
Season 1, Episode 12: Happy Days

The Justice Brigade were packing their bags to go on vacation. Once loaded, The Justice Brigade got on their superhero vehicles and rode to their vacation spot. Once they got to Happy Vacations, they thought the place was weird. The Justice Brigade saw all the houses were identical. Jake said, "I don't know about this place. All the houses are the same size, painted the same, the grass is all trimmed the same, and there's not even a yard decoration on one of the lawns." Once they arrived at the place they'd be staying, they grabbed their bags and went inside. Before Jake went inside, he saw everyone staying at Happy Vacations dressed similarly. Jake thought about it and said, "I can't place it, but there's something about this place I don't like." Jake went inside the house they were staying at but didn't see his friends. He checked the living room and saw Daisy watching TV while drinking a milk bottle.

Jake thought Daisy was fine, so he went to find Hannah and Frank. Once he did, he saw them dressed like the other people staying at Happy Vacations. Jake said, "Hannah, Frank, why are you dressed like that?" Hannah looked at Jake with a smile and said, "Oh, hello, Jake, we're happy to dress like this. It's making us just like everyone else here. And everyone here is happy." Frank walked up to Jake with a smile and said, "Don't you want to be happy too? Then have some Happy Vacations' milk." Hannah held a glass of milk up to Jake, and Jake got worried. Jake said, "No thanks." Jake made a run for it and tried to warn Daisy. Jake said, "Daisy, something about this place makes everyone zombies. And Hannah and Frank are two of them." Once Jake found Daisy, he saw Daisy dressed just like Hannah and Frank and smiling just like them, too. Daisy said, "Hi, Jake. Are you thirsty? Here's some milk." Daisy held a glass of milk up to Jake, but Jake slapped Daisy's hand, and she dropped it.

Jake then got into his superhero uniform, got in his car, and drove across town. Iceboy got stopped by a limo, and the rider rolled down his window. The rider said, "You look different. Maybe you should have some milk. It will make you very happy." Iceboy then looked to his right and saw three smiling citizens dancing toward him. All three dancers sang, "Happy, happy, happy." Iceboy said, "I'm out of here." Iceboy drove his Ice Car to the exit, but when he got there, he saw the gates were locked, and a happy mob was after him. Once the mob found Iceboy, Daisy grabbed him and then took him to the person behind this.

Daisy tied Iceboy to a chair, and Iceboy couldn't believe his friend had captured him. Then, the person behind this came into the room and saw Iceboy tied to a chair. The villain grabbed Iceboy's face and looked at him. The villain said, "Well, well, well. An unhappy person. You should be happy as long as you're here." Iceboy said, "Who are you?" The villain said, "If you must know, I'm Sonny Vickerman." Iceboy said, "Sonny Vickerman? You know you don't seem to be that happy either." Sonny said, "That's because I'm not. I created Happy Vacations to lure everyone in Beverly Hills here. Now watch this." Sonny pushed a button on a control panel, and it activated her machine. It poured a formula into a giant milk container and then into bottles. Sonny said, "Before I built this place, I researched and found the formula recipe for happiness." Sonny showed Iceboy a test tube with the formula inside. Iceboy said, "So that's what's in the milk." Sonny said, "Pretty clever, right? You see, I figured if everyone else is happy, then I'm happy too." Iceboy said, "But why did you start this anyway?" Sonny said, "Growing up was the best time of my life because my teen years were rotten." Iceboy said, "But you're beautiful and smart now." Sonny said, "Flattering, but I don't accept kindness." Iceboy said, "Even though you formulated it?" Sonny said, "Yes." Sonny said, "You see, once I take over this town, I'll take my milk global and take over the world. It will surely make everyone happy." Iceboy said, "Not if I beat you first." Sonny snapped her fingers and said, "You won't if you join your friends." Daisy, Hannah, and Frank all showed up, grabbed Iceboy, shackled him onto the milk conveyor belt, and turned the machine on.

Iceboy started to move towards where the milk poured into bottles and tried to think of a way out. Iceboy said, "Once I get a sip of that milk, I'll be emotionless for the rest of my life. Iceboy then got an idea and said, "Hmm." Iceboy touched one of his wrist shackles with one of his fingers and froze them. Then he moved his wrists and broke them free. He then froze his other shackles and got his ankles free. Then he jumped off the conveyor belt and ran for Sonny's computer. Sonny then looked at the conveyor belt and saw Iceboy's shackles open and Iceboy missing. Sonny tripped the alarm, and everyone under her control started looking for Iceboy.

Once Iceboy made it to Sonny's computer, he used Sonny's research to create an anti-serum. Then he turned on the machine and put the anti-serum in the milk. Iceboy then grabbed a bottle of anti-serum milk and ran into his team. Daisy said with a smile, "Your outfit looks different than ours. Maybe some milk will make you happy." Daisy held a glass of milk up to Iceboy, but Iceboy hit it out of her hand and broke it. Iceboy said, "Oops. I'm sorry. Here, let me offer you some milk." Iceboy held glasses of milk to his team, and they all took a gulp. Then, they all drank the anti-serum. Once they did, they returned to their usual selves. Once Iceboy got his team back, they saw themselves dressed in Sonny's Happy Vacations uniforms. Daisy said, "Why are we dressed like this?" Iceboy said, "Hypnosis. But here, try these." Iceboy gave each team member their super suits, and they got suited.

Once they were suited, The Justice Brigade saw everyone at Happy Vacations coming after them. Sonny pointed ahead and said, "Destroy them." Sungirl said, "Justice Brigade, attack!" The Justice Brigade attacked the residents of Happy Vacations, and the residents fought back. Sungirl punched one, and one grabbed her from behind. Heatgirl then set the guy's butt on fire, and he let go of Sungirl. The kids then piled on Heatgirl, but Heatgirl twirled around and kicked them all away. Sungirl then grabbed one of the kids and threw him into the crowd. Iceboy then froze the residents' feet to the ground with his powers so they couldn't move. Then, a woman grabbed Iceboy and threw him to the ground. Sungirl then shot her bungee belt to the wall, swung to the wall, and when she moved back, she kicked the woman down and grabbed Iceboy. Iceboy then got an idea.

Iceboy flew to the fire alarm system and loaded the anti-serum into the fire sprinklers. Iceboy said, "Ok, all I have to do is get Heatgirl to set the place on fire and Wala, anti-serum showers for everyone." Sonny said, "Too bad you won't get the chance." Sonny tackled Iceboy, and Iceboy kicked her off. Sonny then took two golf clubs, twirled them like batons, and hit Iceboy with them, but Sungirl destroyed Sonny's golf clubs. She then punched Sonny and knocked her out. After Sungirl knocked out Sonny, Heatgirl used her powers to set the place on fire, setting off the fire alarms.

Once the fire alarms were set off, the anti-serum sprayed out of the fire sprinklers and put out the fire, and everyone got sprayed with the anti-serum. Once they got splashed, everyone returned to normal. Then, they all wondered what they were doing in a milk factory and why they dressed in silly uniforms. Then, The Justice Brigade handcuffed Sonny. Sonny said, "I just wanted everyone to be happy. So, what if you would have to give up your other emotions." Sungirl said, "Because sometimes you must be mad or sad occasionally. Nobody's happy all the time." The police then took Sonny to jail, and The Justice Brigade high-fived each other. After their mission, The Justice Brigade continued their vacation and had a fun time without any other villains or monsters on their trip.

The End