceboy froze them in their tracks with his Ice Breath. Sungirl then used her Laser Vision to cut down one of Plant Man's trees. She grabbed it and hit Plant Man away when it came down. When he landed in Yuck's slime, Sungirl handcuffed Plant Man and put him in a police van.

When Yuck saw what they did, he threw goop at them, but Iceboy froze it. Yuck said, "Lucky move." Then he launched four batches of goo at them, but Iceboy put an Ice Shield in front of them, so he missed. Yuck got mad, so he made a wall of goo and launched it at them. When Aquaboy saw the wall of goo coming, Aquaboy made a gusty wind and blew it back at them. When Yuck saw his wall of goo coming back, he snapped his fingers and dismantled it before it hit them. Yuck then launched a goop pie at The Justice Brigade, but Iceboy blew out his Ice Breath and made a snowball. Sungirl then added a little bit of her power to the snowball. Then Iceboy threw the snowball at the goo pie, and when they hit, Iceboy put an Ice Shield around him and his team, and Yuck got slimed, knocked down, and stuck to the ground. Then Heatgirl handcuffed Yuck and placed him in the police van with Plant Man.

Ms. Fortune tried to give them all bad luck, but Sungirl blasted her away with her Sun Beam Eyes, and she smashed into someone's car. Then Ms. Fortune got up, made her eyes glow pink, and destroyed part of the road, hoping to knock The Justice Brigade away, but they jumped out of the way, and Iceboy socked Ms. Fortune. Then she fell, and Iceboy handcuffed her and put her in the police van with the others. After her team got locked up, Rainbow Woman threw Rainbow Bombs at The Justice Brigade. The Justice Brigade got tied up in rainbow ribbons when the bombs exploded, but they broke free. Then Iceboy blasted her with his ice, and when she moved forward, she froze in a giant block of ice. After she froze, Iceboy broke her free, and Aquaboy handcuffed her and put her in the police van with her team. After The Villainous Four got caught, the police took them to jail, all the plants they made died, all the slime they made went away, and all the buildings they decorated returned to normal. Then everyone cheered and clapped for The Justice Brigade. After they got applause, they used their powers to repair all the damage they did to the city. Once they finished rebuilding the town, they flew to a different location, took off their superhero costumes, and got back into their everyday clothes.

The End