
Season 1, Episode 13: The Chaos Brigade

The Justice Brigade was flying through town when suddenly everything got quiet, and The Justice Brigade wondered why, so they flew down to the ground. Once they reached the bottom, everyone slammed their doors and windows shut. Then, The Justice Brigade looked in front of them and saw four superpowered people just like them. Sungirl said, "Who are you four?" Tech Head stated, "We are The Chaos Brigade." The Shadow Devil said, "Your worst nightmare." Lily said, "And now it's time for battle." Shula said, "Chaos Brigade, take 'em down."

The Chaos Brigade flew up to The Justice Brigade. Sungirl said, "Justice Brigade, attack." Shula punched Sungirl, and Sungirl kicked Shula back. Lily tried blasting Heatgirl with a couple of her rainbows, but Heatgirl dodged them and then blasted Lily away with a Heat Beam. Shula kicked Sungirl, but Sungirl caught her leg, spun her around, and threw her to the ground. The Shadow Devil wrapped himself around Iceboy and squeezed him while Iceboy kicked him. Then Iceboy blew out his Ice Breath and made him cold. Then, The Shadow Devil let go of Iceboy, and Iceboy kicked The Shadow Devil to the ground. Tech Head tried blasting Aquaboy with his lasers while flying after him, but Aquaboy blew a fire hydrant in the air. Tech Head got soaked with the water, and his tech malfunctioned. Then Aquaboy threw him to the ground.

Shula then got mad and shouted, "Spinning Wheel of Destruction!" The Chaos Brigade got off the ground, jumped in the air, grabbed each other's feet, and combined their powers to spin a superpowered wheel. Then they rolled over The Justice Brigade and pounded them into the ground. The Justice Brigade got mad at them for that and decided to make a comeback. Sungirl shouted, "Power Blast!" The Justice Brigade put their hands together, combined their powers, and shot an energy beam of their abilities at The Chaos Brigade, which blasted all four of them through a wall in an alley. 

The Chaos Brigade then got mad and ran to The Justice Brigade screaming. When The Justice Brigade saw them, they ran up to The Chaos Brigade screaming just like they were doing. Shula then blasted Iceboy away with her Heat Vision and tried to take Sungirl out the same way, while Lily tried blasting Aquaboy with her Flower Rays, but Aquaboy took their water away and killed them. Aquaboy then fired the water back at Lily and washed her out. Then Heatgirl blasted Shula with her Heat Vision, and Shula screamed. The Shadow Devil punched Heatgirl away, and Sungirl took The Shadow Devil out by shooting him with her Sun Rays. Tech Head then took Sungirl out by throwing a smoke bomb at her, and Aquaboy took out Tech Head by punching him. Sungirl put a Sun Shield in front of The Chaos Brigade, but Tech Head threw a shield destroyer at it and blew it up. Sungirl then fell to the ground and got back up. Sungirl said, "Grr." Sungirl then pointed in different directions and stated, "Split up."

The Justice Brigade ran in different directions, and The Chaos Brigade split up after them. Sungirl ran for it, but Shula destroyed the maintenance hole Sungirl was standing on, and Sungirl fell into the sewer. Heatgirl shot fire at Lily, but Lily dodged her attacks and shot a rainbow at Heatgirl, which knocked her down. Iceboy looked around but didn't see The Shadow Devil. Iceboy said, "Guess I lost him." The Shadow Devil came off the wall Iceboy was standing by. The Shadow Devil said, "You're never that smart, are you?" The Shadow Devil punched Iceboy, and he hit a mailbox. Aquaboy hid against a wall in an alley and saw Tech Head fly by on his jet pack. Aquaboy then made it extra windy so Tech Head couldn't fly anymore, and when he fell out of the sky, Aquaboy broke his fall.

Sungirl ran into an abandoned building, and Shula blew the door open. Shula didn't see Sungirl, so she looked around for her. Shula said, "Come out wherever you are." Sungirl said, "As you wish." The lights turned on, and Shula saw Sungirl. Then Sungirl put on a pair of sunglasses, shot the power box with her powers, and made the lights brighter. The lights blinded Shula, and Sungirl kicked her out of the building. Sungirl flew after Shula, and Heatgirl flew after Lily while Lily flew on her rainbow path. Heatgirl then blasted Lily with her Heat Vision and knocked her off her rainbow path. Lily then made a flower bed on the roof of a building and landed safely on it. Heatgirl then shot Lily with her Heat Vision again, and Lily screamed. The Shadow Devil tried sneaking up on Iceboy, but Iceboy made a giant Ice Wall that The Shadow Devi hit. The Shadow Devil fell to the ground, and Iceboy turned his Ice Wall into an Ice Tower and stacked it around The Shadow Devil. Tech Head then threw a bomb at Aquaboy, but Aquaboy dodged it, and the bomb blew up part of the street. Aquaboy then blew up a fire hydrant, splashing Tech Head with the water. The water then shorted out his tech, and he fell to the ground. Aquaboy said, "How will you fight me without your tech?" Tech Head made a run for it, but Aquaboy chased after him.

Sungirl jumped behind a billboard, and Shula destroyed it with her powers and found Sungirl. Heatgirl flew towards Lily, but Lily kicked her into a store, and Heatgirl rubbed her Head. Lily flew in through the hole Heatgirl made, but Heatgirl used her powers to take control of a vending machine, tossed it at Lily, and Lily got smashed through the wall. Iceboy and The Shadow Devil were fighting on the roof of a skyscraper and dodging each other's attacks. The Shadow Devil said, "You don't know when to quit." Iceboy said, "Neither do you." The Shadow Devil said, "Got that right." Iceboy finally punched The Shadow Devil, but The Shadow Devil stretched his arm out, trapped Iceboy in it, and smashed him through the roof of the building. Iceboy then broke down to the bottom of the building and used the door to get out. Iceboy said, "What are you? A shadow or a chicken?" Aquaboy then got shot with Tech Head's lasers and slammed against a building, but Aquaboy blew out a strong wind and blew Tech Head out of the sky.

Once they were all back together again, The Chaos Brigade shot The Justice Brigade down and then flew off. The Justice Brigade then got back up and looked around. Iceboy said, "Where'd? Where'd they go?" Sungirl said, "I don't know, but if we keep this up, we will destroy the city." The Chaos Brigade then showed up and hit The Justice Brigade away. The Justice Brigade then flew over The Chaos Brigade. Iceboy said, "Catch us if you can." 

The Chaos Brigade flew after The Justice Brigade, and when they caught up with them, The Chaos Brigade shot their powers at The Justice Brigade and knocked them out of the sky. The Justice Brigade then looked up at The Chaos Brigade. Tech Head said, "Have a nice afterlife, losers." Shula then collapsed a condemned building by lighting it, and the walls fell on The Justice Brigade. The Chaos Brigade flew away, and The Justice Brigade climbed out of the rubble they had buried under. Iceboy said, "Well, it's over." Heatgirl said, "But we haven't beaten them yet?" Iceboy said, "Not for them, for us." Heatgirl said, "What do you mean?" Iceboy said, "Don't you see? We destroyed half the city, got our butts kicked by four superpowered people, and let those same people get away." Aquaboy said, "So? The Justice Brigade is over?" Sungirl said, "Not if I have anything to say about it. And I have a plan to win the war."

The Justice Brigade found The Chaos Brigade, causing chaos around town. Sungirl said, "Hey!" The Chaos Brigade looked and saw The Justice Brigade. Shula said, "You four again. Attack!" Sungirl said, "OK, guys, just as I planned." Shula said, "Hope your plan includes getting stomped." Sungirl said, "We'll have to see. Do your worst." Shula fired fire at Sungirl, but Sungirl jumped out of the way. Sungirl said, "Aquaboy, now." Aquaboy destroyed another fire hydrant, and the water splashed Shula and made her powerless. Shula tried to ignite, but the water put her fire out. Then Aquaboy socked Shula, and she landed on the ground. Heatgirl fired fire at Lily while Lily made a run for it. Then Heatgirl called out to Iceboy. Heatgirl said, "Iceboy, go." Iceboy dodged The Shadow Devil's attack and kicked Lily when he landed. Then he took her Flower Ray and broke it in half. Lily then tried lassoing Iceboy with a flower lasso, but Iceboy blew out his Ice Breath and froze Lily's flower lasso. Then Iceboy hit Lily away with an Ice Bat, and Lily got cold. The Shadow Devil then grabbed Iceboy and threw him to a wall. Sungirl said, "Hey, Mr. Shadow." The Shadow Devil looked behind him and saw Sungirl. Then Sungirl blasted him with her Sun Ray, and The Shadow Devil started to lose his shadow powers. Sungirl then tripped The Shadow Devil, and he fell to the ground. Tech Head threw a bomb at Aquaboy, but Heatgirl destroyed it with a fireball and then threw another at Tech Head's pack and destroyed it. Tech Head said, "Ouch! Hey, you crashed my system. Get it off me." Heatgirl said, "As you wish." Heatgirl destroyed Tech Head's pack and kicked him away. Then, The Chaos Brigade piled on each other, and The Justice Brigade stood victorious.

Once the police arrived, The Chaos Brigade got arrested, and the police took them all to jail. Sungirl said, "Glad that's over." Iceboy said, "Me too. I thought they were going to be our worst nightmare." Aquaboy said, "And I'm glad we're not breaking up." Heatgirl said, "Of course not. If we stick together, no one can ever beat us." The Justice Brigade then high-fived each other and returned home since they had fought The Chaos Brigade all day.

The End