
Season 1, Episode 11: The Hunted

A hunter girl with an orange ponytail wearing a ninja costume put a bomb on the museum's door, and when it exploded, so did the museum's doors. Then the hunter girl walked into the museum, went to the magic exhibit, and stole a magic wand from the museum. The rod turned red, lifting the hunter girl holding the scepter up. The hunter girl said, "What's happening?" Heatgirl said, "Nobody's stealing anything, that's what." The hunter girl said, "That's what you think." The hunter girl jumped down and kicked Heatgirl away. The wand fell to the ground, but the hunter girl caught it. Sungirl then flew down to the hunter girl and shot her Sun Bolts at her, but the hunter girl twirled the scepter and shot Sungirl's attack back at her. Sungirl then put up her Sun Shield while she flew, and her Sun Bolts reflected off it. The hunter girl then jumped, swung the wand, and canceled out Sungirl's Sun Shield. Sungirl said, "Hey, how'd you do that?" The hunter girl said, "Ever heard of magic?" The hunter girl then shot a magic beam at Sungirl and shot her out of the sky, and she landed on Aquaboy. Iceboy then jumped the hunter girl and tackled her to the ground. Iceboy said, "Why's a nice young lady like you stealing and destroying us?" The hunter girl said, "That's what I do. You can call me 'Super Hunter,' the hunter of all things super and magical. What's a nice boy like you doing trying to stop me?" Iceboy said, "Name's Iceboy, and as a hero, that's what I do." Super Hunter kicked Iceboy off her and said, "I know who you are. I know who all of you are. Sungirl, Heatgirl, Iceboy, and Aquaboy. You're The Justice Brigade, and I'll see you later." Super Hunter then threw a smoke bomb on the ground and made herself vanish, and she took the wand with her.

The Justice Brigade then went home and got out of their superhero costumes. Then Daisy grabbed her backpack with her superhero costume inside it and went out with her regular friends. Before she left, Daisy told her friends what they had to do while she was out. Daisy said, "Jake, wash the dishes. Hannah, see what you can dig up on our hunter girl. And Frank, see if you can find out where our hunter girl will strike next. I'll be back in a couple of hours." Daisy met up with her regular friends, Kim and Drew, at their favorite restaurant, The Digital Smoothie, and saw they brought a new friend. Daisy said, "Hi Kim, Drew, who's your new friend?" The girl didn't look thrilled, so she let Kim introduce her. Kim said, "This is our new friend, Denise. Daisy said, "Hi, Denise." Denise just barely said, "Hi, Daisy." Kim said, "She's a little shy, but once she gets to know you, she'll be fine." Denise, Kim, and Drew all sat down with Daisy and then used the computerized menu to put their orders in. Once Denise put her order in, Daisy noticed she had a sword-shaped tattoo on her wrist extending to her hand. Daisy said, "Nice tattoo." Denise looked at her hand and said, "Oh, that's not a tattoo; it's a birthmark." Daisy was suspicious and said, "A sword-shaped birthmark? Extending from your wrist to your hand?" Denise said, "Yep." Daisy drank her smoothie and spotted The Super Crew on the TV. Daisy said, "Um, I got to go." Kim said, "Why?" Daisy said, "Um, one minute." Daisy ran to the restrooms and hid against the wall." Then she brought out her communicator and called Jake on it. Jake answered his and saw Daisy on the screen. Daisy said, "Guys, The Super Crew is at City Hall. Go down there, and I'll meet you shortly." Daisy looked at her table and saw Denise was gone, but Kim and Drew were still there. Then Daisy pointed at the lights and secretly shot Sun Beams at all of them, blowing out the power. Kim said, "What's going on?" Daisy then got into her superhero uniform and used her Sun Powers to brighten the place. Sungirl said, "OK, everybody, I'll try to fix the power, but everyone get out right now." Everyone in The Digital Smoothie left, and Sungirl kept her hand lit so they could see. Once everyone was out, Sungirl shot her powers at the fuse box and turned the lights back on. Then Sungirl flew out of the shop and downtown to City Hall, where she saw her team fighting The Super Crew. Sungirl said, "Sorry I'm late."

The Archer kept firing arrows at Sungirl, but Sungirl put up her Sun Shield, and the projectiles hit her shield instead. Candy then turned the dial on her guitar to sonic waves, struck the chord on her guitar, and hit Heatgirl away with her music. Muffy blasted Iceboy with her wand and trapped him in steel cables. Lance turned into a dragon and fired flames at Aquaboy, but Aquaboy launched water at his mouth and put out his fire. While they were fighting, Super Hunter showed up. The Archer said, "Hey, they have a new member on their team." Sungirl said, "No, we don't."

The Archer pointed behind Sungirl and said, "Ok. Then who's that?" Sungirl looked behind her and saw Super Hunter behind her. Sungirl said, "Bad news." Super Hunter then took a net launcher and shot two nets at Sungirl and The Archer. The Archer said, "But whose side is she on?" Super Hunter said, "Mine. And this time, I've come prepared." Lance grabbed Super Hunter with his tail and held her to his face. Lance said, "You're good, but not good enough to beat me." Super Hunter said, "Want to bet?" Super Hunter brought a mini sword from her pocket and magically turned it into a bigger blade. Then she hit Lance with her sword and knocked him out. Then Super Hunter's body turned red, and she got lifted into the air. Super Hunter saw Heatgirl's eyes glowing red and lifting her in the air, so she threw a bomb at the ground, which cast a super bright light that blinded her. Heatgirl said, "Can't see." Then Super Hunter dropped to the ground and landed on her feet. Iceboy tried punching Super Hunter, but she used her stolen staff to blast Iceboy away. Then, she used it to destroy Candy's guitar and shoot her away. Super Hunter said, "6 down, 3 to go."

Muffy then blasted Super Hunter with her wand and froze her body in solid ice. Then Flamer bounced up to her like a ball and knocked her away. Once he did, she dropped the staff and got hit into a building. Then Aquaboy picked up the pole and used it to cut Sungirl's net. Then Muffy flew over The Archer, still trapped in his net, and grabbed him while Flamer grabbed Lance and Candy as a dragon, and they glided them away. Then, The Justice Brigade got up and saw Super Hunter run away. Aquaboy said, "Who was that girl?" Then the police arrived, and The Justice Brigade returned the stolen wand to them.

Meanwhile, Super Hunter returned to her house in the city and used her computer to contact The Hunting Council. The headmaster answered her call and saw it was the girl he had trained. The headmaster said, "I saw your performance at City Hall on my monitors. You're treating The Justice Brigade and their enemies to quite a show." Super Hunter said, "Glad you enjoyed it. They may have returned the staff to the museum, but they'll never defeat me." The headmaster said, "We'll see about that. Remember, if you spot anything magical or super, you are to steal or destroy it." Super Hunter said, "I understand, master." Super Hunter then hung up on the headmaster and went out in public again.

The next day, The Justice Brigade was using their computer to search for Super Hunter. Iceboy marked all the places she struck at and tried to figure out where she would hit next. Iceboy said, "This is where Super Hunter has been. Now, I must figure out where she will strike next." Sungirl's cell phone then rang, and she answered it. Sungirl said, "Hello." Kim said, "Hi, Daisy. Do you want to go to a concert tonight?" Sungirl said, "One minute." Sungirl put Kim on hold and said, "Guys, any emergencies tonight?" Iceboy said, "Not yet." Sungirl said, 'OK, I'm going to a concert with my friends. I'll have my communicator with me. Call me if something comes up." Heatgirl said, "OK." Sungirl said, "I'll go." Kim said, "Excellent." Kim hung up her phone and bought her, Drew, Daisy, and Denise concert tickets to Candy's concert.

When it came time for the concert, Daisy met up with her friends and walked into the show together. Smoke appeared on stage while they were at the concert, as did Candy when the smoke cleared. Candy said, "Hello, Beverly Hills. Are you ready for some music?" Then the audience cheered except for Daisy and Denise because they knew something about Candy the audience didn't. Candy then started to play her guitar and sing without using her powers. While singing, the audience cheered her, including Daisy and Denise.

After the concert, Daisy and her friends saw Denise was gone. Daisy said, "Where's Denise?" Kim said, "Don't know. She probably already went home." Daisy said, "Without telling us, some friend." Daisy then looked up and saw Candy fighting Super Hunter on the roof. Daisy gasped, and her friends wondered why. Kim said, "What's wrong?" Daisy said, "Nothing. I need to make a quick phone call." Daisy ran off and hid behind the corner. Then, she brought out her communicator and called her team on it. Hannah said, "Hello." Daisy said, "Hannah, it's me. We got a 911 at the theater. Candy and the hunter girl are fighting on the roof." Hannah said, "We'll be right there." Daisy said, "And I'll be back. I need to walk my friends back home, and then I'll meet up with you." Hannah said, "Got it."

Daisy and Hannah hung up on each other, and Daisy walked her friends back home while her team handled Candy and Super Hunter. Super Hunter brought out a magic staff she had on her back and got ready to kill Candy with it. Super Hunter said, "You've released your last album, Musical Girl. Time for you to bite the dust." Super Hunter swung her staff down at Candy, but Heatgirl showed up. Heatgirl said, "Not so fast." Heatgirl then blew fire out of her mouth and melted Super Hunter's staff. Heatgirl said, "The only person biting the dust around here is you."

Super Hunter then jumped, bounced off her hands, and kicked Heatgirl. Super Hunter landed on her feet, and Iceboy froze the middle part of her body in ice while Aquaboy hosed her and blasted all her equipment away. Aquaboy said, "Not so tough without your stuff. Are you?" While fighting Super Hunter, Candy ran for it and let The Justice Brigade handle Super Hunter. Then Sungirl saw they had already beaten Super Hunter without her. Sungirl said, "Looks like you guys already beat Super Hunter." Super Hunter said, "You don't think this ice prison can hold me, do you?" Sungirl pointed at Super Hunter and stated, "The authorities will be here soon to get you out and take you to jail."

The Justice Brigade then waited for the authorities to arrive, and when they did, they got Super Hunter out of the ice and arrested her. Once they took her away, the driver showed Super Hunter who he was. Super Hunter said, "Headmaster?" The headmaster said, "You failed me this time. Next time, I expect you to destroy those four and any other superhero or villain." The headmaster then tossed Super Hunter the key, and she unlocked her handcuffs. Super Hunter said, "I understand, master." The headmaster returned them to their hideout, where they planned their next heist.

The End