
Season 1, Episode 10: The Super Crew

The Justice Brigade was on patrol when they heard a bunch of screaming from below and saw many people running out of the mall. The Justice Brigade flew into the mall and noticed a crew of villains destroying and robbing the place. Serpent said, "Finally, we get what we want, and nothing will surprise us." Sungirl said, "Hey, snake boy. Surprise." Sungirl shot a Sun Beam at Serpent and blasted him away. Lance said, "Superheroes." Iceboy said, "Yep. Who are these guys?" Lance said, "We're Lance, The Archer, Cordelia, and Serpent. We're the Super Crew." The Archer said, "And we're ready to fight." The Archer launched an arrow at Sungirl and pinned her shirt to the wall. Serpent then wrapped his snake arms around Aquaboy, and Aquaboy tried to kick him off. Iceboy kept shooting ice at Cordelia, but Cordelia punched and washed him out. Lance then grew a dragon's tail and whipped Heatgirl away.

After Lance hit Heatgirl away, she landed by Sungirl and fell to the ground. Sungirl then flew to Serpent and blasted him again so he would let go of Aquaboy. Once Aquaboy was free, Iceboy got up, and all four got ready to fight. Lance said, "Eye of the dragon." Lance used his dragon eyes and saw The Justice Brigade preparing to battle. Lance said, "Super Crew, time to rumble." Sungirl pointed ahead of them and said, "Justice Brigade, attack." Sungirl and Lance started to fight in the sky. Lance then grew some dragon claws and shredded Sungirl's shirt. Sungirl said, "Uh oh." Lance then grabbed Sungirl with his tail and squeezed her. Heatgirl said, "Sungirl!" Serpent then got in their way and tried poisoning them with his snake hands. Then, the Archer fired arrows at them with his bow. Iceboy said, "I'll freeze Water Lady. Heatgirl, burn that guy's bow, and Aquaboy will wash out Mr. Snake." All three of them split up and did what Iceboy said even though Sungirl was in charge.

Sungirl then blinded Lance by shooting her Laser Vision into his eyes. Once she did, Sungirl broke free and saw her team fighting the others. The Archer kept firing arrows at Heatgirl, but Heatgirl kept dodging his attacks. Since he couldn't seem to hit her, The Archer loaded three projectiles into his bow and shot them all simultaneously. Heatgirl hit the deck, and the arrows flew over her. Heatgirl said, "Ha, missed me." The Archer said, "Did I?" Heatgirl looked back at the projectiles The Archer fired, saw them fly up a wall, and then headed back her way. Heatgirl said, "Heat Seekers." Heatgirl flew away and ran for it while the Archer's arrows chased her. While Heatgirl got chased, Iceboy flew by and blasted The Archer with one of his Ice Beams, which froze half his body in ice. Iceboy flew ahead of The Archer and said, "Not bad. If I froze your top half, you would make an excellent ice sculpture." Then Iceboy got tackled by Serpent, but Aquaboy got him off Ice Boy by splashing him water hard. with her Sun Ray. Aquaboy said, "Come on, take me. Just because you smell and taste like a chicken doesn't mean you must act like one." Cordelia then snuck up from behind Aquaboy, and Iceboy warned him. Iceboy said, "Aquaboy, look out." Cordelia splashed Aquaboy away with the same attack he launched on Serpent. Cordelia said, "Get soaked, Aquaboy." Sungirl then walked up to Cordelia and stood under a skylight. While she was there, the sun from the skylight boosted her powers. Sungirl said, "Hey, Water Lady." Cordelia looked behind her, and Sungirl shot her with her abilities and practically destroyed her. Sungirl said, "I call that my Sun Blast, Cordelia. It takes a lot out of me but more out of you." Cordelia then went into the girls' bathroom, and Sungirl flew in after her. Once she got in, she saw Heatgirl getting chased by The Archer's arrows, so Sungirl destroyed them with her Laser Vision. Lance said, "Fall back." Lance got on all fours and turned into a dragon. Then, The Archer used one of his arrows to free himself from Iceboy's ice prison while Serpent slithered over to Lance. Then The Archer and Serpent got on Lance's back, and he flew them out through the skylight.

When both teams returned home, they fixed what broke in that fight. Serpent wrapped almost all of Cordelia's body in bandages and fed her some water, restoring her body a little. He also put shades on Lance's eyes so he couldn't see. Lance said, "What's with these shades? I can't see anything." Serpent said, "Exactly, you must keep your eyes in total darkness until they recover from that blast you took." Serpent shook the water off himself and gave Lance a warm blanket, hoping it would un-freeze his legs.

Meanwhile, Jake put Daisy to bed because all that fighting, especially destroying Cordelia, took too much of her energy. He also bandaged her stomach from when Lance tore her costume and squeezed her. Jake then put a bandage on Hannah's head from the fall she took when Lance hit her away. Frank said, "I think I have an idea." Frank brought Hannah to the kitchen, filled the sink with water, and dipped his hand in it. Then he touched Hannah's finger with his finger and let the water flow through him, and when the water poured through Hannah, it heeled her. Hannah removed her bandage and said, "Who knew we had a doctor here? Think you could fix Daisy when she wakes up?" Frank said, "No problem." Sungirl woke up hours later and saw Frank holding her hand. Then she removed her blanket, lifted her shirt, and noticed her battle wounds vanishing because of the water Frank was flowing through her body. Daisy said, "Thanks. But how long was I sleeping?" Jake said, "Six hours." Then, their alarm went off, and they hurried to the living room. Sungirl pushed the button, and they saw there was trouble downtown.

The Justice Brigade hurried over there, and when they arrived, they saw it was The Super Crew again. Sungirl said, "You again?" Lance said, "You again. Super Crew, show no mercy." Sungirl, "Justice Brigade, attack." Both teams went at each other. Sungirl punched Lance, and he got smashed against a building. Cordelia splashed Heatgirl with her powers, and the water made it so Heatgirl couldn't use her flame powers. Heatgirl said, "I can still fight." An arrow then landed by her foot, and she looked up. Heatgirl saw The Archer firing arrows at her. Sungirl then flew to The Archer, socked him, and took his bow from him. Then Sungirl broke The Archer's bow in half and threw it at him. The Archer said, "My bow." Sungirl then kicked The Archer, and he fell to the ground. Lance then grabbed Sungirl and flew her up in the air while Heatgirl grabbed his tail. Sungirl said, "Let go of me." Lance said, "Why? Keeping you here is keeping you from beating my friends. Maybe I can't be all your friends, but my friends can. Look."

Cordelia lassoed Iceboy with her water lasso, but Iceboy froze her water lasso and broke free from him. Then he shot Cordelia with his powers and froze her body so she couldn't move. Iceboy flicked Cordelia, and she shined like a new ice sculpture. Serpent then wrapped his arms around Iceboy and squeezed him hard as a real snake would. Heatgirl then dropped down and bounced off his face, knocking him down. Serpent then let go of Iceboy, and Heatgirl grabbed Serpent's tail. Heatgirl spun Serpent around in super-fast circles and tossed him. Once she did, Serpent fell to the ground and became unconscious. Aquaboy thought about it and said, "The Archer, Cordelia, and Serpent. Who are we forgetting?" Then, a giant flame almost fried Aquaboy. Then Aquabiy looked up and saw a dragon in the sky. Aquaboy said, "Oh yeah, Lance." Heatgirl said, "And he's got Sungirl." Aquaboy said, "I'll save her." Aquaboy flew up to Lance and kicked his hand. Then he let go of Sungirl, and Iceboy saved her. Then Lance tried taking Aquaboy out with his claws, but Aquaboy made the wind currents too strong for him to fly through. Then Lance fell to the ground, and Aquaboy took him out first. After he took Lance out, Lance re-gained his human form and dropped to the ground.

Once the police arrived, they arrested The Super Crew. They put Cordelia in a giant jar so she couldn't use her powers, and they took away The Archer's ammo, too. After arresting The Super Crew, they brought them to jail and locked them in lockup. After they took care of The Super Crew, The Justice Brigade returned home and went to bed since all that fighting had taken their energy. While asleep, their alarm went off, and Daisy checked it. Daisy said, "Jewel robbery in progress. Better get suited." The Justice Brigade then got into their superhero uniforms and flew off to the jewelry store that was getting robbed.

The End